Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 275 Countless Monster Beasts

Chapter 275 Countless Monster Beasts
Lin Xuan never expected that Mr. Shui's hole card turned out to be this!

No wonder Lin Xuan was shocked, there were hundreds of monsters that had reached C-level strength!
Even among these monsters, some of them have reached the late C-level!
Although Lin Xuan once had a brilliant record of picking fifty C-level monsters, but now this is hundreds of C-level monsters.

You know, monsters of the same level are stronger than humans of the same level.

Faced with such a situation, Lin Xuan certainly cannot choose to sit still and wait for death.

And in view of the use restriction that the skill is always a little bit stronger than you, it can only target a single target.

Otherwise, as long as Lin Xuan maintains a state that is just a little stronger than the half-step B-level, it will not be so troublesome to deal with these monsters.

"So what about hundreds of C-level monsters, I want to see if you can hurt me, Lin Xuan!"

Lin Xuan thought so in his heart, but he didn't dare to be careless at all.Deciding to strike first, he jumped up.

When the monsters saw each other, they naturally attacked Lin Xuan together.

The scene of hundreds of monsters attacking at the same time, I believe that many people have never seen it, and have no chance to see it.

The scene was like countless cannons aiming at the target and firing shells into the sky.

"You have a leg!"

Lin Xuan kicked away the fastest monster that was closest to him, and then quickly backed away!

The monsters rushed to nothing, grinned and showed their sharp fangs, and stared at Lin Xuan fiercely.

Lin Xuan looked at the enraged monster and couldn't help taking two steps back.

Oh shit!

This scene is really too difficult!
The monsters charged again, Lin Xuan nimbly dodged the attacks of the monsters, looking for an opportunity to use God's blessing on every monster.

A small half of the monsters spurted bright red blood from behind, and stopped attacking briefly.

However, more than half of the monsters didn't react too much, and Lin Xuan was taken aback.

Could it be that these monsters are all female?But it's not right, even if it's the mother's, she won't have no reaction.

Lin Xuan kept a close eye on a relatively weak C-level monster, and when many monsters pounced on it, he turned around and grabbed it!
This monster did not expect that it would be targeted, and was strangled by Lin Xuan's big hand!

After Lin Xuan exited, he took a closer look, and then cursed loudly.

"Damn it, these monsters have all been castrated, how shameless!"

After Lin Xuan realized that most of the monsters were not affected by the blessings from God, he cursed angrily.

Lin Xuan bestowed God's blessings on the uncastrated male monsters several times to ensure that it would be difficult for them to gain considerable combat power in a short period of time, and then began to concentrate on dealing with the remaining monsters.

Even after removing the fighting power of more than 20 monsters, Lin Xuan's current situation is still extremely dangerous!

Monster beasts are not human beings, and they will not be merciful due to the influence of external factors, so it is relatively more troublesome to deal with them.

Facing the attacks of these monsters together, Lin Xuan had no choice but to activate the Hundred Thousand Clones Technique.

The positions of several clones were instantly swept by monsters, and then they were brutally torn apart!

If Lin Xuan didn't have the one hundred thousand clone technique, it might be his fate!
"You have a leg!"

With a loud roar, Lin Xuan kicked a monster flying away.

At the same time, he held the Qiankun Brick in his hand, and seized the opportunity to open a scoop to a certain unlucky monster.

Not many of these monsters are good at defense, and they are far less difficult than the monster Lin Xuan faced before.

However, this also means that the attacks of those monsters are high!
Although Lin Xuan's Qiankun Brick can accurately absorb the lives of monsters, it can't hold up too many.

Even if Lin Xuan used all means, it would be difficult to resist the attack of so many monsters.

It didn't take long for Lin Xuan to suffer several injuries.

Fortunately, Lin Xuan has a system. At a certain moment, facing a monster that is about to hurt him, he can activate a skill that is only slightly stronger than you to avoid the damage.

It's just that the number of monsters is too many, five or six can be guarded against, but nine or ten cannot be guarded against.

The wound on Lin Xuan's body just now was attacked by the remaining monsters while avoiding a few monsters rushing forward.

After such a short time, Lin Xuan had to use a recovery fruit!
Otherwise, Lin Xuan would have become the prey of monsters long ago.

Mr. Shui over there saw the abnormality. His assessment of Lin Xuan's strength had reached B level.

Even with hundreds of monsters as his cards, Mr. Shui never thought that he would easily eliminate Lin Xuan.

He was planning to let the monster consume a wave of Lin Xuan's strength first, and then attack Lin Xuan, who was in decline, with the monster.

But now it seems that Lin Xuan's strength is only C-level, far less terrible than imagined.

Mr. Shui felt relieved, he could conclude that Lin Xuan would definitely die here today, it was just a matter of how long it would take.

The current situation doesn't even require him to make a move. As long as it takes a while, Lin Xuan can't hold on anymore.

"Aren't you very good just now? Why can't you do it now?"

Mr. Shui couldn't help laughing at Lin Xuan when he saw Lin Xuan's stretched condition.

Facing Mr. Shui's ridicule, Lin Xuan didn't seem to hear it.

It's just that every once in a while, it will yell.

"You have a leg!"

Every time Lin Xuan yelled, the power of his shots would be extraordinarily strong.

Mr. Shui didn't know whether Lin Xuan was scolding himself, or venting his embarrassment about being besieged by monsters.

That doesn't matter, anyway, it is Lin Xuan who is in danger now, Mr. Shui just needs to watch quietly.

Time passed quickly, and Lin Xuan's physical strength continued to decline.

The long-term consumption made Lin Xuan's reaction gradually decrease, and the crazy attacks of those monsters added several wounds to Lin Xuan's body.

Lin Xuan's [-] Clone Technique, Restoration Fruit, You Lai Lai Ji and Qian Kun Brick skills have been used over and over again, but they still can't face so many monster beasts head-on.

Twenty or thirty monsters have died under Lin Xuan's hands, but the number of remaining monsters is still considerable.

But Lin Xuan's state has been in a state of decline.

If it wasn't for the ability to restrain more than 20 monsters with the blessing from God, Lin Xuan would have been unable to hold on.

The monsters seemed to have sensed Lin Xuan's poor condition, and attacked Lin Xuan again.

"You have a leg!"

Qiankun Brick once again hit the head of a monster with precision, and then Lin Xuan kicked another monster that rushed over.

But in the face of the attacks of other monsters, Lin Xuan could only activate the Hundred Thousand Clone Technique again.

The fighting instincts of the monsters are very strong, and they already have countermeasures against Lin Xuan's same methods.

More than [-] monsters rushed towards Lin Xuan's clones, and more than a dozen monsters aimed at the position of Lin Xuan's body, and rushed up!
Lin Xuan had no choice but to try his best to dodge and at the same time counterattack as much as possible.

A few monsters fell to the ground, and the price was several new wounds on Lin Xuan's chest and arms.

After landing, Lin Xuan panted heavily, trying his best to recover what little physical strength he had left.

"Oh? Your state seems very wrong."

Seeing Lin Xuan's state, Mr. Shui finally came out from behind and said lightly.

"Bah! You monster, stay away from me!"

Lin Xuan spat, and stared at Mr. Shui with disgust.

(End of this chapter)

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