Chapter 271 Strange Instrument
Lin Xuan continued to walk forward, and he found that there were many closed rooms on both sides of the passage.

It's just that there is a small window on the door to see the inside, presumably to observe the monsters.

Not long after, Lin Xuan discovered another laboratory.

The scale of this laboratory is relatively large, and Lin Xuan rarely sees such a large laboratory.

Lin Xuan took a peek and found three experimenters busy.

The three of them were some distance away from Lin Xuan, which was enough for Lin Xuan to hide himself.

So Lin Xuan hid his body and carefully watched what they were doing.

Lin Xuan first saw a cover-like instrument, and there was a monster under each cover.

The tube above the cover was constantly wriggling, and the monster inside was also shaking slightly according to this frequency, as if it was receiving something.

This mask-like instrument seems to be a special way of cultivation that is beneficial to monsters, and it seems to be instilling evil skills into monsters.

Then he saw an instrument with two covers, one side was a monster, and the other side turned out to be a girl from the Dragon Country!
The instrument was shaking slightly, and it could be seen that the dragon country girl seemed to be enduring a lot of pain.

On the other hand, the monster showed an expression of enjoyment.

From the looks of it, this instrument should be a kind of transformation machine that uses the vitality of the girl from the Dragon Country to enhance the strength of the monster.

There were clearly visible tears on the face of the dragon country girl inside the instrument, and there was unconcealable fear in her eyes.

Lin Xuan touched it, and carefully gestured to the Long Country girl in the instrument, trying to attract the attention of the Dragon Country girl without being discovered by the experimenter.

After a while, the girl from the Dragon Country seemed to see Lin Xuan, and a ray of survival suddenly burst out in her eyes.

Lin Xuan signaled that he would rescue her, and then took an opportunity to act quietly, preparing to rush out to rescue the poor girl from the Dragon Kingdom.

Unfortunately, just when Lin Xuan had just walked out, the instrument suddenly shook violently.

The next moment, that poor girl from the Dragon Country was turned into a pile of minced meat in an instant!
Lin Xuan watched helplessly as the girl from the Dragon Kingdom was ruthlessly strangled in the instrument with the desire to survive!

The energy brought by the death of the girl from the Dragon Country turned into nutrients, and entered the body of the monster through the connecting tube of the instrument!
Lin Xuan stopped where he was, watching with his own eyes that the monster's strength had risen from the late D-level to the early C-level in a short time!
After the monster broke through, it opened its eyes, and immediately saw Lin Xuan's figure.

The monster in the instrument began to roar, and this movement caught the attention of the experimenter.

"Who are you! How dare you break into this place?"

An experimenter in the laboratory noticed Lin Xuan's trace and immediately shouted.

When he shouted, the other two experimenters also looked over and put down their work.

"Who am I? Oh, the one who wants to kill you!"

Lin Xuan snorted, and the Qiankun Brick was already in his hands.

In such an unfamiliar environment, it is better to solve it quickly.

What's more, there is a monster who is good at attacking beside him, so we should deal with it first.

This experimenter was no bigger than the burly man before, and Qiankun Brick gave him a scoop directly.

"You have a leg!"

Lin Xuan yelled, jumped up and kicked another experimenter away.

After he landed, the Qiankun Brick then smashed his head.

"you you……"

The only remaining experimenter looked at Lin Xuan and kept backing away.

There was a lot of noise from the fight here, which alarmed the experimenters who were manipulating the instruments.

At this time, the monster had already run out of the instrument. Seeing that the two experimenters had been killed, it roared and rushed towards Lin Xuan.

The monster rushed towards it without any preparations. It should be because of the increase in strength that it became blindly confident and unable to control itself.

Lin Xuan shook his head, he would not pay attention to such an early C-level monster.

Lin Xuan easily dodged the monster's first pounce, and all subsequent attacks were easily dodged by Lin Xuan.

Come and not reciprocate, Lin Xuan would not be polite to the monster. At this time, with the Qiankun Brick in his hand, the monster is looking for death.

Without any accident, the monster's head was blown to pieces under the Qiankun Brick.


A cry of fear was heard, and the scene seemed to startle the remaining experimenter.

"If you don't want to die ugly, then tell me what these things are."

Lin Xuan walked over and grabbed the experimenter by the collar, and asked viciously.

"I... I don't know what these are either."

The experimenter said tremblingly that Lin Xuan's ferocity frightened him.

"I don't know? I don't know how you control it? You really don't want to live."

How could Lin Xuan believe such words, and immediately grabbed his neck.

"I... I really don't know. Ahem... I just do what Mr. Shui taught me! As for the specific principles, I... I really don't know!"

The experimenter struggled, said these words intermittently, and sat slumped on the ground.

"Okay, then tell me how this device works."

Lin Xuan pointed to the instrument that just killed the girl from the Dragon Kingdom, and said through gritted teeth.

The experimenter didn't dare not listen, so he crawled over tremblingly and told Lin Xuan the specific function and operation method.

"Okay, very good! These wolf countrymen are really a bunch of bastards!"

Lin Xuan was furious when he learned the specific function of this instrument.

"In this case, please enter this instrument and experience it for yourself."

Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly, stared at the experimenter closely, and said coldly.

"No! Don't! Let me go, I don't want to die!"

The experimenter backed away again and again, because of fear, his bottom was already wet.

"Bastard! You don't want to die, heh, those girls captured by you, don't they want to die!"

Lin Xuan yelled, grabbed the experimenter, and threw him into the instrument without saying a word.

Then, according to the operation method the experimenter said, Lin Xuan directly turned the experimenter into a pile of minced meat!
"Being a tiger's minion, you deserve to die!"

Looking at the experimenter who turned into minced meat, Lin Xuan said coldly.

Looking at the equipment and instruments in the laboratory, Lin Xuan was furious.

I don't know how many lives of girls from the Dragon Country have been hurt by these instruments.

(End of this chapter)

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