Chapter 282 The End of Water!

"Death to me!"

Mr. Shui, who had taken the Shengling Pill, was so confident that he opened his hand and grabbed Lin Xuan.

In his opinion, this catch is a must.

Unfortunately, luck does not always favor a person.

"When it detects that the host is in danger, it will automatically activate a skill that is a little stronger than yours."

The sound of the system sounded again, and Lin Xuan was boosted instantly.

Just when Mr. Shui's big hand was about to touch Lin Xuan, Lin Xuan turned around lightly and avoided it.

Mr. Water made a mistake.


Mr. Shui asked a question, he didn't expect this failure.

But he didn't think much about it, maybe it was a coincidence.

After failing to catch it, Mr. Shui launched an offensive again.

Lin Xuan thought it was funny, and sent out a blessing from God.

Mr. Shui in mid-air suddenly felt something strange, and by the time he realized it, his back was already spraying red.

"Ahh! What kind of trick is this!"

Mr. Shui seemed to be overwhelmed by this trick, and couldn't help roaring.

"Stinky boy, I must kill you, definitely!"

Mr. Shui picked up the long sword, and charged at Lin Xuan with a fierce attack.

"You have a leg!"

Lin Xuan shouted and kicked away.

The long sword in Mr. Shui's hand was kicked away, and he himself was kicked back far away by the force attached to Lin Xuan's kick.

"how is this possible?!"

Mr. Shui was dumbfounded.

Only after suffering for a long time can I successfully improve my strength.

But using Shengling Pill to forcibly raise a level, how could this kid look stronger than himself?
If he already had such a level, how could he fight him if it was too late for him to run?
But looking at the current situation, this kid is completely playing himself like a monkey.

Mr. Shui, who always thought he had no plans to spare, was not calm anymore.

Mr. Shui suddenly remembered the elixir that Lin Xuan ate just now, the problem must be the elixir!
Mr. Shui thought he had found the reason.

But what he couldn't figure out was, what kind of elixir was that? !

The effect is so powerful that even Shengling Pill can't match it!
I have never heard of such a elixir, this damn kid actually has it?
Just when Mr. Shui was thinking wildly, Lin Xuanke seized this opportunity in time.

The blessings from the gods were used time and time again by Lin Xuan, and the effect of the blessings of the gods in the state of only a little bit stronger than you is simply not too strong.

In an instant, Mr. Shui felt his belly tumbling, and the blood all over his body seemed to be drawing back.

The double torture from psychology and physiology made Mr. Shui clamp his legs tightly, with a look of shame and indignation on his face.

"Do things that are neither male nor female have a shy face?"

Lin Xuan's words nearly drove Mr. Shui to death.

Can it be the same?

One is a personal special hobby, but yours is a perverted skill, okay?

Mr. Shui would like to say something, in terms of thick skin, I may not be as good as you, Lin Xuan!
The current situation did not allow Mr. Shui to relax, so he could only endure the harassment from behind and forcefully swung his sword.

Such Mr. Shui's strength is greatly reduced, how can he have the proud appearance after eating the Ascension Pill?
The two fought back and forth, and Lin Xuan would shout loudly from time to time.

"You have a leg!"

Every time the voice fell, Mr. Shui would be kicked away by Lin Xuan like a sandbag.

However, the current Mr. Shui's defense is indeed strong. Lin Xuan hit him so many times, and he can still fight Lin Xuan standing up.

"Okay, I'll give you a big one!"

Lin Xuan thought to himself, walked to Xiao Qingyao's side, and picked up her sword.

God's blessing was used again, and Lin Xuan mobilized all he could at the moment, and rushed towards Mr. Shui.

Mr. Shui seemed to realize what Lin Xuan was going to do, but he couldn't escape!
The interference behind it not only brought Mr. Shui a lot of trouble when he fought Lin Xuan, but also had a greater impact on his emotions and mentality!

A fierce look suddenly flashed in Mr. Shui's eyes.

Mr. Shui mobilized all the power he could mobilize at the moment, and slapped Lin Xuan with his palm.

Mr. Shui is also a decisive and ruthless person, knowing that he can't dodge, he will try his best to inflict the greatest damage on the enemy.

Under normal circumstances, if Lin Xuan stabbed him with a sword, he would definitely receive a palm from him.

This sword may not be able to stab Mr. Shui to death, but Mr. Shui can guarantee that Lin Xuan will definitely not feel good after receiving this palm.

This is completely a lose-lose style of play!
If Lin Xuan stops, everyone will be happy.

Even Mr. Shui can find an opportunity to counterattack Lin Xuan.

Unfortunately, Mr. Shui miscalculated again.

"Heh, is this trying to force me to stop? I'm not the one to lose by exchanging injury for injury."

Lin Xuan felt it was funny in his heart, and he still had no hesitation in this sword strike!
"After suffering this, I don't believe you can still live!"

Lin Xuan thought so, and the long sword in his hand pierced Mr. Shui's chest fiercely.

But at the same time, Mr. Shui's palm also slapped Lin Xuan hard.

The two flew backwards at the same time, and Mr. Shui fell hard to the ground.

Lin Xuan, on the other hand, felt a pair of gentle hands catching his body, dispelling all the recoil and impact for him.

Lin Xuan turned his head and saw Xiao Qingyao looking at him.

"Honey, how are you?"

Looking at the clarity in Xiao Qingyao's eyes, how could there be a hint of being affected by the drug?
The faint energy fluctuations from Xiao Qingyao also proved that her strength had recovered a lot.

"Well, I've already forced out most of the poison."

Xiao Qingyao said lightly, and took her sword from Lin Xuan's hand.

"To calculate this seat, there is a way to kill."

Xiao Qingyao seemed to have passed a sentence on Mr. Shui, and now that she has recovered a lot of strength, she has an indescribable majesty.

Maybe it's because of sitting in the head for too long, the aura of the superior is everywhere.

It looks like a goddess holding a sword of judgment!
A powerful force gathered on the sword in Xiao Qingyao's hand again, this time it seemed stronger than the previous sword!

A line of sword light connecting heaven and earth seemed to travel through time and space with a bang!
Mr. Shui, who was seriously injured by Lin Xuan, had no strength at all to avoid the attack from Xiao Qingyao.

He could only watch helplessly as the sword got closer and closer to him.

A thin bloodstain appeared on Mr. Shui's body from head to toe.

If Mr. Shui's defense was not really strong, he might have been split in half by this sword!

But even so, Mr. Shui's vitality was completely destroyed by this sword.

That terrifying sword energy brought serious and irreversible trauma to Mr. Shui!

Mr. Shui spat out a mouthful of blood on his back, and fell down weakly.

Mr. Shui was lying on his back on the ground, the sword in his hand could no longer be held, and he threw it aside.

"Why, how could this be..."

"I'm not reconciled!"

Mr. Shui looked up blankly and muttered.

(End of this chapter)

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