Chapter 268
Lin Xuan turned his back to the fallen wolf warrior and snapped his fingers handsomely.

"Hey, how can there be such a handsome man like me? Don't blame those little girls..."

Just when Lin Xuan felt good about himself and said this, he suddenly shivered.

For no other reason, Lin Xuan thought of the two tigresses at home.

What if you let them know this?

It's okay for Hua Jieyu to talk, but if Xiao Qingyao finds out, his life will be interesting.

Lin Xuan shook his head, and just as he turned to leave, a sense of crisis suddenly appeared in his heart.

Lin Xuan turned his head suddenly, only to see many long-range weapons such as guns and cannons appearing and aiming at him!

The next moment, countless tongues of flame shot out at Lin Xuan.

That scene was like a thousand arrows firing together, it was very spectacular.

Unfortunately, Lin Xuan didn't think so.

Lin Xuan moved his body, and flexibly dodged the long-range weapons in all directions.

However, attacks from long-range weapons have increased and have continued.

Lin Xuan could dodge one or two, but couldn't dodge dozens.

Lin Xuan couldn't help it, so he simply used the Hundred Thousand Clone Technique directly.

The hail of bullets ruthlessly tore Lin Xuan's body apart, but Lin Xuan himself was unscathed.

At this moment, the long-range weapon stopped!

"Is the long-range weapon's calculation of damage so accurate? Or is this long-range weapon not controlled by a machine, but controlled by humans?"

Seeing the long-range weapon stop, Lin Xuan instantly thought of a possibility.

At this time, a figure of a person appeared next to a larger long-range weapon, and seemed to want to come over to check.

"What a mess, I found you!"

Lin Xuan saw that person and wanted to sneak up and kill him.

But who knows, that person seemed to sense something was wrong, and returned to the long-range weapon.

Lin Xuan looked at himself, and was embarrassed to find that he had accidentally exposed...


The person controlling the weapon shouted loudly, and the long-range weapon was activated again!

At this moment, the sound of the system sounded just right.

"It is detected that the host is in danger, and the automatic activation skills are always a little stronger than you."

It seems that the person who controls the long-range weapon should be a late C-level master.

Lin Xuan's current strength at the beginning of the C-level, combined with a skill that is a little bit stronger than you, those shells will never touch his body again.

The increase in strength provides a speed bonus. It is undoubtedly whimsical for those long-range weapons to shoot Lin Xuan.

Relying on the added speed, Lin Xuan looked at the surrounding terrain.

Soon, a plan to perfectly solve the current situation took shape in Lin Xuan's mind.

Relying on the speed beyond the long-range weapon attack, Lin Xuan quickly touched the long-range weapon.

The person controlling the long-range weapon seemed to have sensed Lin Xuan's intentions, and the frequency of attacks became faster.

In this way, although Lin Xuan was able to dodge the attack, it was very difficult to approach him again.

Originally, he wanted to use his skills to kill the person who controlled the long-range weapons first, but he couldn't get close, so he could only destroy those hateful long-range weapons first.

"If God's blessing is used on weapons..."

A bold idea suddenly popped up in Lin Xuan's mind.

God's blessing is used, and the back of those weapons is directly missed...
"Haha, scrap it for me!"

Lin Xuan couldn't help laughing, and when Lin Xuan's voice fell, those long-range weapons went off instantly.

The person who controlled the long-range weapon didn't expect such a situation to happen, so he couldn't help but froze.

How could Lin Xuan let go of such an opportunity? Lin Xuan held the Qiankun Brick with his right hand and jumped up.

Without any unexpected results, the ability of Qiankun Brick was triggered, and the late C-level warrior was headshot directly.

Lin Xuan landed firmly on the ground, and took a long breath.

"I'm going. I didn't expect, I didn't expect that these bastards from the wolf country are still equipped with so many long-range weapons here."

Lin Xuan, who survived the catastrophe, shook his hands and wiped off the thin layer of sweat that appeared on his head.

If it weren't for his strength to be able to perceive the crisis to a certain extent, if it wasn't for his quick response, maybe he would really have explained it inexplicably just now!
He even said that if it weren't for the skill that is always a little better than you and the universe brick, it would be impossible for him to be safe and sound in the flames.

"Stop, you still want to leave after breaking into this place?"

Just as Lin Xuan turned to leave, a deep voice sounded.

Lin Xuan looked at the source of the voice, and saw a burly man.

He knew that this was Mr. Shui's subordinate.

"Tell me to stop, what are you?"

Lin Xuan tilted his head and said something with disdain.


The burly man was about to rush towards Lin Xuan, but just as he was about to make a move, he was stopped by a companion.

"Stop it, we don't need to fight him, Mr. Shui has his own arrangements."

Hearing what his companion said, the burly man stopped.

But when he stopped, Lin Xuan quit.

"Heh, I dared not do anything after talking big, I'm really cowardly!"

Lin Xuan sneered disdainfully, stretched out his thumb and spun slowly, pointing at the ground.

"What Mr. Shui, come out quickly. With such a big name, don't you dare to hide your head and show your tail? Come out quickly, let me beat you up."

Lin Xuan called Mr. Shui's name, and the contempt in his tone was obvious.

In a hidden corner not far from Lin Xuan, Aunt Lan couldn't help shaking her head.

She really didn't expect that Lin Xuan himself would be able to deal with so many people, even facing long-range weapons, without any harm.

However, when she noticed the wet girls rescued by Lin Xuan, her attention was instantly diverted.

"This kid, should he be with these girls..."

Thinking of this, Aunt Lan couldn't help but blush.

In her opinion, it is impossible for Lin Xuan to do nothing in the face of so many beautiful and scantily clad girls.

"I'd better report this to the head, as for how the head handles..."

Thinking of this, Aunt Lan took out her mobile phone, ready to report everything she saw and conjecture to the head.

Just after writing the message, before Aunt Lan sent it, a sudden change occurred!

An arrow was shot out without warning, and it went straight towards Aunt Lan like a lightning bolt.

(End of this chapter)

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