Chapter 272 The Weird Woman

Lin Xuan knocked on the instrument, it seemed to be made of many rare metals, and the quality was very good.

Lin Xuan tried to punch, but found that there was no change in the instrument.

With Lin Xuan's current strength, he can't even cause damage to the instrument, so one can imagine how strong the instrument is.

Lin Xuan took out the Qiankun Brick and tried to destroy the instrument, but the Qiankun Brick could only leave some traces on it and could not destroy it.

"Good guy, so hard!"

Lin Xuan couldn't help being surprised, the defense of this instrument was higher than some late C-level powerhouses.

Since the instruments cannot be destroyed, Lin Xuan can only choose to destroy the center that controls these instruments.

Lin Xuan picked up the Qiankun Brick and smashed all the centers that control the instrument!

After doing this, Lin Xuan continued to look for Mr. Shui.

The laboratory is a bit big, but obviously, apart from these three experimenters and the monster, no one else can be seen here.

Lin Xuan walked for more than ten minutes before he walked around the entire laboratory, but found nothing.

"How could this be? It shouldn't be."

Lin Xuan stood there muttering to himself, bowing his head and thinking.

"Could it be that there is also a secret passage here? Make another basement in the basement?"

Lin Xuan made up his mind, walked to the edge of the laboratory, and searched carefully.

After a while, Lin Xuan walked to the door of a small room, and through the glass, he could see that there were many scattered mannequins inside.

Lin Xuan pushed open the door and walked in, only to find that there was an inconspicuous socket-like thing in the innermost part of the room.

Beside the socket, there are still many disassembled mannequins, with arms, legs and other parts scattered all over the place.

Strangely, on these models, the splicing trajectory can be clearly seen.

Lin Xuan had a flash of inspiration. Could this be the entrance to a secret passage?
So Lin Xuan got busy and spliced ​​these parts together according to the rules.

"Damn it! These wolf people are really disgusting, what are these things!"

It's not to blame for Lin Xuan's swearing, it's because the assembled models are too unsightly.

After the splicing is completed, the model actually looks like a man and a woman hugging each other, and they are still tightly connected somewhere.

Lin Xuan tried to place the two models on the socket, but nothing happened.

Lin Xuan noticed a smooth-looking mark on the back waist of the two models, which looked like a mark left by a palm.

"Damn it! Could it be..."

Lin Xuan's eyelids couldn't help but twitch. He tried to put his hands on the two smooth places, and with a little force, the two models were firmly attached together.

Then, the socket actually responded!
"Bah! What are these! These bastards are really disgusting!"

Lin Xuan spat and cursed.

The mechanism has been activated, and a door leading to the underground is slowly opening at the socket.

Lin Xuan sneaked in cautiously, not daring to be careless at all, who knows if this group of disgusting wolf people will have any mechanism.

It should be because the secret room is too hidden, Lin Xuan was not attacked and landed safely.

What came into view turned out to be a large group of underground buildings.

Lin Xuan secretly estimated the scale of this underground complex, and it was almost as big as the entire Wanquan Villa!
This is to hollow out the entire underground of Wanquan Villa, Lin Xuan was secretly surprised.

Lin Xuan remained vigilant and walked forward bit by bit.

On both sides of this road, there are many small houses. Lin Xuan secretly looked inside and closed his eyes immediately.

The room was full of people from the wolf country, doing their favorite sports with forgetfulness.

Without exception, all the rooms that Lin Xuan saw were the same scene.

Moreover, Lin Xuan noticed that there was a faint smell of medicine in the air, so it was no wonder that these wolf people were in such a state.

"It's really a bunch of disgusting races, get a basement to do this kind of thing!"

Lin Xuan couldn't help complaining in his heart, and his contempt for the wolf people deepened.

Lin Xuan continued to walk forward, he was careful so that he would not be discovered by those forgetful wolf country people.

When Lin Xuan came to a large hall, some strange voices could be heard faintly and intermittently from inside the hall.

Lin Xuan was a little curious, this voice seemed to be...

Lin Xuan found a good position and secretly watched inside.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, this scene directly shocked Lin Xuan quite a bit.

Lin Xuan first saw a woman with an extremely strange appearance in the middle.However, although the woman looks strange, she has a kind of evil feeling.

This woman had a pretty face, her long hair was coiled up, and a hairpin was inserted obliquely.

The flirtatious woman's eyes flickered, as if she could charm people away.The high nose bridge added a bit of beauty to her face.

Her red lips were bright and dripping with light makeup, and there was only a veil of light gauze outside her close-fitting underwear.There is actually a coquettish sentiment in every gesture.

However, although her appearance is extremely beautiful, Lin Xuan looks a little weird.

But in the end it was weird, Lin Xuan couldn't tell for a while.

The appearance of the bewitching woman matches her movements, giving people a very comfortable visual experience.

I don't know if it's a woman's sixth sense, or a warrior's perception of danger, but the enchanting woman seems to have noticed that someone is watching her.

She suddenly stopped what she was doing and sat up straight.

The next moment, this bewitching woman actually activated an unknown evil technique, and suddenly strangled the necks of those two beautiful girls!
In just a few seconds, the two girls fell straight down.

They seemed to have been sucked dry, their skin shriveled, as if they had aged decades.

Different from the feeling of the beautiful girl who fell, the enchanting woman felt very enjoyable.

Seeing this, Lin Xuan felt an unknown fire in his heart.

That kind of kung fu that absorbs the essence of other people's life to improve one's own cultivation is really outrageous!
Thinking of this, Lin Xuan no longer hides, and walks out generously.

Just when Lin Xuan was about to speak, the woman also noticed Lin Xuan.

"Hello, little brother. I didn't expect someone to come here. It seems that most of the C-level masters I arranged outside were killed by you, right?"

The Yaoyi woman didn't seem to care that Lin Xuan found this place, and she didn't even care much about the death of so many C-level masters.

"Who are you and why are you here?"

Lin Xuan felt a little strange and asked the strange woman.

"Hehe, little brother, didn't you just clamor outside to beat me up? Why don't you recognize me now that I'm in front of you?"

The bewitching woman covered her mouth and smiled lightly, and even cast a wink at Lin Xuan while speaking.

" are, Mr. Water?"

Lin Xuan was taken aback. Thinking of what he had said before, it was hard to accept for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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