Chapter 284 Eradicating Remnants
With the previous experience of sneaking into Wanquan Villa, plus the experience of finding Mr. Shui.

Lin Xuan felt that it was not difficult to find those collections of Mr. Shui.

At this moment, Xiao Qingyao seemed to notice something strange and stopped.

Lin Xuan noticed Xiao Qingyao's change and stopped.

"There are some small miscellaneous fish."

Xiao Qingyao said lightly.

Lin Xuan looked around and immediately understood what was going on.

When he just entered here, he discovered the wolf countryman.

But at that time Lin Xuan didn't care about them at all.

When they fought against Mr. Shui, they had long been forgotten.

When Xiao Qingyao used her female power to blow up half of Wanquan Villa and killed him directly.

These werewolves were scared out of their wits and ran away one by one with their heads in their hands.

They thought it was an earthquake, and they only thought about saving their lives.

Later, I felt that there were masters fighting, and each of them hid more covertly.

They didn't dare to come out to have a look until Mr. Shui was killed by Lin Xuan and the aftermath of the battle subsided.

Unexpectedly, at this time, they appeared again.

But this is not a problem, just some small miscellaneous fish.

Just kill them all.

Many werewolves popped up in various places.

When they saw Lin Xuan and his party of three, they quickly gathered here.

The three of Lin Xuan calmly looked at the wolf people.

"Where's Mr. Water?"

They seemed surprised that Mr. Shui was not seen.

A late C-level wolf native asked Lin Xuan tentatively.

"Oh, that bastard Mito Shunpei has already been killed by us."

Lin Xuan bared a laugh and said lightly.

"Fart! Impossible!"

Many people from the Wolf Country didn't believe Lin Xuan's words and cursed at them.

In their eyes, Mr. Shui is not only their leader, but also a fairy-like figure.

How could he just die like this?
Just died in the hands of these three people?
"Bastard, you are courting death!"

A mid-level C-level warrior from the Wolf Kingdom shouted, drew his sword, and rushed towards the three of them.

Before Lin Xuan could make a move, Xiao Qingyao moved.

Xiao Qingyao flicked his finger at the mid-level C-level wolf warrior.

It was as if an invisible air flow shot out from Xiao Qingyao's fingers.

It was as if the warrior from the wolf country had slammed into an invisible and extremely hard wall.


The warrior of the wolf country immediately spit out a mouthful of blood, and flew out far away.

The body of the wolf country warrior fell heavily to the ground, twitched a few times and then stopped moving.

Blood slowly flowed out from his seven orifices, and it seemed that he was dead.


The rest of the Wolf Warriors were shocked.

With just one finger, he killed a wolf country warrior whose strength was in the middle of C-level?

So what is the strength of this stunning woman who looks like an iceberg? !

Even the late C-level, or even the half-level B-level Mr. Shui in their impression, doesn't have such strength, right?
Could it be that this is a B-level super expert?

If this is true, isn't Mr. Shui really dead?

Thinking of this, the hearts of the wolf country warriors began to shake.

Even Mr. Shui is not an opponent, so why should they fight?

Frightened by Xiao Qingyao's power, a group of warriors from the wolf country began to retreat slowly with evasive eyes.

"Want to run? Don't think about it!"

Lin Xuan shouted, how could he give these wolf warriors a chance to escape?
At this moment, a warrior from the wolf kingdom rushed towards Lin Xuan and the others.

In his arms, he was holding a bag of something he didn't know what it was.

Lin Xuan vaguely heard the sound of "Zi Zi" as if the fuse was ignited.

Good guy, this fucking wants to die with us.

Lin Xuan already knew what the wolf country warrior was holding in his arms, it was clearly a pack of explosives!
Among the warriors of the wolf country, there are still such diehard loyalists of Mr. Shui, and this kind of spirit of seeing death as home!
But it didn't take long for Lin Xuan to sigh, it was impossible for him to let that warrior from the wolf country rush over.

"You have a leg!"

With a loud shout, Lin Xuan kicked the wolf country warrior who was carrying the explosives away.

The body of the wolf country warrior flew into the air like a kite.

The explosives also detonated just right in the air.


There was a loud noise in mid-air, and the body of the wolf country warrior instantly turned into a firework.

From a distance, it looks really good.

The remaining warriors of the wolf country no longer had the guts to fight Lin Xuan and the three of them, and started to flee in a swarm.

Lin Xuan immediately used the [-] clone technique, and more than a dozen Lin Xuan appeared together, outflanking the wolf warriors.

When Aunt Lan saw it, she followed suit and killed those wolf country warriors.

Xiao Qingyao stared at the audience, and she would immediately discover any fish that slipped through the net.

A single blow can completely shatter the thoughts of those wolf country warriors who want to escape.

With the three of them working together, in just a few minutes, all the remaining warriors from the Wolf Kingdom were killed!
"This Wanquan Villa is really a disgusting place, and these wolf people are the most disgusting race in the world!"

After solving all the problems, Lin Xuan sighed.

"Evil or not, just kill them all."

That murderousness seemed to have returned to Xiao Qingyao, and said coldly.

Although she didn't witness the various disgusting behaviors of those wolf people, she hated this race from the bottom of her heart.

"Let's go find what Mr. Shui left behind."

Lin Xuan said something, and took the lead to walk inside.

"Wife, wait a minute, I'll go look for it."

Lin Xuan said something to Xiao Qingyao, and then went to find it by himself.

Just near the place where Mr. Shui absorbed the dozen or so girls from the Dragon Kingdom, Lin Xuan discovered something unusual.

This place seemed to be a secret room at first, but it was destroyed by Xiao Qingyao's fall from the sky and the aftermath of his fight with Mr. Shui.

Lin Xuanzai searched carefully, and finally found a trace on the surface.

There are several buttons there, and Lin Xuan pressed them several times in various orders.

Finally, a door rose from the ground.

There is a keyhole exposed on it, which looks round and thick.

Lin Xuan carefully stretched out a finger to try it out, and found that the keyhole was a circle thicker than a finger.

"What the hell is this key?"

Lin Xuan muttered to himself.

Suddenly Lin Xuan had a flash of inspiration, but in an instant he showed a surprised and disgusted expression.

"Damn it, shouldn't it be that one?"

Lin Xuan couldn't help cursing.

Based on his previous experience, if he guessed right, this key should be Mr. Shui's...

"Damn it, what kind of dirty thoughts are these wolf countrymen!"

How does this allow him to open the door?
Is it possible to use your own...

"Bah, bah, bah! I'm so mad!"

Lin Xuan shook his head, throwing out this weird idea.

The problem is, Xiao Qingyao is still here now.

If he told her about this matter, other Lin Xuan would not dare to say it. Anyway, he would definitely get a beating.

(End of this chapter)

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