Chapter 278 Shocking World War!

However, although Mr. Shui's strength has improved a lot, Lin Xuan is not worried about Xiao Qingyao at all.

After all, my wife is a genuine B-level cultivation base, so is she still afraid of the strength that has been forcibly raised by external force?

Even if there were any changes, with myself and Aunt Lan by my side, it was enough to solve all the variables.

Xiao Qingyao feels Mr. Shui's strength, although it is infinitely close to B-level, but after all, he has not really reached that level, so he still doesn't take it seriously.

Although Mr. Shui's realm is not as good as Xiao Qingyao's, it is still very rare.

Xiao Qingyao naturally didn't want to let go of such a good opportunity to practice mobile phones.

The cold light of the long sword flickered, and Xiao Qingyao finally showed some real strength, and she was no longer as absent-minded as before.

"It just so happens that I don't have any opponents to compete with after breaking through to B-level, so I'll try you out today!"

Xiao Qingyao said something lightly, pointing at Mr. Shui with the long sword in his hand.

"Heh, don't think that you are invincible after breaking through to B-level! If you use me as a whetstone, aren't you afraid of breaking yourself?"

Mr. Shui pulled out a sword from somewhere, drew a sword flower, and pointed it at Xiao Qingyao.

Xiao Qingyao didn't take it seriously when she heard what Mr. Shui said. In her opinion, it was just lip service.

But when it stopped in Lin Xuan's ears, the words were different!

He had suffered in this area before, if it wasn't for the magic of the system, he would have fallen a long time ago!

Mr. Shui is a person who plans before acting, and now he says that, there must be a deep meaning!
Lin Xuan's heart rose, and he was always paying attention to whether Mr. Shui made any strange movements.

In such a state of concentration, Lin Xuan can guarantee that he can respond in time to any emergencies!
"Lin Xuan, Aunt Lan, please step back."

Xiao Qingyao gave an order and directly entered the fighting state.

The two long swords kept intersecting in the air, and the crisp collision sound of ping-ping-pong-pong was endless!
There is a lot of power bursting out between the gestures of the two of them, and each blow will even bring out a hurricane.

Xiao Qingyao avoided Mr. Shui's punch, and the punch hit the load-bearing wall behind, blowing the load-bearing wall to pieces!

Mr. Shui dodged Xiao Qingyao's sword, which cut the ground directly into a deep gash tens of meters long!
Lin Xuan and Aunt Lan hurriedly retreated a little more, they didn't want to be blown away by the aftermath of the two fighting.

But after watching it for so long, Lin Xuan was relieved that he could clearly see that Xiao Qingyao still had the upper hand.

Although Mr. Shui's current state is terrible, but in the long run, he will definitely not be Xiao Qingyao's opponent!
Just when Lin Xuan felt that he was thinking too much, Mr. Shui suddenly floated up out of thin air!

"Wife, be careful!"

Seeing this, Lin Xuan shouted sensitively, is this about to make a big move?
Xiao Qingyao didn't dare to be careless, she hurriedly stepped back and stared at Mr. Shui.

There was a bit of pain on Mr. Shui's face, as if he was enduring severe pain.

Then, Mr. Shui's originally handsome face changed.

The face that could fascinate thousands of girls instantly became extremely old, with sunken eye sockets and many wrinkles!
Even the original head of hair became dry and dark yellow, and some of it fell out.

However, the result of paying such a price is that Mr. Shui's aura is skyrocketing!
Mr. Shui's cultivation base, which had already been raised to infinitely close to B-level by absorbing the vitality of the girl from the Dragon Kingdom, unexpectedly made a breakthrough at this time. It looks no different from the early B-level!
Xiao Qingyao was surprised to feel that Mr. Shui's current strength did not seem to be weaker than hers at all!

Xiao Qingyao was completely shocked, and Aunt Lan behind her was also dumbfounded!

They have lived their entire lives, when have they seen such evil exercises?

Don't tell me you've seen it, you just haven't heard of it!

It is easier for Lin Xuan to accept, but the current situation is not as under control as it was just now.

"Wife, why don't I help you?"

Lin Xuan worriedly said something to Xiao Qingyao, letting Xiao Qingyao face such a weird person by himself, Lin Xuan was really worried.

"No, I don't believe it, I, a genuine B-rank, can't cut this villain under the sword!"

There was a firm light in Xiao Qingyao's eyes, and she did not accept Lin Xuan's suggestion.

One reason was that she had seen Mr. Shui's disgusting behavior, and she was determined to get rid of him.

Another reason is that it is difficult for her to meet a master of the same level now. Now that she finally has a Mr. Shui, how can she let it go?
Besides, even if he really loses in the end, it's not too late to ask Lin Xuan to help.

"Come on! Let me see how much you can gain after the increase."

Xiao Qingyao said something coldly, and a sword light seemed to cut through the space, and slashed straight at Mr. Shui.

Mr. Shui sneered, and also slashed out a sword aura with his sword, which collided with the sword aura from Xiao Qingyao in the air.

A crisp sound sounded, and the sword energy of the two disappeared at the same time.

Now it seems that the two are evenly matched.

"Hmph, come and try this sword!"

Xiao Qingyao shouted coquettishly, and raised her long sword above her head.

At that moment, Xiao Qingyao seemed to become extremely holy, and there was a whirlwind slowly gathering on her sword from all directions!
Mr. Shui's heart skipped a beat when he saw this, he knew that Xiao Qingyao was going to magnify his move.

Mr. Shui didn't dare to be negligent, and concentrated all his strength on his right arm holding the sword.

Visible to the naked eye, a faint light also appeared on Mr. Shui's arm.

After a few seconds, Xiao Qingyao's strength seemed to have reached its peak.

I saw Xiao Qingyao turning around nimbly in the air, then swung the long sword in his hand for a full moon, and slashed fiercely in Mr. Shui's direction!

It seems that Mr. Shui's strength has been accumulated over there, and he raised his sword from bottom to top!
On the one hand, they have the advantage of a high place, and on the other hand, they have the advantage of cohesive strength. In this way, it is equivalent to a pure competition of cultivation!

Under the nervous eyes of Lin Xuan and Aunt Lan, the two sword qi, which had exhausted the strength of B-level masters, finally collided with each other!
The collision didn't make any sound, instead it was in a constant stalemate.

Xiao Qingyao and Mr. Shui are still outputting strength!

Slowly, the center of the collision seemed to show signs of expansion.

"Isn't this the calm before the storm?"

Lin Xuan couldn't help muttering softly.

As soon as Lin Xuan finished speaking, at the center of the collision between the two, a shock wave that had been brewing for a long time seemed to be unable to be suppressed anymore, and it exploded crazily!

First there was a huge explosion, followed by deafening sounds one after another!
The aftermath of the collision between the two hit the ground and quickly spread outward!

The next moment, countless deep cracks appeared on the ground.

The entire Wanquan Villa was shaken at this moment!
The half of the ground that was blown away by Xiao Qingyao's rage before was basically unstable, and then it was impacted by the aftermath of the two of them, and it collapsed instantly!

The ceiling of the underground building has completely collapsed, and countless gravel and sand are flying all over the sky!

(End of this chapter)

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