Chapter 277 Cunning Mr. Water!

Mr. Shui thought that after such a long time, his cultivation base was strong enough to continuously improve his cultivation base through that method.

But when he saw Xiao Qingyao's attack just now, he knew that he was completely wrong.

Mr. Shui asked himself, even if he was a half-level B-level self, he could at best protect himself against those monsters.

If you want to kill all those monsters, it is absolutely impossible!
Not to mention that just one move is an instant kill. Seeing Xiao Qingyao's ease, let alone how easy it is.

In other words, he was no match for Xiao Qingyao at all!
Thinking of the shock caused when this woman first appeared just now, I am afraid that more than half of Wanquan Villa was destroyed!

That level of strength actually directly blown away a piece of land in Nuo Da!

Thinking of this, Mr. Shui made a decisive decision and chose to run away.

Mr. Shui knew very well that it was impossible to escape from Xiao Qingyao's hands without some means.

Even if he managed to escape for a while, he would definitely fall into her hands in the end!
If you use that hole card...

Maybe, you can still fight!
A fierce look flashed in Mr. Shui's eyes, and he ran away with all his strength.

"Want to run? Dream!"

Xiao Qingyao noticed Mr. Shui's intention to escape, so she gave a clear drink, and flew up to intercept Mr. Shui.

To her surprise, Mr. Shui actually called her instead of retreating.

Xiao Qingyao pushed out a palm subconsciously, and directly met Mr. Shui's body.

Mr. Shui's body was suddenly repelled, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood while he was still in the air!

However, his body was retreating rapidly!

"be cheated!"

Xiao Qingyao understood instantly, and secretly regretted in her heart that this was simply a trap set by Mr. Shui.

Facing Xiao Qingyao with true B-level strength, Mr. Shui, who is half a step B-level in terms of speed, is definitely not an opponent.

If you want to escape directly, even if you are familiar with the terrain, it is absolutely impossible.

Therefore, Mr. Shui's soldiers took risks, put them to death and survived!
He pretended to attack Xiao Qingyao, but actually he wanted to use the strength Xiao Qingyao had shot to push him, so that he could escape faster.

This palm was not sent out with momentum, but a hasty strike.

Even if Xiao Qingyao is a genuine B-level cultivation base, it is impossible to kill the half-step B-level Mr. Shui with such a palm.

Receiving this palm forcefully is just another injury, and it is far from a serious injury.

Facts have proved that Mr. Shui's idea is correct, he was not seriously injured.

Xiao Qingyao, who hastily slapped this palm, was also forced to stop in place.

Even if it is a B-level powerhouse, the speed increase is very fast, so there must be a little buffer time.

With this little time, Mr. Shui can put a distance between Xiao Qingyao and do what he wants to do.

Xiao Qingyao, a majestic B-level powerhouse, was tricked by a half-step B-level person!

This was hard for the proud Xiao Qingyao to accept.

Xiao Qingyao, who realized that she had been duped, was very angry, and chased after Mr. Shui on tiptoe.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Shui disappeared after going around a few times.

Regardless of 21, Xiao Qingyao launched a tyrannical cultivation base and directly blew up this area to the ground!

At this time, Lin Xuan had just arrived here.

After the smoke cleared, Xiao Qingyao and Lin Xuan saw Mr. Shui.

It's just that now he is still pinching the necks of two Long Kingdom women.

And beside him, there are already more than a dozen corpses of Long Kingdom women who have turned into mummified corpses!
"Wolf country people are so f*cking, one counts as one, they are all scraps!"

Seeing such a scene, Lin Xuan showed hatred in his eyes.

Mr. Shui killed so many dragon country girls in front of her, how could Xiao Qingyao bear it?
"Ah! You bastard!"

Xiao Qingyao was furious, and swung her sword to charge towards him.

At this moment, Xiao Qingyao blamed herself and was angry.

He blamed himself for not being able to arrive in time to save those girls.

The one who is angry is this beast in front of him, who did such a heartless thing!
If he wasn't wiped out, Xiao Qingyao would feel that her cultivation had been completely blinded, and she would no longer have the face to stand between the heavens and the earth!
However, when the sword was about to hit Mr. Shui, Mr. Shui dodged it!
Xiao Qingyao turned over and landed, and she found that the wound on Mr. Shui's shoulder that she had just pierced had healed!
Not only that, but the Mr. Shui she saw now was full of energy, and he didn't look like he had fought at all.

Moreover, his cultivation seems to have grown a lot from the previous half-step B-level, reaching a level infinitely close to that of a real B-level powerhouse!

"This is an evil technique that can absorb the vitality of others and transform it into one's own cultivation."

Lin Xuan walked to Xiao Qingyao and explained to him why Mr. Shui was in a state.

"Besides, this person is a human monster. Before you came, he actually disguised himself as a woman!"

"He pretended to be a woman and lured me into his organization. In order to make me submit, he even used medicine!"

Lin Xuan tried his best to exaggerate how disgusting and vicious the other party's methods are.

"Fortunately, your husband has good concentration, and he didn't fall for his tricks at all."

"Honey, you don't know how disgusting your husband is with this bastard in disguise!"

When Lin Xuan said this, he made a motion to retch.

"Oh? Really? But this is a little different from what I know, my husband!"

After listening to Lin Xuan's explanation, Xiao Qingyao not only did not relax, but stared at Lin Xuan instead.

Since the buildings here were also destroyed by Xiao Qingyao, Lin Xuan finally noticed Aunt Lan's figure.

"You, you..." Lin Xuan pointed at Aunt Lan in surprise, his eyes widened.

Aunt Lan has been here all this time, no wonder the female devil came so fast and in such a timely manner!
"I said Aunt Lan, you were here all the time just to watch me get beaten?"

Lin Xuan felt very wronged and couldn't help asking.

"The old man received the task of the head, just secretly protecting your life. You didn't die just now, why should I take action?"

Aunt Lan was asked such a question, but said indifferently.

"Lin Xuan, if Mr. Shui was really a woman, would you...en?"

Xiao Qingyao glanced at Lin Xuan and asked lightly.

With such a sentence, Lin Xuan felt a boundless chill from it.

"I'm wronged, my wife! How could I do something that I'm sorry for you?"

Lin Xuan hurriedly denied it, how could such a thing be admitted?
Don't say it's really not there, even if you have it, you can't say it!

"Hmph, let's settle this account when we go back!"

Xiao Qingyao snorted coldly, Lin Xuan hurriedly nodded in agreement.

Mr. Shui over there didn't seem to be in a hurry, but watched the two of them chatting.

From Lin Xuan's point of view, he also needs to get used to the soaring power in his body.

However, although Mr. Shui's strength has improved a lot, Lin Xuan is not worried about Xiao Qingyao at all.

After all, my wife is a genuine B-level cultivation base, so is she still afraid of the strength that has been forcibly raised by external force?

Even if there were any changes, with myself and Aunt Lan by my side, it was enough to solve all the variables.

(End of this chapter)

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