Chapter 267 Escape
He can run, but what about the girl from the Dragon Country behind him?
To be discovered, a severe beating is inevitable.

Hearing the voice of the warrior from the wolf country, all the girls from the dragon country panicked, and some even grabbed Lin Xuan's wrist.

The trembling voice and the trembling of his body made Lin Xuan sigh slightly. What kind of horror has he experienced?

He first asked the girls to stand behind, as far away as possible, and then stood behind the door alone to observe the situation outside the door.

Two warriors from the wolf country noticed the movement in the bathing hall, leaned over deliberately, and looked in through the crack of the door.

Lin Xuan was leaning against the door, and the better position happened to be stuck in a blind corner, so he was not found.

"Strange, I seem to hear a man's voice."

"I seem to have heard it too."

The two were wondering, and one of them took out the key to unlock it, intending to come in and find out.

The sound of unlocking the lock clicked, and the girls in Longguo panicked, and their nervous eyes fell on Lin Xuan.

They were not only afraid of being beaten, but also afraid of Lin Xuan being arrested, afraid of losing hope.

Lin Xuan made a silent gesture, and the girls nodded.


The door was gently pushed open, and two wolf warriors walked in.

The graceful body, white and tender skin, and that pitiful appearance stimulated them.

They were stunned and swallowed subconsciously, but no one dared to move.


Swallowing their saliva, the two wolf country warriors could only step forward to slap them in pain.

Can't get it, are they not allowed to fight?

The girls of the Dragon Country retreated one after another, no one dared to move, no one dared to open their mouths, they all closed their eyes as if they were being beaten.

As long as you can get out, nothing matters.

Lin Xuan's face darkened, and the two warriors from the wolf country didn't notice his presence when they passed by him, but instead gave him enough time for a sneak attack.

These two people are both in the middle of C-level, and they are extremely tyrannical existences in normal times.

At least, he was more tyrannical than the dozen or so wolf warriors Lin Xuan had encountered before.

Although Lin Xuan is only at the beginning of C-level, but he has skills that are a little bit better than yours. Come and have a leg, and there are Qiankun Bricks in your hand!

Either one is enough for the two of them to eat a pot.


The Qiankun Brick fell.

A headshot rang out.

Another warrior from the Wolf Kingdom came to his senses, and just as he turned around, the Qiankun Brick fell on his face.

Another headshot.

Blood and white, skulls flying horizontally, the two corpses fell straight on the ground.

"Oh, woo..."

The eyes of the 83 girls were wide open, and they were about to howl in fright, and hurriedly covered their mouths with both hands, trying not to make a sound.

Instead of suffering a mental breakdown here, it's better to endure it.

The stomachs of many girls were tumbling violently. They had never seen such a bloody scene before.

Their faces were pale, their bodies were trembling constantly, and some tears flowed from the corners of their eyes.

There was no time for them to cool down, nor was there time to linger here.

The disappearance of these two wolf country warriors will definitely attract the attention of other wolf country warriors. If they don't leave now, no one will be able to leave after a while.

"Would you like to go?"

Lin Xuan knew that the girls hadn't recovered yet, but time was running out, and he didn't have time for them.

After the scene just now, all the girls knew in their hearts that if they didn't leave, they would suffer inhuman torture, which they couldn't bear.

They nodded and quickly followed behind Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan led them to the corner of the bathroom, the window where he had just entered.

The girls are short in stature, and they can climb out easily and safely.

"Listen up, climb out of this window one by one. After you get out of the window, go quietly along the small ditch to wait in the woods, and don't make any noise."

Lin Xuan removed the frame of the window and said.

To his surprise, none of the dragon country girls came over, but looked at him nervously and anxiously.

They wanted him to leave with them.

But if no one is going to attract the warriors of the wolf country at the main entrance, these girls will be discovered sooner or later.

He had no choice but to urge: "What are you doing in a daze? This is your only chance. If you don't leave now, when will you wait? Don't worry, the forest is very safe and there is no one. You just need to wait there for me to come back. Remember, don't make any sound, understand?"

All the girls nodded in unison, bent over and lay at the window, and climbed out one by one.

At the same time, a stone hanging from Lin Xuan's heart fell down.

Afterwards, his face was expressionless, and his coldness fell on the gate, and he walked straight over.

The tall and straight figure walked slowly beside them.

Dozens of girls from the Dragon Country were anxious and worried. If possible, they wanted him to go with them.

They all regarded Lin Xuan as a hero, a man they could rely on.

After stepping over the corpse, Lin Xuan came to the main entrance.

Before stepping out of the gate, he saw several figures flickering outside the gate.

Judging by his figure, he was naturally a warrior of the wolf country.

"How did this door open?"

"Go in and have a look, don't let them all run away."

"This is the person Mr. Shui wants."

The birds chirping sounded, and the figure flickered quickly, approaching.

Just as a wolf country warrior was about to enter, Lin Xuan slapped him with a Qiankun Brick.

Blood and white, blood and bones splatter.

A dead body lay flat on the ground.

The other warriors of the Wolf Kingdom were shocked, and ran to the main entrance with sharp knives in their hands. After finding Lin Xuan, they shouted, "Who is it?"

"Dare to break into the warehouse, court death!"

"No, look!"

Their eyes just fell on Lin Xuan, and then fell on the girls who were constantly crawling out from the window.

The complexion of several people suddenly changed, and they opened their mouths to roar.

"No, let's run!"

"Stop them!"

Two warriors from the wolf country wanted to rush past Lin Xuan to stop the girls from the dragon country.

But that universe brick is not vegetarian either.

With a hammer, a Qiankun brick passed, and the two wolf warriors fell directly.

The other warriors of the wolf country also reacted and surrounded Lin Xuan.

If several people fight, it is better for them to attack together. Anyway, those women have nowhere to run, so it is easier to catch them.


One of the wolf warriors spoke.

Lin Xuan didn't speak, he held the Qiankun Brick tightly in his hand, and his eyes fell on the warrior of the Wolf Kingdom.

But for anyone who is close to those girls from the Dragon Kingdom, he can only send him a brick first and report to the underworld.


The wolf country warrior roared in a deep voice.

More than a dozen people shot together, Lin Xuan's face was gloomy, and he flew out with a Qiankun Brick. At the same time, he raised his foot and kicked that person.

"You have a leg!"

The strength was great, but in just two or three minutes, many warriors from the Wolf Kingdom fell to the ground.

A few minutes later, Lin Xuan slapped the last person on the forehead with a Qiankun Brick.

He clapped his palms and put away the Qiankun Brick: "It's done, call it a day!"

(End of this chapter)

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