Chapter 285 Savings Like a Mountain
Taking Mr. Shui as a person, he set up this door as a protection.

If you want to break it by force, it is simply unrealistic.

Leaving aside the strength of this door, whether Lin Xuan can successfully destroy it.

Even if it can really be destroyed, Lin Xuan doesn't believe that Mr. Shui is not prepared to fight back.

If this door is not opened in a normal state, it may cause some mechanism.

Or there will be a way to destroy those collections is unknown.

The idea of ​​not taking away his collection to any stranger is very in line with Mr. Shui's thinking.

In the end how to do?
You can't really use your own words to try it, can you?
In case the keyhole detects that it does not belong to Mr. Water...

Lin Xuan didn't dare to think about it anymore.

He didn't want to ruin his future 'happy' life because of this.

"Aha! Got it!"

Lin Xuan spun around, suddenly slapped his thigh, and had a solution.

My brain was short-circuited before, how could I forget it!
"Qiankun Brick, Qiankun Brick, you must work hard!"

Lin Xuan kept mumbling, and took out the Qiankun Brick.

Under Lin Xuan's hopeful gaze, the Qiankun Brick slowly turned into a long cylindrical shape.

"It must be successful!"

Lin Xuan muttered about putting the cylindrical object made of Qiankun bricks into the keyhole.

Strictly fit!

Lin Xuan clenched the cylindrical object tightly and turned it hard.

The door is open!
A round entrance was exposed on the ground, it was dark, and it was unknown how deep it was.

"It's done!"

Lin Xuan let out a cry of excitement.

The Qiankun brick is really powerful, this kind of thing can be made out!
Lin Xuan couldn't help but think that if Qiankun Brick's ability was used to pick the lock...

Bah, bah, bah, my young master is a gentleman, how could he do such a thing.

Lin Xuan couldn't help but shook his head, putting aside such unrealistic thoughts.

"Honey, the door is open, come here!"

Lin Xuan greeted Xiao Qingyao and waited for the two of them to come over.

Xiao Qingyao heard Lin Xuan calling her, and came over with Aunt Lan.

"It's a big man, it takes so much effort to find an entrance, I really don't know what this seat is looking for in you."

Xiao Qingyao came over and pouted at Lin Xuan.

"Honey, don't you know... Well, let's go in first."

Lin Xuan just wanted to complain, but found that he couldn't speak.

He had no choice but to change the subject and coax Xiao Qingyao to walk in.

Lin Xuan took the lead and jumped down first.

After about two or three seconds, Lin Xuan landed firmly.

As soon as he entered the underground cave, there were lights on.

"I go!"

Before Lin Xuan could see how many treasures there were, he was shocked.

As far as the eye can see, there are countless mountains of gold and silver, and the banknotes over there are scattered everywhere, piled up into hills.

Get rich!
Lin Xuan thought to himself.

"Honey, come down!"

Lin Xuan shouted to the top.

Hearing Lin Xuan's voice, Xiao Qingyao jumped down with Aunt Lan.

"This, so much!"

As soon as Xiao Qingyao took a look, she subconsciously said something.

Even with her position as the head of the Tianyi School, and her B-level initial cultivation base, she was so well-informed, and she was taken aback by Mr. Shui's secrets.

Even if Tian Yizong is packaged and sold, it may not be worth one-tenth of the wealth here.

This is just a rough calculation. If you calculate the value of the treasures here, I don't know how terrible it will be.

No wonder!
No wonder Mr. Shui was able to turn the entire Wanquan Villa into his private domain.

No wonder Mr. Shui was able to hire so many C-level masters.

No wonder Mr. Shui can make so many strange instruments.

With such wealth, what else can Mr. Shui not do?

Good thing he's dead now!
Thank goodness he's dead now!
The three of Lin Xuan walked forward, feeling more and more shocked as they walked.

There are countless treasures here, such as agate, emerald, and jade!

The jewelry that girls like, pearls can't be seen at a glance.

Like a girl who had never seen the world before, Xiao Qingyao jumped in front of those ornaments.

Pick up this one and look at it, and then pick up that one and look at it, I just feel that I can't put it down.

"Master, you..."

Seeing Xiao Qingyao like this, Aunt Lan couldn't help reminding her.

Only then did Xiao Qingyao realize her situation, she stood up hastily, and regained that cold demeanor.

From the corner of her eye, Xiao Qingyao caught a glimpse of Lin Xuan who looked at her as if she had just met her, and felt a fever on her face.

Why did you lose your composure in front of this kid?
Master Xiao felt that he had lost his life!

"What are you looking at? This seat, this seat is just looking at these accessories!"

Xiao Qingyao gave Lin Xuan a blank look, and emphasized as softly as possible.

"Ouch, my Master Xiao, you almost buried yourself in those accessories."

Lin Xuan yelled exaggeratedly, and said in a strange way.


Xiao Qingyao snorted angrily, turned around and did not look at Lin Xuan.

You bastard, wait until you get out!

Xiao Qingyao thought in anger.

Lin Xuan came over and stood in front of Xiao Qingyao.

"Honey, don't be shy. After all, you're a girl. It's normal to like these things, isn't it?"

Lin Xuan changed his previous attitude, and said softly to Xiao Qingyao.

"Honey, I really can't imagine how beautiful you, who are like a fairy, will be after wearing these jewelry!"

"I think, if you stand by my side like that, I will definitely be envied by all the men in the world."

"Honey, do you know how much I love you?"

"I will buy these jewelry for you in the future, and I will buy them for you."

"I want my wife to be the most beautiful woman in the world and the happiest woman in the world!"

"Trust me, I will do it!"

"My wife I love you!"

Lin Xuan stood in front of Xiao Qingyao, looked at her affectionately, and said softly.

"You, what are you talking about..."

Xiao Qingyao never expected that Lin Xuan would say such a thing. At this moment, her heart was full of happiness.

At this moment, the little girl's thoughts that were slightly angry before vanished, and all she had was what Lin Xuan said.

Every word kept echoing in Xiao Qingyao's mind, Xiao Qingyao's face was as red as a ripe apple.

Lin Xuan walked over and hugged Xiao Qingyao, and Xiao Qingyao also hugged Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart at the moment, and it is rare to see a head in such a state.

After a while, Xiao Qingyao suddenly pushed Lin Xuan away.

She just remembered that she and Lin Xuan were not the only ones here.

Aunt Lan is still on the sidelines.

"Ashamed to death!"

Xiao Qingyao pinched Lin Xuan hard, lowered her head and turned around, not speaking anymore.

Lin Xuan glanced at Xiao Qingyao's state and knew what she was thinking, and scratched his head in embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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