Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 283 Announcement 1 Paragraph

Chapter 283 Come to an end
Lin Xuan walked over and picked up the sword that Mr. Shui had thrown aside.

Lin Xuan looked at this difficult opponent with complicated eyes.

"Mito Shunpei, you lost."

"Do you know why you lost?"

"Because, evil cannot prevail against good!"

"What you do, God is watching."

"How can this world allow people like you to live forever?"

"You lose, and losing means death."

"Now I will use your sword to see you off."

Lin Xuan clenched the sword in his hand and walked to Mr. Shui's side.

"This sword is for my wife."

Lin Xuan raised his long sword, and stabbed Mr. Shui's right arm fiercely.


Mr. Shui let out a muffled sound and clenched his teeth.

"This sword is for myself."

Lin Xuan raised his sword again and stuck it on Mr. Shui's left arm.


The severe pain from the left and right arms finally defeated Mr. Shui's persistence.

Mr. Shui cried out in pain, heart-piercing.

"This sword is for Aunt Lan."

The sword in Lin Xuan's hand swung again and slashed at Mr. Shui's right leg.

Mr. Shui's whole body trembled in pain, twitching uncontrollably.

Lin Xuan's vision has no emotion, only anger and disgust.

He looked at Mr. Shui coldly, and raised his hand again.

"This sword is for those Dragon Kingdom girls."

A sword slashed on Mr. Shui's left leg, and Lin Xuan gouged it out several times.

Mr. Shui's screams became sharper, and his eyes stared at Lin Xuan with hatred.

Unfortunately, he no longer has the strength to stand up and resist.

Can only suffer silently.

Just like before, those dragon country girls who were captured by him were generally powerless.

It really is a good reincarnation.

He, Mito Shunpei, finally experienced that sense of powerlessness.

The kind of sadness that you can't even decide your own life.

He could choose to kill himself, but he didn't.

Perhaps this is the last bit of face left as the leader of the wolf nation?
Or is he counting on, what chance is there to survive?

But no matter what he was thinking, if he wanted to live, it was impossible for Lin Xuan to let him do so.

It may be a mistake for such a person to live in this world.

"Mito Shunpei! This sword is for all the innocent people who died under your hands before and after, to seek justice!"

Lin Xuan tightened the sword in his hand and pointed it at Mr. Shui's head.

"In the next life, remember to keep your eyes open and reincarnate, don't be a wolf countryman!"

After Lin Xuan finished speaking, under Mr. Shui's horrified gaze, he cut off his head with a sword.

Mr. Shui's head rolled to the side, and blood kept splashing in his cavity.

Mr. Shui's unclosed eyes were still staring straight ahead.

What is vaguely visible is the fear and regret that remained in Mr. Shui's eyes at the last moment.

"If you can still survive like this, I will change your surname directly."

Lin Xuan looked at Mr. Shui's corpse with a different head, and said bitterly.

From Lin Xuan's point of view, letting Mr. Shui die so easily is really cheap for him!

For this disgusting, conscienceless bastard, he should be subjected to all the tortures in the world!
Even so, it may not be able to relieve the hatred in my heart.

But Lin Xuan didn't dare, really didn't dare.

He was afraid that Mr. Shui would have some unknown means to turn things around.

Lin Xuan was really surprised by Mr. Shui's various evil methods.

If Mr. Shui ran away today, his revenge must be extremely terrible.

You may not be afraid, but what about others?
And what about those innocent girls in the Dragon Kingdom?
Mr. Shui will definitely do those outrageous things even more crazily.

That's why Lin Xuan killed Mr. Shui directly.

It is better to eradicate such a time bomb as soon as possible.

After all, change comes later!

Lin Xuan couldn't help but look back at Mr. Shui's body.

Seeing Mr. Shui who was no longer moving, Lin Xuan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Xuan slumped on the ground without any image, panting heavily.

It's so tiring!

Facing Mr. Shui this time was the most difficult battle in his life.

Even if he has so many hole cards and so many skills, Mr. Shui can always surprise him.

Is this the cunning and cunning of the wolf country people?

Mito Shunpei, as the leader of Wanquan Villa, fully demonstrated the characteristics of cruelty, viciousness, cunning and cunning.

His endless hole cards also brought Lin Xuan a lot of trouble and surprise.

If it wasn't for the system's skills, being a little stronger than you would have made a big difference.

With Mr. Shui's inexplicable tricks, Lin Xuan and Xiao Qingyao may both have reached level B, so they may not be the opponent of Mr. Shui!

Lin Xuan slowed down, adjusted his state and walked towards Xiao Qingyao.

"Wife, are you alright?"

Lin Xuan came to Xiao Qingyao's side and asked with concern.

"Hmph, why is something wrong with me?"

Xiao Qingyao glanced at Lin Xuan, raised her chin and said.

"Get up, my wife, we should go."

Seeing Xiao Qingyao's expression, Lin Xuan quickly bent down to pull Xiao Qingyao who was sitting there.

Xiao Qingyao didn't speak, but just handed Lin Xuan a hand.

Lin Xuan took Xiao Qingyao's hand and pulled Xiao Qingyao up.

Taking advantage of the situation, she hugged Xiao Qingyao in her arms.

"Ahem, you guys are busy first, the old man will leave."

Aunt Lan blushed when she saw the old man, and hurriedly bowed and retreated.

Xiao Qingyao forgot for a moment that Aunt Lan was still at the side, her little face turned red instantly.

Xiao Qingyao wrapped her hand around Lin Xuan's waist and twisted it hard.


Lin Xuan gritted his teeth tightly, so as not to let out such a scream.

He knew that if he called out, the end would be even worse!
"Ahem, wife, why don't we go and see if this damned Mr. Shui has any collections."

In order to resolve this embarrassing situation, Lin Xuan made a suggestion.

"Even if he really can't find anything, he can destroy these disgusting things here, so as not to be used by some bad guys."

Lin Xuan said softly to Xiao Qingyao with a smile on his face.

"Okay, this seat is ready."

Xiao Qingyao suppressed a smile and said softly.

"My wife, this way please!"

Seeing Xiao Qingyao's demeanor, Lin Xuan knew it would work, and hurried to the side to lead the way.

Xiao Qingyao and Aunt Lan followed behind and walked inside.

Lin Xuan knew a little about people like Mr. Shui.

For those life-saving hole cards, such as Shengling Pill, they must be carried with them.

And those things like money exercises will choose a secret place to store.

And this place should be hidden, but also not too far away from himself.

So Mr. Shui's collections or wealth must be nearby!
Maybe in a secret room, or a secret passage.

(End of this chapter)

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