Chapter 286 Poor Lin Xuan
Aunt Lan is still on the sidelines.

"Ashamed to death!"

Xiao Qingyao pinched Lin Xuan hard, lowered her head and turned around, not speaking anymore.

Lin Xuan glanced at Xiao Qingyao's state and knew what she was thinking, and scratched his head in embarrassment.

Aunt Lan on the side didn't see it, and she didn't see it, she didn't know what to do.

But at this moment, Xiao Qingyao spoke.

"Aunt Lan, I want to ask you, what did you see just now?"

His tone was cold and his killing intent was awe-inspiring!
I'm really afraid of something coming, I'm afraid it's not trying to kill me!Aunt Lan thought to herself.

"My old body is dazzled. I was dazzled by so many treasures just now, but I didn't see anything. I don't know what the master is referring to when he asked me if I saw it?"

Aunt Lan quickly lowered her head, pretending not to know.

Having been by Xiao Qingyao's side for so long, he naturally knows what the head of the sect is probably thinking.

"Well, it's all right."

Xiao Qingyao said something lightly, then turned around and left.

Aunt Lan said in her heart that it was dangerous!

At the same time, I made a decision in my heart, as long as the head and Lin Xuan are together, nothing will appear!
There is basically nothing good to be associated with this kid Lin Xuan!
"What is this?"

There was a voice from Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan held a small and exquisite box in his hand, which looked very delicate.

The box is still like this, it looks like there is something amazing inside.

"What's inside, open it and have a look, then you'll know."

After Xiao Qingyao said something, Lin Xuan hurriedly handed over the box.

With a wave of Xiao Qingyao's hand, the box was opened.

This kind of not-so-advanced restriction, in front of Xiao Qingyao, who has a B-level cultivation, is tantamount to nothing.

"It seems to be a book of exercises."

Xiao Qingyao took out a book inside, looked at it and said.

The moment Lin Xuan heard Xiao Qingyao talk about the exercises, he felt that something was wrong, and secretly called it over.

Lin Xuan wanted to take the book away, but he didn't dare to move.

I can only stand still and worry.

Not long after, Xiao Qingyao, who was flipping through the exercises there, gradually showed a murderous aura!
"Lin Xuan! What the hell is this!"

Xiao Qingyao yelled coquettishly, rushed to Lin Xuan with a stride, and grabbed his ears!

"Wife, wife, please forgive me!"

"It's all that Mito Shunpei's stuff, it's none of my business!"

Lin Xuan only felt a sharp pain above his ears, and begged for mercy loudly.


Xiao Qingyao snorted coldly, and threw the book to Lin Xuan.

"Don't let me see such dirty things in the future! Next time, I will only ask you!"

Xiao Qingyao seemed to feel that her hands were dirty, so she rubbed her hands vigorously a few times, and rubbed her eyes.

Lin Xuan rubbed his red ears and secretly scolded Mr. Shui as an asshole.

Everyone is dead, but he can still make himself suffer because of him, what a bastard!
Although this way of being pulled by my wife's ears is not so unacceptable...

Out of curiosity, Lin Xuan simply flipped through the exercise book.

Sure enough, just as he thought, it recorded the evil exercises practiced by Mr. Shui.

And some crazy ways to improve your cultivation.

Lin Xuan finally understood why Mr. Shui had such a great need for girls from the Dragon Kingdom.

It turned out that what Mr. Shui practiced was a kind of evil skill of harvesting yin and nourishing yang.

Although this method of cultivation improves quickly, there is also a sequelae.

That is, people who practice such exercises will have more and more estrogen in their body as the demand for women increases.

To put it simply, the higher the level of cultivation achieved by this kind of cultivation method, the more motherly that person will be!
If you cultivate to a certain level, you will even completely become a woman!
Although that will not disappear, it will just lose its function.

No wonder, no wonder when I first met Mr. Shui, I saw him dressed as a man disguised as a woman.

It turned out that it was caused by this exercise, maybe he was adapting to the future life in advance.

In other words, Mr. Shui became more and more abnormal during the process of practicing this kind of exercise.

Only then will I like men to dress up as women and show people in this way.

If his cultivation reaches B-level, or even A-level in the future, maybe he will really become a woman without disguise.

While Lin Xuan lamented this technique, he also hated Mr. Shui from the bottom of his heart.

This kind of exercise that has such a big sequelae for men also needs to be practiced. This is how cerebral palsy it is.

In order to quickly improve his cultivation, he even gave up the dignity and happiness of men?
Putting this kind of thing on Lin Xuan is absolutely impossible!

The wolf people are indeed a group of disgusting monsters that cannot be guessed by common sense!

However, when he thought of Mr. Shui becoming male and female because of this, Lin Xuan felt a burst of comfort in his heart!
Although your cultivation base is half-step B-level, but the young master is still better than you...

"Hey, what are you thinking?"

Just when Lin Xuan was thinking about such things, Xiao Qingyao's voice came.

This gave Lin Xuan a shock.

Xiao Qingyao must not let Xiao Qingyao know this idea!

Otherwise, I'm afraid my life will be in dire straits!
"Cough, it's nothing."

"I was just wondering how such a disgusting technique exists, it's really disgusting!"

Lin Xuan hurriedly found an excuse to prevaricate.

Fortunately, Xiao Qingyao didn't think much about it.

Lin Xuan tore up the book that recorded the evil exercises. He would not let such dirty things exist in this world.

Lin Xuan picked out some useful treasures and put them in the storage space.

Some of that wealth was also taken away, but most of it stayed here.

It's not that he doesn't want to take it away, but even if he wants to, he doesn't have the ability.

What's more, there is a female leopard in my backyard.

I have to leave something for her.

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan walked to Xiao Qingyao's side and said something.

After explaining and comforting for a while, Xiao Qingyao reluctantly agreed with Lin Xuan to call Hua Jieyu.

The price was that Lin Xuan's waist was bruised and purple.

Grinning his teeth, Lin Xuan took out his mobile phone, supported his waist with one hand, and called Hua Jieyu.

"Why, you still know how to call me?"

Not long after, Hua Jieyu's voice came out.

"Ahem, yes, yes."

Lin Xuan was sloppy, and in front of Xiao Qingyao, he didn't dare to call Hua Jieyu his wife.

Lin Xuan can guarantee that if he really does this, he will die!

But Hua Jieyu seemed to hear something unusual.

"Huh? What's the matter with you kid, hesitating."

"Is Xiao Qingyao by your side?"

Lin Xuan's eyes widened. What's the situation with this female leopard?
What a god!
Could it be that a woman's sixth sense is so powerful?

Lin Xuan even wondered if Hua Jieyu had installed a camera on himself!

"Ah, yes yes yes."

Lin Xuan faltered and said.

(End of this chapter)

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