Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 269 Fight against the burly man

Chapter 269 Fight against the burly man
Just at the critical moment, Aunt Lan dropped her cell phone, twisted her body suddenly, and narrowly dodged the arrow.

Aunt Lan's strength is not bad, but she almost capsized in the gutter.

The arrow just now, if she hadn't kept a vigilant eye on her surroundings when she sent the message, it would have hit the target.

At the same time that Aunt Lan was feeling apprehensive and grateful, an unstoppable anger rose from her heart.

"My old lady is hiding here just to monitor that kid, and she didn't do anything to you. She actually directly attacked my old lady. Is it really easy to bully my old lady?"

Thinking of this, Aunt Lan no longer chose to hide, but started to move.

From the angle from which the arrow was shot, it was easy to judge the direction of the shooter.

With Aunt Lan's strength, those distances are only a few seconds to her.

Another arrow shot at Aunt Lan, but she easily dodged it.

When Aunt Lan was distracted and using it, plotting could not hurt her.Now that I am prepared, it is easy to avoid it!

The archer obviously didn't expect Aunt Lan to give up concealment and kill him, and the second arrow he shot seemed a little flustered.

Just when he was about to shoot the third arrow, Aunt Lan had already arrived in front of him!
"How dare you plot against my old lady, I will die for my old lady!"

Aunt Lan scolded angrily in a low voice. At this time, she did not forget to hide herself from being discovered by Lin Xuan.

Aunt Lan's strength is at full strength, facing a samurai who is only good at sneak attacks, she is naturally easy to catch.

After a while, the samurai who attacked Aunt Lan died at Aunt Lan's hands!

Although Aunt Lan tried her best to control and even covered the warrior's mouth during the fight, Lin Xuan was still sensitive to the fight here.

When Lin Xuan wanted to come over to check, Aunt Lan had already hidden herself again.

Lin Xuan shook his head, but he was so happy.

Anyway, he wasn't the one who hit him, and if one more samurai died, his pressure would be relieved by one point.

Lin Xuan turned to look at the burly man, thinking of fighting him.

"Hey, big man, do you dare to fight with me? If you dare not, you are not a man."

Lin Xuan provocatively said to the burly man that he did not forget to put his middle finger on his left hand.

"Bastard! If I don't beat you to the ground today, I will lose face!"

The burly man gave a loud shout, and rushed towards Lin Xuan regardless of his companion's words.

A smile appeared on the corner of Lin Xuan's mouth, and he gave the burly man a blessing from God with his backhand.

The burly man's rushing steps stopped abruptly, his face full of embarrassment.

The explosion from behind made him feel extremely uncomfortable. Although the damage was not serious, it was extremely insulting!

"You have a leg!"

Lin Xuan was not polite to him, and kicked the burly man away with a flying kick.

The burly man fell heavily to the ground, but to Lin Xuan's surprise, he got up after a while.

"Good guy, it turns out that this is a tortoise, so hard."

Lin Xuan said to the burly man who got up, this made the man very angry.

"Little brat, I'm going to tear you apart!"

The burly man roared and jumped up abruptly.

Lin Xuan's move just now came from God's blessing and that kick, it seems that it didn't have much influence on him.

From this point of view, what this burly man practiced should focus on defense, or in other words pure defense.

This can also explain why he seems to be a late C-level player, but his defense is much stronger than others of the same level.

"Tsk tsk tsk, you still dare to come here. I don't know if you have lost your mind in cultivation."

Lin Xuan looked at the burly man who was irritated by him, and sent another taunt.

At the same time, the blessing skill from God was activated again.

But this time, Lin Xuan didn't activate it just once, but six or seven times.

Even Lin Xuan himself mourned for this burly man for a second.

The burly man who jumped up in the air seemed to lose control, and fell hard to the ground, falling like a dog eating shit.

"You have a leg!"

Another chance to beat the dog in the water, Lin Xuan kicked hard and hit the burly man's naked head hard.

