Chapter 264 was followed
After a fierce and tragic battle, more than 20 warriors of the wolf country have been laid down.

The remaining dozen or so warriors of the wolf country didn't have any scars on their bodies, and they didn't even consume much physical strength.

Lin Xuan, on the other hand, was already exhausted a bit physically.

He even ate two of the recovery fruits.

"No, I'm going to be exhausted if this goes on."

Lin Xuan took a breath and stared coldly at the remaining dozen or so people.

Seeing that Lin Xuan seemed to be at the end of his battle, the dozen or so people from the Wolf Country didn't rush to act, and directly surrounded Lin Xuan again to prevent him from running away.

At the same time, in a corner that neither Lin Xuan nor the people of the wolf country noticed, a pair of eyes were watching quietly.

And the owner of these eyes is the voyeur who just arrived—Aunt Lan.

She got Xiao Qingyao's order to follow to see what Lin Xuan was up to, after all, he didn't answer the phone very often.

It's just that she didn't know the shortcut to enter Wanquan Villa, so she forcibly relied on her tyrannical strength to hide all the way in.

When I chased here, I happened to see corpses all over the ground, as well as a dozen wolf countrymen who were fighting against Lin Xuan.

He quietly took out his mobile phone, sent a message to Xiao Qingyao, and reported the current situation.

"He... can he do it? Is he injured?" Xiao Qingyao sent a message, full of worry, and she was ready to leave at any time.

Aunt Lan quickly replied to the message: "Don't worry, I can still withstand it. This kid hides deeply and has many tricks! Don't worry about the head, besides, don't you still have me?"

"Okay, wait for my message. If there is any problem, I will send you a message before I make a move. Then you come to a beautiful woman to save the hero. Wouldn't it be perfect?"

After sending the message, Aunt Lan put away her phone. She didn't want to be interrupted by Xiao Qingyao for such a good show.

Knowing that Lin Xuan was not in danger for the time being, Xiao Qingyao secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but she was a little restless, always feeling flustered, as if something was about to happen.

When she was about to step on the floor of the room, Xiao Qingyao couldn't hold back anymore, and went straight out to Wanquan Villa.

"No, no matter what, I have to guard by his side and not let him get into any trouble!" Xiao Qingyao gritted her silver teeth lightly.

She has already decided to be Aunt Lan's watcher, and if Lin Xuan has any problems, she will help her.

What if not?
Then when Lin Xuan finished his work, she would appear pretty and surprise Lin Xuan.


At the same time, Lin Xuan has almost rested.

"Hey, you guys are really calm! I've already rested, and you don't change your movements, aren't you tired?"

Lin Xuan said with a smile, but the murderous intent in his eyes gradually became stronger.

He can't let go of any of these wolf country warriors!

These people must have participated in the plan to capture the girl from the Dragon Country, maybe everyone has the fresh life of a girl from the Dragon Country on their hands!

The warriors of the wolf country obviously didn't expect Lin Xuan to be resting, and they looked at each other immediately, and someone let out a howl.

The next moment, the last dozen or so wolf warriors moved at the same time.

Lin Xuan sneered, and a [-] clone came directly.

More than a dozen Lin Xuans appeared at the same time, all of them were exactly the same, even the smiles on the corners of their mouths were [-]% the same!
A dozen wolf country warriors were stunned for a moment.

What sorcery is this?
Or what kind of illusion?
But they don't care, as long as the enemy appears, just use the cold samurai sword to cut the opponent in half!


The samurai sword slashed quickly, but they found out with difficulty that Lin Xuan's avatar was very powerful!

As strong as that man!
This is not illusion!
The panicked warriors appeared in their hearts, and they were caught by Lin Xuan's avatar in an instant.

bang bang bang...

After a series of headshots, not a single wolf warrior was still standing.

"Come back!" Lin Xuan grinned, and withdrew the [-] clone technique.

The clones disappeared one by one, only Lin Xuan was left holding the Qiankun brick in his hand, grinning with satisfaction.

"Yes, yes, much faster than I imagined!"

The one hundred thousand clone technique is indeed the coolest way to deal with gang fights.

Seeing the corpses on the ground, Lin Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, hoping that there wouldn't be many more people coming.

No matter how powerful Lao Tzu is, he can't stand the battle of wheels.

Having defeated forty C-level wolf warriors, Lin Xuan can brag about his achievements for the rest of his life.

Because apart from B-level powerhouses, there is no one who can fight against forty C-level powerhouses at the same time without losing.

Even if he can win, he will be covered in scars in the end, which is extremely tragic.

At this time, Lin Xuan had the skills to look at the surrounding environment.

Here is a courtyard design, surrounded by rooms.

At this time, the door of the room was wide open, obviously these warriors from the wolf country lived here on weekdays.

He looked over one by one, but found nothing of value.

The only thing of value should be that there is no monitoring equipment here.

The wolf country people are too confident, believing that under the strong fighting power of the warriors, no one can sneak in quietly.

Not even B-rank powerhouses!

Of course, there are only so many B-level powerhouses, and they won't come here just because they have nothing to do.

After searching, Lin Xuan was a little depressed.

Because he didn't find any portal, that is to say, this is the last courtyard.

But this is obviously impossible!

Where did the people of the wolf country hide the girls of the dragon country?

With so many people, there must be a place to eat and sleep, right?
Besides, there are so many monsters?
Mr. Shui practiced evil skills, and so did the monsters.

The size of monsters is comparable to that of people, so it is obviously unrealistic not to have a huge space.

Lin Xuan jumped up and went straight to the roof.

Looking around, I immediately discovered the tricky place.

Behind this huge courtyard house, there is a continuous forest.

The trees are tall and luxuriant, forming an almost perfect isolation zone.

Fortunately, Lin Xuan is not an ordinary person, and he saw some scenes through the gap.

Behind the woods, there is actually a larger complex of buildings!
It's just that this building has obviously been specially transformed by people, and the whole has been integrated into the surrounding environment.

If it is not in front of you, it is difficult to find with the naked eye.

"Hehe, I didn't expect such a place to exist. It seems that there are still many surprises."

Lin Xuan sneered, jumped lightly, and jumped into the woods.

When he was about to fall to the ground, Lin Xuan grabbed the big tree beside him with one hand, and his body was suspended in the air.

He is afraid that there are some instruments in the woods, which are used as warnings.

After careful inspection, Lin Xuan landed on the ground with peace of mind, glanced around, and walked forward lightly.

He has found his purpose!
(End of this chapter)

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