Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 270 The Difficult Monster Beast

Chapter 270 The Difficult Monster Beast

The passage was not short, Lin Xuan walked for a while, and suddenly a bright light appeared in front of him.

As far as the eye can see is a very large space, which looks like ?????? Uh, it feels a bit like an oversized laboratory.

Lin Xuan saw many cages, which looked very strong and seemed to be made of special alloys.

And the things in the cage opened Lin Xuan's eyes. There are countless powerful monsters here!
"If you think about it, this is the place where the wolf country people transform monsters.

Lin Xuan touched his chin and said to himself.

After turning around and not finding anyone, Lin Xuan began to observe these monsters carefully.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, even Lin Xuan was taken aback by his determination.

He was surprised to find that the strength of these monsters was not low.

Some monsters are at the peak of D-level, but more monsters have reached C-level strength!

Lin Xuan thought carefully about the memories in his mind about this matter.

Ever since the "Boundary Heart" of the ruins was stolen by the wolf people, there have been reports of monsters raging.

As the core of the ruins, the so-called "Boundary Heart" can influence monsters to a certain extent.

Judging from the news just received, the exercises that Mr. Shui has studied are very evil.

This kind of evil is really disgusting, it is a kind of exercise that uses young girls as cauldrons to improve one's strength.

What's even more weird is that this practice is not only of great benefit to himself, but even to monsters.

Although doing so would hurt the foundation, few people could refuse such a temptation of skyrocketing cultivation in a short period of time.

What's more, in the situation where B-level masters are so rare on the mainland, even if the foundation is really damaged, it is not a big problem.

And for those monsters with no intelligence, there is no need to think about this issue at all.

And this is why there are so many C-rank monsters here.

"These people from the wolf country are really bastards. To improve your cultivation level, you can improve your cultivation level. They actually use such a conscienceless method. I must kill you all and leave no one behind!"

"Roar!" A deafening roar pulled Lin Xuan back from the angry state of Dianping, and immediately looked in the direction of the sound.

It turned out that a monster ran out, and the cage beside him was open.

Lin Xuan saw a monster with its mouth full of fangs, raised its front feet, and stared at him viciously with its scarlet eyes.

"Good guy, a monster in the late stage of C-level. It looks like it was quickly promoted from D-level?"

Lin Xuan couldn't help being taken aback. The wolf-like beast in front of him had a terrifying aura.

However, amidst this terrifying aura, there are still some unstable elements mixed in, which are the sequelae left by forcibly improving strength.

Seeing the way the monster stared at Lin Xuan, it was obvious that he was an intruder.

Leaving aside the fact that this monster has good strength, it actually possesses a certain amount of intelligence!

Without thinking too much, Lin Xuan typed out a blessing from God.

What he didn't expect was that the blessing from God didn't have the expected effect.

Why is that?Why would a god's blessing, which is effective on non-living bodies, be ineffective on a monster?
Enraged by Lin Xuan's attack, the monster opened its mouth and rushed towards Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan stared closely at the monster beast, just when the monster beast was about to touch him, Lin Xuan turned around and avoided the monster beast's attack nimbly.

With doubts in his mind, Lin Xuan turned his head to look at the back abdomen of the monster, and he understood.

This monster was actually castrated, that is to say, it is now in a state of injustice and injustice. No wonder the blessing from God, which is always beneficial, will be invalidated.

Could it be that this kind of castration has the effect of improving the efficiency of cultivation for monsters?

In other words, can one assist in cultivation after castration?
It's still a popular saying: "If you want to practice magic skills, draw your sword from the palace." This sentence turned out to be true.

"Bah, bah, what am I thinking!"

Lin Xuan shook his head, throwing out these weird thoughts of his own.

I already have this heaven-defying system, and there are two more, oh no, three beautiful wives.

If it is said that Lin Xuan is allowed to go from the palace, even if it is to become the number one in the world in an instant, Lin Xuan will never do it.

"A mere monster, even if the blessing from God doesn't work, what is it?"

Lin Xuan said something to himself, and confronted the monster.

The monster's mouth was still drooling, which made Lin Xuan feel sick.

Seemingly unable to bear it any longer, the monster first attacked Lin Xuan again.

Although this monster is powerful, it is not human after all.

Even if it has a certain amount of intelligence, it cannot be better than Lin Xuan's brain.

The monster's attacks were easily dodged by Lin Xuan, but at the same time, most of Lin Xuan's counterattacks also failed.

"It's a bit powerful, I'll give you a loophole to try."

Thinking this way, Lin Xuan deliberately slipped and fell to the ground.

In fact, Lin Xuan had already accumulated enough strength to be able to counterattack at any time.

The monster was really fooled, and rushed towards Lin Xuan who was lying on the ground.

Lin Xuan saw the right opportunity and gave a loud shout.

"You have a leg!"

Lin Xuan flew up and kicked the monster's abdomen hard.

The monster let out a scream and flew away far away.

As soon as Lin Xuan saw it, he knew that his thoughts were correct.

No matter how powerful a monster is, as long as it is still in the category of canines, its abdomen is its biggest weakness.

Of course, this monster is no exception.

The monster that fell on the ground got up, and its hind legs could be seen swinging.

But even so, it stood up.

A pair of scarlet eyes looked at Lin Xuan, full of hatred.

The characteristic of wolves is that their bones are hard.

Even facing an opponent like Lin Xuan, this monster did not choose to retreat.

It adjusted its state and attacked Lin Xuan again.

"It's so hard to deal with, so let's try Qiankun Brick for you."

Lin Xuan took half a step back, holding the Qiankun Brick in his hand, and charged towards the monster.

The Qiankun Brick hit the monster's head heavily, and the monster lost its strength instantly and fell to the ground.

"This monster's head is also so hard?"

Lin Xuan stared wide-eyed at the twitching monster lying on the ground.

There is no other reason, the monster's head didn't explode either, it just lay on the ground and couldn't move anymore.

Lin Xuan didn't want the monster to have a chance to recover, so he raised the Qiankun Brick and hit the monster's head several times.

"Huh, I didn't expect this monster to be so strong. It took a little effort to kill it."

After confirming that the monster was dead, Lin Xuan stood up.Flicking his wrist, he relaxed a little.

The strength of this monster is stronger than all the monsters Lin Xuan met before.

And when it comes to the degree of difficulty, it is much higher.

(End of this chapter)

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