Lin Xuan felt that it was not enough, he had already held the Qiankun Brick in his right hand, and smashed it down on the burly man's head without hesitation!
The Qiankun Brick, which is omnipotent, seems to have lost its effectiveness, and the burly man's head did not explode as Lin Xuan expected.

Lin Xuan looked down and saw that the burly man was bleeding from the head and passed out.

However, Lin Xuan could still clearly feel that this burly man was not dead.

This burly man is really the only one who survived under the bricks of the universe.

"Practicing defensive skills, he can be so strong that he can't even kill the Qiankun Brick with one blow. I think he can be among the best under all Mr. Shui's subordinates."

Lin Xuan looked at the burly man in a coma, and praised him for the first time.

Facing such an opponent, if you are not careful, it will be really difficult to defeat.

Lin Xuan kept an eye out, the battle with the burly man was also a wake-up call for him.

The Qiankun Brick in his hand was lifted high by Lin Xuan, and he smashed it down hard on the burly man's head again.

Such a strong wolf country warrior must not be kept, otherwise it must be a serious problem.

As the saying goes: "While he is sick, kill him!"

Lin Xuan kept hitting, and after a while, Lin Xuan smashed the burly man's head into the ground.

If you look at it from a distance, the head of the burly man is already bloody and bloody, and that color is called a beautiful one.

After Lin Xuan confirmed that the burly man was really dead, he stood up and clapped his hands.

"I said that everyone who is hiding, you don't think I can't find you?"

Lin Xuan said something confidently after cooking those superficial wolf country warriors.

After a few seconds, nothing happens.

"Yo, this is waiting for me to find it myself."

Seeing that there was no movement, Lin Xuan said another sentence.

There was silence all around, and there was still no reaction.

"Okay, if you don't come to me, I will come to you."

After all, Lin Xuan rushed in one direction.

Just when Lin Xuan was about to arrive, a warrior from the wolf kingdom rushed out, obviously trying to escape.

What a pity, Lin Xuan would give him such a chance?

Qiankun Brick made a move, and instantly exploded the head of this wolf country warrior.

Then, Lin Xuan turned around and walked in another direction.

After a while, four hidden wolf country warriors died under the Qiankun brick.

Now the hidden warriors of the wolf country can't hide anymore. Instead of being defeated one by one, it's better to go together, maybe there is still a chance.

More than a dozen warriors from the Wolf Kingdom sprang out from all around, and everyone's eyes were fixed on Lin Xuan.

If eyes could kill, Lin Xuan might die hundreds of times.

They seemed to be looking for fear in Lin Xuan's eyes, but all they could see was disdain.

How can Lin Xuan, who is not afraid of fifty C-level masters, be afraid of the dozen heads of rotten garlic in front of him?
The blessing from the gods was used again, and the dozen or so wolf warriors who were originally aggressive turned into shriveled eggplants in an instant.

Taking advantage of this time, Lin Xuan's Qiankun Brick has already taken the life of a wolf warrior.

Naturally, the warriors of the Wolf Country would not sit still, enduring the strange feeling from them, and charged towards Lin Xuan.

The one hundred thousand clone technique was deployed, and the Qiankun Brick waved like flying, coupled with a loud roar from time to time.

"You have a leg!"

Not long after, more than a dozen warriors of the wolf country were lying on the ground and turned into corpses.

Lin Xuan didn't waste any time and walked directly into the building.

However, he searched all the houses, but did not see Mr. Shui.

"Mr. Shui must be here. Since he is not in the house, there is only a secret room or a basement."

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan began to look for hidden mechanisms in the house.

When he walked to the back of a building, Lin Xuan, who was careful, found a ground that looked somewhat similar.

When he removed the debris on the surface, a hole appeared in front of his eyes.

There is obviously a passage in there.

"It really is here!"

Lin Xuan snapped his fingers excitedly, and slowly walked into the passage.

(End of this chapter)

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