Chapter 291
It's a pity that after recuperating, Lin Xuan is not in an ordinary spirit at the moment!

The mother leopard had no choice but to grit her teeth, and the thoughts in her heart supported the mother leopard, this time she must not admit defeat!
And Lin Xuan thought the same way.

How could it be possible to concede defeat?

Ever since, no one has fished well.

Hua Jieyu lay on the ground, gasping for breath.

With Lin Xuan on her side, he was also exhausted.

Lin Xuan didn't dare to say, at least tonight, it was impossible for him to go back to Xiao Qingyao's side.

Really, too tired!
The ability of the mother leopard has refreshed his cognition, she is really a hero among girls!

I don't know if Hua Jieyu really became his wife in the future, whether it is a good thing or a bad thing.

The two lay side by side on the ground like a collapse.

Not long after, the two fell asleep at the same time.

Huhu sleep.

It wasn't until the next morning that the two woke up one after another.

After waking up, Hua Jieyu only felt a splitting headache and a little dizzy.

Hua Jieyu glanced at Lin Xuan who was lying on the side, and kicked him up.

Lin Xuan was kicked out of his dream by Hua Jieyu's kick, and opened his eyes in confusion.

What caught my eyes was Hua Jieyu's beautiful face.

It's just that the expression on this face seems to have seen the enemy?

Lin Xuan was shocked and sat up directly.


Lin Xuan supported his waist, only feeling sore and unbearable.

Lin Xuan gradually recalled what happened yesterday, and also understood why he felt this way.

And why Hua Jieyu stared at him with cannibalistic eyes.

It's okay if Lin Xuan doesn't wake up, but it's different this time around.

Hua Jieyu looked at Lin Xuan's innocent eyes and remembered what happened yesterday.

I just felt that pretty face was burning hot.

Even a little embarrassing.

After all, yesterday was my own initiative.

It turned into the bewildered look of the little daughter's family.

The look on Hua Jieyu's face was very exciting, and Lin Xuan saw the clue.

Immediately, Lin Xuan cast a blessing from God on Hua Jieyu.


Hua Jieyu let out a muffled snort, only feeling that there seemed to be a hot current flowing in his body.

It's like bathing in the sun, warm and sunbathing.

The previous pain seems to have been reduced by half, or even wiped out!

While Hua Jieyu was recovering from his pain, he suddenly remembered that Lin Xuan had given him some kind of healing skill before.

Can't help but get angry again.

"Wow! You heartless!"

"You didn't use that healing skill for me earlier, but delayed it until now."

"Lin Xuan, say it yourself, what should you do!"

Hua Jieyu, who had recovered a lot, stood up immediately, and shouted to Lin Xuan with his hips on his arms.

The temperament of yesterday is gone, and now he is the proper demeanor of the director of the Ability Bureau!
Lin Xuan was stunned.

Wang Defa? !

isn't it?
I see that you are in great pain, and I kindly gave you blessings from God.

Not only did he not get praise or rewards, but he was criticized?
What is this called!
Besides, yesterday I was almost overwhelmed.

If I give you blessings from God again, won’t that be causing trouble for myself?

But thinking so in my heart, I definitely dare not say it out of my mouth.

"Oh, I am wronged, my wife!"

"Didn't we fall asleep immediately after yesterday's so-and-so?"

"And you woke up earlier than me today!"

"As soon as I woke up, I treated you, and I didn't dare to delay for a second!"

Lin Xuan explained, pretending to be wronged.

When Hua Jieyu heard it, it seemed that this was the case.

This kid seemed to fall asleep faster than himself yesterday, and he woke up first just now.

In this way, this kid really didn't waste much time.

"Is that right?"

"That's fine, I'll be more magnanimous, and I won't argue with you!"

Hua Jieyu raised his chin and said condescendingly.

Huh, finally fooled it.

If it makes the mother leopard feel bad, let me give her blessings a few more times...

The consequences are unimaginable!
If this really happened, then Lin Xuan didn't have to go back to find Xiao Qingyao, he just explained it here.

Lin Xuan talked to Hua Jieyu and went out to buy something.

After the two finished their meal, they regained some of their strength.

"Honey, what are your plans now?"

Seeing Hua Jieyu finished eating, Lin Xuan asked her.

"Well, I will go back and report to Wanquan Villa once I have taken care of it."

"But what you said before, do you really want to go to Hangzhou?"

Hua Jieyu briefly talked about the itinerary, and asked Lin Xuan with concern.

Even though she knew that with Lin Xuan's current ability and Xiao Qingyao by her side, nothing unexpected would happen.

But she was still a little worried.

"It's okay, wife, don't worry!"

"Your husband, I'm not a brat now, and those scumbags who have been wolves will be wiped out with a backhand."

Lin Xuan waved his hand, full of confidence.

"No seriousness!"

Hua Jieyu gave Lin Xuan a blank look.

"Don't worry my wife, even if it's for you, I will protect myself."

Lin Xuan said again, Hua Jieyu almost choked.

What does it mean to protect yourself for me?
I really don't know where the fairy tales came from!
And the meaning of these words, why does it sound so strange?

"Who cares about you, life or death is up to you!"

Hua Jieyu turned his head to the side and stopped looking at Lin Xuan.

What a nasty fellow!

Hua Jieyu said inwardly.

"Okay ma'am, I should go back."

"Wait for my good news!"

Lin Xuan stood up and walked out the door.

"Be careful, you!"

"Also, don't forget about the fourth chapter of the agreement!"

Hua Jieyu shouted at Lin Xuan's back.

Lin Xuan staggered when he heard the last sentence.

Hua Jieyu smiled coquettishly.

(End of this chapter)

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