Chapter 295
Not to mention Hangzhou, or even the whole world, Xiao Qingyao will have no problems.

So Lin Xuan was not worried.

After Xiao Qingyao settled down, Lin Xuan and the bald man stopped another car.

Follow the instructions of the bald man to find their boss.

Not long after, Lin Xuan and the bald man came to their stronghold.

This is a large basement, and on the side of the basement, there is also a large garage.

No wonder there were more than a dozen cars, Lin Xuan murmured in his heart.

The bald man greeted Lin Xuan and led Lin Xuan inside.

After entering the door, the bald man asked Lin Xuan to wait, and then went in to meet his boss.

It should be time to report.

Lin Xuan looked around, looking at the furnishings in the basement and so on.

The basement is not as cluttered as other basements that are in use.

It's also not like other abandoned basements, which are empty.

If you look closely, there are still many ways to go.

There are many houses in the basement, and it is possible that they usually live here.

There are also many refrigerators here, which are piles and piles of wine.

Before Lin Xuan could take a closer look, the bald man came back.

"My lord, our boss invites you to go over."

The bald man seemed a little afraid of Lin Xuan, so he said cautiously.

"Okay, let's lead the way."

Lin Xuan was not afraid at all, and walked behind the bald man.

When we arrived at a hall, there were many entertainment facilities in the hall.

There are about 80 to [-] people in the whole hall, either resting or experiencing life in the entertainment facilities.

Lin Xuan looked at a burly man sitting in the middle of the hall.

The man's body is very muscular, full of lean muscles.

There are many tattoos on his body.

It looks like one of the nine sons of the dragon.

Lin Xuan wondered if this had some meaning.

Lin Xuan stood in front of the man, looking him up and down.


"You still don't want to meet our boss?"

The two people beside the man immediately shouted at Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan didn't care about them.

The two were about to have an attack when they were stopped by the man.

"Your Excellency is very capable. One person can hurt so many of our brothers."

"I heard from the fourth child that you knocked him down the moment you met him, didn't you?"

The man stared at Lin Xuan closely, and asked in a low tone.

Presumably that bald-headed man is the fourth child in this man's mouth.

Judging by the man's reaction, he should know what happened.

"It's just a mid-level C-level warrior, how much effort will it take to win?"

"Also, you guys provoked me first."

"It's not too much to teach them a lesson."

Lin Xuan answered very proudly.

"good very good."

"I heard from the fourth brother what happened. It is true that we provoked you first."

"We are in this business, and we do provoke some ruthless characters from time to time."

"But we also compensated and apologized."

"But you still want to come to see me aggressively."

"I don't know what you want to do?"

"Do you want to come here to get more benefits, or are you bullying me that there is no one in the wolf gang?"

The man said several words to Lin Xuan in one breath, and when he said the last sentence, he stood up from the chair directly.

Not to mention, this man's height matches his majestic body, which is quite imposing.

No wonder he was able to become the boss of such a wolf gang.

Lin Xuan could tell that none of these people were from the Wolf Country.

The reason why it is called the Wolf Gang may be because this is Hangcheng, and there are blood shadows.

But although this man is very imposing, Lin Xuan is not afraid of him.

Is it possible that the leader of a random underground gang can still be a half-step B-level?
Although Lin Xuan is only at the early stage of C-level, he is confident.

As long as he is still in the big realm of C-level, he is basically invincible.

It is not even necessary to use skills from the system.

Even if there are really those difficult people, there is such a fairy skill that is always a little bit stronger than you.

It is also simple to solve the problem.

"I just look down on you, so what?"

Lin Xuan's light words angered most of the people here at the same time.

"Bastard, you are courting death!"

A person behind the man couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately rushed up to punch Lin Xuan.


Lin Xuan let out a cold snort, and easily dodged the punch.

At the same time, he turned around deftly and kicked the attacker back several steps before he stood still.

Another C-level midterm.

Lin Xuan probably sensed the level of this person.

Unexpectedly, there are five or six C-level people in a small gang.

With such a level, can it only be regarded as a small gang in Hangzhou?
Lin Xuan couldn't help but have a new understanding of the strength division of Hangcheng.

"Second, stand down! You are not his opponent."

The man kicked back by Lin Xuan wanted to go up, but was stopped by their boss.

"Boss, me!"

The person who was called the second child wanted to say something, but when he saw the eldest brother walking by, he immediately shut up.

The boss of the wolf gang finally came over and looked at Lin Xuan a few times.

"You did this to make trouble?"

The leader of the wolf gang asked Lin Xuan again.

"If yes, so what?"

Lin Xuan didn't back down at all, and said forcefully.

"Okay, then let's see Zhenzhang!"

"One face-to-face defeats the fourth child, and I can do it."

"As for what you want to do, let's go through my level first."

"If you can defeat me, then you can do whatever you want."

"But if you lose, don't blame us."

"All consequences are your own fault!"

"I hope that when the time comes, you won't regret it."

The boss of the wolf gang started to exercise his muscles and bones, and wanted to fight Lin Xuan.

It seems that he is very confident in himself.

According to Lin Xuan's estimate, the boss of the wolf gang should be at the level of the late C-level.

And in the late C-level, it shouldn't be considered weak.

But at such a level, Lin Xuan would not be afraid.

"Hey, let me say, do you dare to make a bet?"

Lin Xuan made a stop gesture and said to the boss of the wolf gang.

"Oh? Gambling?"

"Hahaha, interesting!"

"Tell me, what do you want to bet on?"

The boss of the wolf gang laughed, as if he felt that he had the chance to win, he asked Lin Xuan.

"Let's bet that I can take you down within ten strokes."

Lin Xuan said flatly.

"Ten tricks to take me down? Oh, don't you think too highly of yourself?"

The leader of the wolf gang sneered.

In his perception, Lin Xuan definitely did not exceed C-level cultivation.

So he is not afraid at all!
"I don't want to say who thinks highly of me, I just ask you if you dare to bet."

Lin Xuan shook his head and continued to ask.

(End of this chapter)

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