Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 296 Subdue the boss of the wolf gang!

Chapter 296 Subdue the boss of the wolf gang!

"Hahaha, dare, why not?"

"You are courting death yourself, no wonder I am."

The leader of the wolf gang laughed loudly, his eyes became fierce.

"It's good to bet, I'm afraid you will be cowardly."

Lin Xuan nodded.

"What's the stake?"

asked the wolf gang man.

"If I win, you can just give up the position of boss."

Lin Xuan said casually.

"Hahaha, this kid is in a daze."

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard."

"Interesting, the boss is a late C-level cultivation base, and he is quite famous in Hangzhou. This kid is so arrogant, he is doomed!"

The boss of the wolf gang didn't say anything, but his little brothers laughed.

The boss of the wolf gang is thinking differently from his younger brothers at this time.

This request...

Could this kid be sent by someone from above?

If not, it’s okay to say, but if he is...

If I really hurt him badly, then I will be in trouble!

"Boy, where are you from?"

Out of caution, the leader of the wolf gang asked.

"You don't care where I come from, just wait and give way!"

Lin Xuan didn't answer his question, but mocked him instead.

"Okay, since you are so arrogant, let me see how much you weigh."

The boss of the wolf gang was furious and clenched his fists.

He is not the kind of person with a simple mind and well-developed limbs, otherwise he would not be able to dominate a whole gang.

With so many people under him relying on him for food, he had to think more.

He was thinking, before he figured out the origin of this kid, he should not kill him.

If he really offends a certain big shot, the wolf gang will be gone.

As for the bet that the kid in front of him said, that's not important.

If he won, he just sent him away with a face.

If you lose, there is no point in entangled bets.

Thinking of this, the boss of the wolf gang made a gesture of coming to Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan was not polite, and rushed over in a flash.

Lin Xuan felt as if he had punched a wall as he punched the wolf gang leader's arms.

The boss of the wolf gang only took half a step back after receiving Lin Xuan's blow.

"I'm laughing to death, you still want to fight the boss, and even threaten to win the boss with ten tricks?"

"Hahaha, did he come here to embarrass himself?"

Seeing this result, the rest of the wolf gang laughed together.

"With such strength, you dare to come here?"

The boss of the wolf gang was a little surprised, and he even made preparations for how to defend next.

But who would have thought that Lin Xuan's punch on him would be painless.

Judging from this level of strength, it is at most a mid-level C-level player.

How could they kill the fourth child face to face?

"Oh, don't be too happy too early."

Lin Xuan smiled.

He just tried half to sixty percent of his strength to try the defense of the boss of the wolf gang.

Only in this way can we decide how to take him down.

Lin Xuan asked himself to use his own strength, and it was only a matter of time before he could defeat the boss of the wolf gang.

But if you want to win within ten moves, you can only use other means.

Otherwise, even if the leader of the wolf gang is defeated, the people below may not be convinced.

Even the boss of the wolf gang himself is the same.

Lin Xuan made up his mind and made a gesture of coming.

When the leader of the wolf gang attacked him, Lin Xuan activated the skill that is better than you.

Lin Xuan who got the buff swung his fist, and collided violently with the fist swung by the leader of the wolf gang!

A sound came from the collision of their fists.

Lin Xuan remained motionless, but the boss of the wolf gang took several steps back.

"how is this possible?!"

The boss of the wolf gang widened his eyes.

Just now I clearly felt that this kid's strength was not as high as my own, how could I repel myself?

The boss of the wolf gang only felt that his fist was very painful. If it wasn't for the long-term exercise, he might break a bone!

Could it be that this kid hid his strength before?
Was that first punch to yourself just a test?
"No, isn't it?"

This result also shocked all the younger brothers of the wolf gang, and they all exclaimed.

The boss was actually repelled by this skinny kid?
Could it be that this is some kind of master who surpassed the C level? !

The leader of the wolf gang pointed at Lin Xuan, and was about to say something when he saw Lin Xuan throw another punch.

The leader of the wolf gang had no choice but to shut up, and crossed his arms in front of him.


Another muffled sound came out, and the 200-jin body of the boss of the wolf gang was directly blown away by Lin Xuan!
The boss of the wolf gang fell to the ground and almost lost his footing.

At this moment, he only felt numbness in his arms.

The power of Lin Xuan's punch was really terrifying.

Not even his well-trained arms could offset it.

"Why don't you laugh?"

"Now you still think that it is empty talk that I took down your boss within ten moves?"

Lin Xuan looked around and asked lightly.

There was silence all around.

Now anyone can see that his boss may not be the opponent of this young boy!

"It's only three moves now, it's still unknown whether ten moves can take me down."

The boss of the wolf gang stretched his arms and replied to Lin Xuan.

Before, he was thinking about whether to show mercy to Lin Xuan, but now it seems that he thought too much.

With the opponent's strength, it would be good if he didn't show mercy to him, so why use him to release water.

Even if he goes all out, he may not be this kid's opponent.

But if he said that he tried his best, he still couldn't survive ten strokes in this kid's hands.

The boss of the wolf gang doesn't believe it!

At the moment, he is playing with the idea of ​​all-out defense, after ten moves.

That's why I had what I said to Lin Xuan.

"Oh? I thought you'd accept it when you're ready."

"I didn't expect you to be so blind."

"Well, I won't show mercy."

Lin Xuan smiled lightly after hearing this.

But it was different when it was heard by the boss of the wolf gang.

This kid hasn't done his best yet?

No way!
Just as he was thinking about this, Lin Xuan moved again.

The boss of the wolf gang hurriedly wanted to dodge, but he couldn't dodge!

There is no other way, let's carry it hard.

Thinking in this way, the leader of the wolf gang stood still and activated his strongest defense.

"You have a leg!"

The boss of the wolf gang only heard this curse.

Then his body was kicked away...

This time the leader of the wolf gang failed to stand on the ground, but fell heavily.

"Stop beating, I'm convinced!"

Feeling the power of this blow, the leader of the wolf gang shouted out his confession.

It was mainly because Lin Xuan's sentence "Give me a leg" frightened him, thinking that Lin Xuan had lost his temper.

If you don't counsel now, when will you wait!
If he didn't know his face again, he might really be beaten into a pig's head.

If it is okay to say in normal times, it will be fine to raise it for a while.

But in front of so many subordinates, if he was really beaten like that.

How will I meet people in the future?

How to manage your subordinates?

Didn't I lose all face?

At this time, the head of the wolf gang leader was full of these thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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