Chapter 274
"Wow! The head of the sect is always concerned about your safety, and let me protect you secretly. It can be said that he is extremely attentive to you. And you kid actually did such a thing in front of my old lady. It's not as good as a beast!"

With that in mind, Aunt Lan hurriedly sent a text message to Xiao Qingyao.

Aunt Lan reported to Xiao Qingyao all the scenes she saw in the text message, and at the same time told Xiao Qingyao the detailed route to sneak into the villa.

Xiao Qingyao, who was impatient, had already left. She wanted to see Lin Xuan sooner, and she kept her speed. She was about to arrive at Wanquan Villa by this time.

Just then, her cell phone rang.

It was a text message from Aunt Lan, Xiao Qingyao hurriedly opened the message and read it.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, Xiao Qingyao staggered in anger.

"Lin Xuan! You heartless man! You're messing around behind my mother's back!"

With a soft shout, Xiao Qingyao added a little more speed to her already fast speed, and quickly approached Wanquan Villa.

In the underground building, Lin Xuan was still fighting with Mr. Shui.

At this time, Mr. Shui, who realized that it was impossible for Lin Xuan to surrender no matter what, seemed to lose his patience, and began to show his true skills.

Lin Xuan instantly felt the pressure double. This woman's strength seemed very strong.

"It is detected that the host is in danger, and the automatic activation skills are always a little stronger than you."

The sound of the system sounded just right, and Lin Xuan instantly felt his strength soar.

It was an unprecedented powerful feeling. According to Lin Xuan's own evaluation, it was very close to his wife's strength.

"I'll go, this woman must have surpassed C-level and reached half-step B-level, this feeling is too cool."

Lin Xuan thought to himself, but the movements of his hands were not slow at all.

Today's Lin Xuan is stronger than Mr. Shui, but he is not in a hurry to take her down.

Just now, Qiu Linxuan still remembers that he used his strength to tease me.

Anyway, no matter how strong you are, I will always be a little stronger than you.If he didn't take the opportunity to get back the humiliation he was teased just now, Lin Xuan would feel that he was at a loss.

Mr. Shui found that she was a bit confused when she was able to gain some upper hand when she was not serious, but now she was always at a disadvantage when she was serious.

"You, you have been hiding your strength?!"

Mr. Shui, who was repulsed by Lin Xuan in another fight, finally asked this sentence.

"Hey, what do you think?"

Lin Xuan didn't directly respond to Mr. Shui's question, but turned a blind eye.

Mr. Shui didn't seem reconciled, adjusted his state, and continued to attack Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan shook his head slightly, and a blessing from God was given to Mr. Shui in the state of always better than you with a little skill boost.


Mr. Shui, who hadn't sent out the attack yet, stopped and covered his butt with a groan.

What happened next almost shattered Lin Xuan's psychological defense.

I saw a bright red oozing from Mr. Shui's pants...

"You... you are a fucking man?!"

Lin Xuan's unbelievable voice sounded, and the voice was a bit sharp because of the astonishment.

There is no way the system can go wrong, and blessings from God have no such effect on women.

The appearance of this phenomenon means that Mr. Shui is clearly a man!

In other words, he is a weird man who disguises himself as a woman!

Thinking of how long he had been entangled with such a man just now, Lin Xuan felt a disgusting feeling in his heart.

Because of the effect of the medicine, I actually had thoughts about a man!
Lin Xuan only felt his belly turned upside down, and he almost couldn't stand it and chose to run away.

Now Lin Xuan also understood why he had a weird feeling when he first met Mr. Shui.

"You, you're a fucking man, you're so disgusting, you're disgusting me by disguising yourself as a woman!"

Lin Xuan pointed at Mr. Shui with trembling fingers, with disgust on his face.

"What kind of ability is this, how did you discover it?"

Mr. Shui had a shocked expression on his face. He didn't expect Lin Xuan to be able to see through his disguise.

"I don't need to tell you, you are really disgusting!"

Lin Xuan frowned, he hadn't recalled the previous experience until now, it was really disgusting!
"Since you found out, I won't pretend anymore."

Mr. Shui put away the woman's disguise, and seemed to have returned to his original appearance.

However, he who had returned to his original appearance was also an extremely handsome man.

Although his appearance is not as handsome as Lin Xuan's, it is quite rare, and it belongs to the kind of appearance that can fascinate thousands of girls.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Mito Shunpei, and I am the leader here. You killed so many of my subordinates and should have killed you directly, but I still want to give you a chance."

Mr. Shui made a simple self-introduction to Lin Xuan, and he still wanted to attract Lin Xuan.

"Hahaha, Mr. Shui, you are so ridiculous. Do you think you are my opponent now, with a half-step B-level strength, what do you use to attract me?"

Lin Xuan laughed out loud, feeling that Mr. Shui seemed to have some problem with his mind.

"Heh, do you think that if I can achieve my position and have such strength, will there be any problem with my brain?"

Faced with Lin Xuan's ridicule, Mr. Shui was not angry, but calm.

"I'm giving you one last chance. If you join my organization, the previous things will be wiped out."

Mr. Shui gave Lin Xuan an ultimatum. Depending on what he meant, if Lin Xuan disagreed, there would be only one dead end.

Seeing Mr. Shui's confident appearance, Lin Xuan couldn't help thinking about what means he had.

If it is said that there are hidden strengths or ambushing people, then there is no need to be afraid with many of their skills, and it doesn't look like there are long-range weapons here.

After thinking about it, Lin Xuan didn't think that Mr. Shui would have any means beyond his control.

"Heh, join you? I'll tell you again, dreaming! Don't procrastinate, use whatever means you can!"

Lin Xuan said firmly to Mr. Shui.

"Okay, very good, since you are stubborn, let me show you my methods!"

Seeing that Lin Xuan still refused to submit, Mr. Shui put away his patience and shouted at Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan was still thinking about laughing, but suddenly he felt uncomfortable, as if he was being stared at by something.

Lin Xuan turned his head abruptly, only to see dozens or even hundreds of monsters appearing behind him!
The scarlet eyes of the monsters stared at Lin Xuan without blinking, and they might attack at any time!
Lin Xuan never expected that Mr. Shui's hole card turned out to be this!

No wonder Lin Xuan was shocked, there were hundreds of monsters that had reached C-level strength!
Even among these monsters, some of them have reached the late C-level!
(End of this chapter)

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