Chapter 293

"Is this Hangcheng? It doesn't look very good either."

Lin Xuan was walking on the streets of Hangzhou, muttering to himself.

"It's no wonder that there are so many wolf people in this place, even if it's a good place, it's not good."

Lin Xuan's words were full of hostility towards the wolf country people.

Xiao Qingyao walked beside Lin Xuan, holding his arm.

Listen quietly to his whining.

"Forget it, let's make it happen."

"Honey, let's go eat, how about?"

Lin Xuan turned to Xiao Qingyao who was beside him and asked.

"Okay, I listen to you."

Xiao Qingyao nodded slightly and responded.

Lin Xuan inexplicably felt a little comfortable. Xiao Qingyao, who is so small and cuddly, is rare!

Lin Xuan stopped a car and sat in it with Xiao Qingyao.

“Go to the best restaurant here.”

Lin Xuan said casually to the driver, then leaned on the backrest and closed his eyes to rest.

He really didn't want to see some scenery here, the customs of the wolf country are everywhere.

Xiao Qingyao leaned her head on Lin Xuan's shoulder and closed her eyes.

If it continues like this, it may be a beautiful scene.

It's a pity that the most easily disturbed thing in this world is beauty.


A loud noise came from behind, and Lin Xuan and Xiao Qingyao reacted immediately.

The two of them jumped hard, pierced through the roof of the carport, and jumped out.

The moment the two jumped out, the car under their feet was hit and flew out!

What are you doing? !

rear end?

After finally relaxing with my daughter-in-law, this happened to me?

Could it be that his whereabouts were discovered by a wolf countryman with a heart?

Lin Xuan felt that his suspicion was very justified!

After all, this Hangzhou city can be said to be a place for the wolf country people in a sense.

Otherwise, how could it be so coincidental that it happened directly on my own head?

Seven or eight people poured out of the two cars behind, looking fierce and vicious!
Lin Xuan has basically confirmed that he is a wolf countryman!
In order not to be located whereabouts, I can only kill them all!

Lin Xuan made a decisive decision and shot directly.

Of course, Lin Xuan didn't go all out in order to ensure that no big disturbances would attract attention.

With Xiao Qingyao here, it's impossible for these people to escape.

Lin Xuan jumped up and kicked a person behind him away with a flying kick.

Then he turned around beautifully, and punched another person in the chest!

The two of them were knocked down by Lin Xuan neatly.

But Lin Xuan suddenly felt something was wrong.

The opposite seems a bit, too weak?

I did less than half of my effort, but I cleaned up the two of them so simply and neatly?

This strength means barely entering the D rank, right?
Are the werewolves out of their minds?

Send such a person to follow?Or looking for trouble?
"Stop! Don't hit, don't hit!"

"Isn't it just to blackmail you for some money, so I won't kill you!"

When Lin Xuan was wondering, the one who seemed to be the leader on the opposite side said something.

"Extorted money?"

Lin Xuan was taken aback.

Could it be that this is not a secret work sent by the people of the wolf country, but that some punks were met by him?

"Who the hell are you guys? Why hit the car I was riding in!"

Lin Xuan shook his fist, scaring the people on the opposite side back again and again.

Since the fight was also fought, it was not a misunderstanding.

After all, it is a matter of picking first.

Lin Xuan will not be afraid either.

"We are a small force in Hangzhou..."

The leader was forced by Lin Xuan's strength, so he stepped forward and told Lin Xuan about it.

After some cross-examination, Lin Xuan knew their origins.

It really is such a coincidence to co-author this matter!

These people are just an underground organization organized with nowhere to make a living.

I don't do anything outrageous, just blackmail a few dollars on the side of the road like this.

But such a person is not a good cake.

Lin Xuan punched and kicked after asking for instructions from Master Xiao.

Beat these little bastards away.

But this time, Lin Xuan did not kill him.

After all, he has no grievances or enmities with himself, and he will not be beaten to death.

Lin Xuan looked at the running backs of these punks and shook his fist.

After this incident, Lin Xuan and Xiao Qingyao were in no mood to eat.

No one is happy that a good mood is disturbed like this.

Lin Xuan and Xiao Qingyao walked on the road, not fast.

The sun was shining, and the backs of the two of them were very, very long.

Such a scene looks very warm.

It's a pity that the good times don't last long.

When Lin Xuan and Xiao Qingyao reached a small alley, many vehicles suddenly rushed out.

Lin Xuan glanced, there were about seven or eight cars.

"Okay, I let them go, and I dare to come back to make trouble!"

Lin Xuan didn't even need to think about it, he knew that these cars were with the gangsters who were beaten away by him just now.

After all, after coming to Hangzhou, no one has offended anyone.

The wolf country people did not find any trace of Lin Xuan, so this is the only possibility.

Dozens of people got out of their cars, some with weapons in their hands.

In this small alley, it looks really a bit imposing.

"Is it you kid who just hit our brother?"

"Yo, there's a nice chick."

A brawny bald man pointed at Lin Xuan and asked, and he was attracted by Xiao Qingyao who was beside Lin Xuan as soon as he said a word.

"Not bad, not bad, tonight will not be boring."

As if responding to the words of the bald man, many people looked at Xiao Qingyao with malicious intent.

There were even a few people with bad expressions sticking out their tongues and licking their lips.

A feeling of extreme disgust rose in Xiao Qingyao's heart, and she pinched Lin Xuan.

Seeing Xiao Qingyao being so insulted, how could Lin Xuan bear it?
It's enough to be angry when a good mood is disturbed, but now there are these blind bastards blocking the way.

Lin Xuan announced in his heart that there was nothing good for these people.

"Boy, I'll give you a chance."

"As long as you keep this girl, come here and kowtow three times, we will let you go."

The bald man was very arrogant and gave Lin Xuan a thumbs down.

"Oh, my husband, if you really can't do it, you can give them three bangs."

For some unknown reason, Xiao Qingyao came up with such a sentence.

Lin Xuan instantly became angry!

What a devil, she actually helped outsiders run on me!

If it weren't for the fact that I can't do that with you now, I have to make you docile!
Since this fire can't be directed at Xiao Qingyao, then the unlucky one can only be the bald man.

Lin Xuan rushed forward in an instant, and his big hand grabbed the bald man's neck at lightning speed!

Before the bald man could react, Lin Xuan put him on the ground!
Then Lin Xuan punched the bald man on the nose.

Blood gushed out instantly!

Lin Xuan's set of actions stunned the dozens of people, no one thought that Lin Xuan would actually do it directly.

What's more, that bald-headed strong man has the strength of mid-level C!
Why is there no power to fight back in this kid's hands?
(End of this chapter)

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