Chapter 273 Mr. Water

"Yes, I am Mr. Water."

Mr. Shui nodded calmly and said to Lin Xuan.

"Oh, I never thought that the famous Mr. Shui would be a woman."

Lin Xuan raised his eyebrows and looked at Mr. Shui.

Mr. Shui didn't speak, but looked up and down Lin Xuan with a pair of eyes.

"What are you staring at me for?"

Lin Xuan couldn't help but asked, and asked Mr. Shui.

"To be able to kill so many C-level experts, you must be very powerful. Do you want to consider joining us?"

Mr. Shui smiled and walked towards Lin Xuan.

"Hahaha, what a joke! Let me join you? Wishful thinking!"

Lin Xuan couldn't help laughing out loud, and said sternly.

"Don't rush to refuse, if you join us, you will get a lot of benefits."

Mr. Shui shook his head and continued.

"Oh, benefits? What benefits can you give me, a bunch of beasts."

Lin Xuan sneered and looked at Mr. Shui with disdain.

"What if I can increase your strength quickly?"

In Mr. Shui's view, Lin Xuan's strength is already very strong for killing so many C-level masters, so naturally he cannot resist stronger strength.

Unfortunately, the result let her down.

"Hmph, I would rather die than do your method of improving strength! What's more, if I want to improve my strength, do I still need you?"

Lin Xuan snorted and directly rejected Mr. Shui.

"Hey, I have such a heaven-defying system, and I still need to use such a low-level method of improving strength like yours? How ridiculous."

Lin Xuan thought so in his heart, but nothing could be seen on his face.

"What about... money, rights, status? If you can join us, I can do my best to give you everything you want!"

Mr. Shui looked at Lin Xuan and continued.

"That's not all, if you really join us, you can get... me."

Before Lin Xuan could speak, Mr. Shui continued.


Lin Xuan was stunned by these words, and stared at Mr. Shui with wide eyes.

Lin Xuan really didn't expect that Mr. Shui would even send himself out in order to win him over.

Lin Xuan wiped his mouth and was about to refuse, but what happened next moment made Lin Xuan a little uneasy.

Mr. Shui stood up, twisted it slightly, and the coat on her body fell to the ground.

At this time, what Lin Xuan saw was a charming and charming beauty in obscene clothes.

"Little brother, come~"

Mr. Shui winked at Lin Xuan and twisted his slender waist at the same time. That scene was indescribably alluring.

Lin Xuan couldn't help but took a step back, at this moment he just felt a little dizzy.

Lin Xuan sensed something was wrong and quickly held his breath.

Lin Xuan murmured in his heart that it was not good, he was really careless.

When he first came in, he had already noticed the smell of medicine in the air.

But for him, such a thin concentration can be solved automatically without deliberately targeting it, so naturally he didn't put his mind on it.

But now it's different, he didn't know when he got another drug!

Moreover, the toxicity this time is different from those of the previous medicines, this time the effect is stronger, it is still much stronger!

Facing Mr. Shui, he fell for it unknowingly!

As expected of the BOSS behind the scenes, this thought is really scary, Lin Xuan said in his heart.

Just as Lin Xuan held his breath to dissolve the poisonous gas entering his body, Mr. Shui moved.

A jade hand like mutton fat white jade caressed Lin Xuan's shoulder, and Mr. Shui was only one step away from Lin Xuan at this moment!

Lin Xuan, who was still able to control himself just now, immediately felt dryness rising in his lower abdomen the moment Mr. Shui came in front of him!
Oh shit!

This woman is too...

Lin Xuan grabbed Mr. Shui's hand uncontrollably, and Mr. Shui fell into Lin Xuan's arms, leaning against him tightly.

Lin Xuan was in a hurry, affected by the drug, he couldn't do anything to this beauty in front of him now!

If it weren't for Lin Xuan's body's resistance to this kind of drug, he might have already fallen into the gentle town by now.

"Little brother, come with me, I need your help~"

Mr. Shui murmured, and Lin Xuan almost couldn't hold back what he heard.

At this time, Mr. Shui's hands had already caressed Lin Xuan's face, and one of Lin Xuan's hands had already wrapped his arms around Mr. Shui's slender waist.

Just when Lin Xuan could barely control himself, suddenly Xiao Qingyao's cold face appeared in Lin Xuan's mind, making him tremble.

Then, Hua Jieyu stared at her face like a mother leopard.

"Have you forgotten all about the four chapters of the covenant?".

Lin Xuan seemed to hear Hua Jieyu's voice, which echoed in his ears.

At that moment, Lin Xuan felt a lot more awake.

Lin Xuan violently pushed away Mr. Shui, who was going further, and forcibly controlled his body not to be affected by the medicine. At the same time, he quickly dissolved the toxins that had entered his body.

Seeing Lin Xuan pushing him away, Mr. Shui was startled for a moment, then smiled charmingly, and continued walking towards Lin Xuan.

"Little brother, don't insist~ This kind of thing is unbearable, come on~"

The voice was sweet and waxy, and Lin Xuan's thoughts that had been suppressed just now were almost provoked again.

"Stop! Stay away from me!"

Lin Xuan was very uncomfortable at the moment. If Mr. Shui was allowed to approach him again, he might really lose control.

Lin Xuan threw a punch, but was easily dodged by Mr. Shui.

The next moment, one of Mr. Shui's long legs was already on Lin Xuan's shoulder!
Lin Xuan hurriedly pushed her legs away and quickly backed away.

But Mr. Shui's strength seems to be very high, and he follows him closely like a shadow, making him unable to avoid it.

The two fought for a while, and the toxins in Lin Xuan's body were almost cleaned up, and he was finally able to control his body.

What made Lin Xuan feel strange was that Mr. Shui didn't seem to have any intention of killing himself.

The opponent's strength is obviously higher than his own. If there is any killing intent, the system should have triggered a skill that is slightly stronger than you.

Mr. Shui didn't know that Lin Xuan had returned to normal, and he was still teasing Lin Xuan.

The two had some physical contact from time to time. Of course, Lin Xuan was always in a passive situation.

At this moment, a figure slipped in quietly, it was Aunt Lan.

Lin Xuan and Mr. Shui were fighting back and forth, but they didn't notice that Aunt Lan had slipped in.

At this time, Mr. Shui took a step and slid on Lin Xuan's body.

In order to push her away, Lin Xuan stretched out his hand to push Mr. Shui, but was entangled by Mr. Shui.

For a while, the two were entangled together.

"Little brother, just follow me~ You won't regret it~"

Mr. Shui's soft voice sounded again, but Lin Xuan didn't change his expression.

But Aunt Lan heard these words in her ears, but that's not the case!
"This kid, what are you doing!"

Seeing this scene and hearing what Mr. Shui said, Aunt Lan couldn't help clenching her hands into fists.

Because of her anger, Aunt Lan's body was even trembling slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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