Chapter 294 Invincible

Didn't you say that this kid is only a D-rank?
Could it be that he met a master who pretended to be a pig and eat a tiger?

The bald man only felt a huge force hit his face, and he was instantly dazed.

He wanted to resist, but he couldn't bring up any strength at all.

I am a mid-level C-level cultivation base!
I thought that with so many people here this time, it would be easy to solve this matter.

I didn't expect to suffer a big loss as soon as we met each other!

This time, I'm afraid it won't be easy to solve.

"Go together!"

"I don't believe he can take care of us all by himself!"

I don't know who yelled, and dozens of people started to move closer after listening.

An encirclement circle was formed, enclosing Lin Xuan and Xiao Qingyao in the middle.

Xiao Qingyao didn't look worried at all, she was still holding the milk tea that Lin Xuan bought for him just now.

I drank it in small sips.

Facing the siege of these people, Lin Xuan was even more absent-minded.

There are only a few C grades in total.

The young master has killed fifty C-level masters by himself.

Even with the power of one person, he has fought against hundreds of C-level monsters.

Now this is just a small scene.

"come together."

Lin Xuan said lightly that those people were irritated by Lin Xuan's attitude.

Even if you are a master, you can't look down on us like this, can you?

Dozens of people rushed forward!

It's a pity that these people's movements are too slow for Lin Xuan's eyesight.

Lin Xuan blocked the punch from the person on the left, and at the same time blocked the kick from the person on the right.

And Lin Xuan only needs to move a few steps to avoid all the attacks.

After a long time, these people also discovered that something was wrong.

Why is this kid so slippery?

Two or three minutes passed, but no one could beat Lin Xuan!
What kind of cultivation is this kid?
How powerful is it?

At this time, Lin Xuan had had enough.

It's enough to tease them for a while, after all, this is Hangzhou.

So Lin Xuan began to fight back.

I saw Lin Xuan punching left and kicking right, and the person who was hit by Lin Xuan flew out immediately.

Now Lin Xuan didn't hold back too much, facing so many people, it's better to make a quick decision.

The strongest of these people is the mid-stage C-level, the bald and strong man who was brought down by Lin Xuan first.

For the rest, Lin Xuan didn't even need to use the skills from the system.

Relying on his own strength alone, he killed them all.

In just a few minutes, more than half of these people were lying on the ground.

The rest of the dozen or so people were overwhelmed by Lin Xuan's strength, trembling and afraid to step forward.

"Don't, stop fighting!"

"We don't dare any more!"

"Please let us go!"

Seeing that Lin Xuan seemed to be still wanting to do something, someone finally couldn't help begging for mercy.

There was a person at the beginning, and then there was a sound of begging for mercy.

"Oh, that's it? Do you dare to trouble others?"

Lin Xuan pouted.

"Who's in charge?"

Lin Xuan felt that it was almost done, shook his fist, and asked lightly.

"Then, it's the one you knocked down first."

A man pointed to the bald man who was still lying on the ground and didn't get up.

The bald man was still rubbing his head, looking a little painful.

Two younger brothers trotted over, and only then helped the bald man up.

The bald man rested for a long time before he came back to his senses.

Lin Xuan's punch was really a bit heavy.

If it weren't for his defense, the bridge of his nose would be broken.

Even if the bridge of the nose was not broken, his brain was still shaken by the force of that punch.

"How about it, are you convinced?"

Lin Xuan walked up to the bald man, lowered his head and asked.

"Shut it up, take it up..."

Although the bald man's mind is still not very clear, but for Lin Xuan, he knows that people like himself are definitely not opponents.

Although he didn't participate in the battle before, he didn't see clearly the battle between Lin Xuan and the dozens of people he brought.

But he heard the begging voices of the people he brought.

In addition, just now Lin Xuan put himself down in a face-to-face meeting.

With such strength, what is it to be subdued?
As the saying goes, people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

In order to save his life, he had to admit that he was cowardly first.

If Lin Xuan left them all here in a fit of anger, then everything would be over.

"Today, that day, we offended the two of you, so please be kind to me, don't be as fussy as we are!"

The bald man stood up and said tremblingly.

"It's useless for you to tell me, go and apologize to my wife!"

Lin Xuan pointed in Xiao Qingyao's direction.

"Beauty, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry!"

"I offended you just now because I was in a daze, please forgive me for my unintentional mistake!"

The bald man was able to bend and stretch, and bowed deeply to Xiao Qingyao.

"That's it."

Xiao Qingyao replied lightly.

The bald man dared to stand up only after he got the reply, and looked at Lin Xuan again.

"Do you have to give me an explanation for today's matter?"

Lin Xuan stood with his hands behind his back and said to the bald man.

"Give, give!"

"Whatever explanation you want, I will give it!"

The bald man hurriedly took up Lin Xuan's words.

As long as he could escape today, he would not hesitate to pay the price.

If you encounter this kind of iron plate, you can only consider yourself unlucky.

"Okay, since you are a power, then take me to meet your boss."

Lin Xuan nodded.

"What, what?"

"You want to see our boss?"

The bald man seemed to think that he had heard wrong, so he asked again.

"Why, what's the problem?"

Lin Xuan squinted at him with a dangerous look.

"Ah, no, no, no."

The bald man hastily denied it.

He doesn't care either.

Since you, Lin Xuan, want to meet our boss, I will take you there.

As for what happened afterward, that's none of my business.

This explanation has been given, and it's over.

"Then, are you going with me now?"

The bald man asked tentatively.

"No, wait until I send my wife back."

Lin Xuan shook his head and looked at Xiao Qingyao at the side.

"Yes, yes, that's what it should be!"

The bald man nodded and bowed.

"You follow me, and the others will leave."

Lin Xuan looked around and said to the bald man.

"It's not over yet, what are you waiting for!"

The bald man now obeyed Lin Xuan's words and dismissed those dozens of people.

"Well, let's go."

Lin Xuan took Xiao Qingyao and the bald man to another car and found a place for Xiao Qingyao to live.

Lin Xuan is not afraid of exposing his position, after all, anyone who is interested in this matter can know it as soon as he inquires.

And in this Hangzhou city, with Xiao Qingyao's B-level strength, she can walk sideways.

Not to mention Hangzhou, or even the whole world, Xiao Qingyao will have no problems.

So Lin Xuan was not worried.

After Xiao Qingyao settled down, Lin Xuan and the bald man stopped another car.

Follow the instructions of the bald man to find their boss.

(End of this chapter)

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