Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 290 Hua Jieyu's Strength

Chapter 290 Hua Jieyu's Strength
Hua Jieyu was so ashamed that a blush immediately appeared on his face.

This is not serious!

I was talking about serious things with you, and suddenly I said something that was not serious.

It's okay to call it my wife, and I've heard it many times.

But the chief's wife.

What kind of fairy name is this?
Hua Jieyu really wants to ask now, do you still want to call the head's wife when you are called Xiao Qingyao?

Nothing is right!

"Hey, don't be shy, they are all old couples."

Lin Xuan went over to hold Hua Jieyu's hand.

Although Hua Jieyu was shy, she didn't hide.

The scene suddenly seemed a little weird.

"Honey, how about... let's make a temporary summary of the four chapters of the contract?"

Lin Xuan asked maliciously.

"You! Just sum it up, I'm still afraid that you won't succeed?"

Hua Jieyu was shy for a while, raised her chin and said to Lin Xuan.

Ever since, the two hugged each other logically.

"Honey, you are so beautiful!"

Lin Xuan said affectionately.


Hua Jieyu responded in a dazed manner.

Lin Xuan couldn't take it anymore, he bowed his head, and it was printed on Hua Jieyu's small mouth.

After a long time, the two were reluctant to separate.

Lin Xuan looked at Hua Jieyu with love in his heart.

Hua Jieyu's delicate body is so beautiful, and every little move touched Lin Xuan's heart.


"Huh? Why did it stop?"

Hua Jieyu's lazy voice came out.

"Hey, I haven't seen you for so long, don't you just want to leave like this?"

Seeing Lin Xuan stop, Hua Jieyu straightened his upper body and said.

The mother leopard is so desperate today? !
"Old, wife, why don't we take a rest first?"

Lin Xuan just felt that the state of the mother leopard seemed a bit wrong today.

Could it be that he was jealous because he came out from Xiao Qingyao's side?

"What are you resting for? Isn't this resting? And it's a double rest, both physical and psychological."

I go!

Why is it so easy for Hua Jieyu to say such fairy words?

This is also called rest?Or a double break?

If this continues, it is not a rest!

Lin Xuan even felt that when he was fighting Mr. Shui, he didn't face the pressure of the mother leopard!
"Honey, should we eat something to restore our strength?"

Lin Xuan made excuses.

"What kind of physical strength do you want to recover? I have plenty of physical strength!"

"I didn't see your face of failure before, so I will definitely ask you to beg for mercy today!"

Hua Jieyu couldn't help but press Lin Xuan tightly.

Don't let him go!

Lin Xuan gasped, feeling that the mother leopard wanted to stand up and be the master today!
【Ding! 】

[Detecting the current condition of the host, it is recommended that the host eat a recovery fruit! 】

The sound of the system sounded, and Lin Xuan no longer hesitated.

After eating a recovery fruit, he will immediately become fierce!
All of a sudden, the mother leopard was thrown away, and she retreated steadily!

Unexpectedly, the mother leopard has been defeated and fought repeatedly, and the more she fights, the more courageous she becomes!

Even if Lin Xuan galloped freely, he only had the upper hand for a while.

Can't completely suppress the female leopard!
On the contrary, the female leopard would sneak up on her from time to time when the two were fighting.

Lin Xuan didn't believe this evil, so he seized the opportunity to attack!
Unexpectedly, the mother leopard blocked them all!

Lin Xuan was aroused to be competitive, and even started to use some small tricks.

At the same time, I was wondering, this is not right!

Although the fighting power of the female leopard has always been very strong, it is not to this extent.

In fact, the biggest reason was Xiao Qingyao!
Hua Jieyu was both envious and jealous of Xiao Qingyao during this period of time!

They are all Lin Xuan's wives, why can you, Xiao Qingyao, be by his side?
My wife is not bad, okay?
Thinking that I have been thinking about this kid for the past few days, but Lin Xuan and Xiao Qingyao are you and me, you and me!
Hua Jieyu was so angry!

Calling himself next to Xiao Qingyao, he didn't even call his wife!

How abominable!

Thinking of these, Hua Jieyu felt a steady stream of physical strength!
My old lady must let you know today, what will happen if you mess with my old lady!
(End of this chapter)

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