Chapter 297
I don't know if the boss of the wolf gang knows that Lin Xuan's sentence is a necessary condition for skills, not a curse.

What would be an idea.

At least his expression will be very exciting!
"What, have you taken it?"

"You don't want to insist on ten tricks this time?"

Lin Xuan looked at the boss of the wolf gang who was surrendering to him, and said with a half-smile.

"I don't know, Your Excellency has been merciful before."

"How offensive, please forgive me."

Knowing Lin Xuan's 'true' strength, the boss of the wolf gang dared to be as presumptuous as before.

The domineering aura also disappeared.

"Since you've given up, I won't argue with you much."

"You just have to cash in on your bet."

Lin Xuan waved his hand and said flatly.

"This... I'm willing to bet and admit defeat!"

The boss of the wolf gang thought for a while and sighed.

Now the situation is stronger than others, so he can't help but not agree.

Otherwise, there are so many people present, if this kid is ruthless, there may not be many people left.

"All together!"

The boss of the wolf gang clapped his hands and gave a loud drink.

Many younger brothers around hurriedly gathered over.

They are still very convinced of the boss of the wolf gang.

"Huh, today I am inferior to others."

"Since you're going outside, you must be willing to gamble and admit defeat!"

"From now on, he is the boss of the wolf gang!"

The leader of the wolf gang pointed at Lin Xuan, as if he had made a lot of determination.


Although those younger brothers were reluctant, many of them failed to accept the reality.

But they still answered yes in unison.

The leader of the wolf gang waved his hand, and the younger brothers all dispersed.

"I don't know your Excellency, which adult sent it?"

The boss of the wolf gang walked up to Lin Xuan, bowed his hands to Lin Xuan, and asked politely.

"Ask what you should ask, don't ask what you shouldn't."

Lin Xuan glanced at the leader of the wolf gang with sharp eyes.

The boss of the wolf gang knew that Lin Xuan was unwilling to answer this question, so he stopped asking.

"Dare to ask this adult, what instructions do you have?"

The leader of the wolf gang asked in a low voice.

"You ask your men to find out the location of the wolf countryman for me."

"There is also information about the wolf country people."

"For example, where is there any gang, where is there any stronghold?"

"And how many of them are there, and what is their strength."

Lin Xuan thought for a while, and said to the boss of the wolf gang.

"Well... this is easy!"

The boss of the wolf gang thought about it carefully, and said to Lin Xuan confidently.

"Don't think too simple, what I want is the most detailed information!"

Lin Xuan thought that the boss of the wolf gang didn't understand, so he deliberately emphasized it.

"Don't worry, I understand what you mean!"

"Give me two days, and you can see the result again!"

The boss of the wolf gang nodded in agreement, and said to Lin Xuan.

"Since you said so, then you should give orders to do things first."

"I'll be back in two days."

"Two days is what you say, if I am not satisfied with the result."

"The price is not necessarily what it is."

Lin Xuan looked at the leader of the wolf gang and said slowly.

"Don't worry, leave it to us!"

Even if Lin Xuan said so, the leader of the wolf gang is still full of confidence.

"Then I'll go first."

After Lin Xuan said that, he walked out, he had to go and see Xiao Qingyao.

The boss of the wolf gang sent him to the door, turned around and went back.

Lin Xuan returned to the hotel where Xiao Qingyao was staying, and briefly told Xiao Qingyao what happened just now.

The two chatted briefly and then took a rest.


Two days later, the wolf gang.

"Not bad, the efficiency of your wolf gang is really high."

Lin Xuan looked at the message in his hand and said in surprise.

He didn't expect that the wolf gang would be able to figure out the general distribution of the wolf people in Hangzhou so quickly.

Although Lin Xuan has confidence in himself and Xiao Qingyao.

But after all, the two of them are considered outsiders here, and they are not familiar with the place of life.

But now it's different!

As he said before, it's not just about the distribution of forces in any location.

Even how many people, what kind of strength each person is.

The wolf gang actually figured it out!
Of course, this definitely does not include the hidden strength of those forces, and it is impossible for them to find out.

But enough.

After reading these, Lin Xuan had a more precise positioning of the strength distribution of Hangcheng in his heart.

The above information is enough for him to do a big job.

"Our wolf gang has not been in Hangzhou for a year or two, because the activities we do are not so open and aboveboard."

"So some places still need more attention."

"The wolf gang headed by Blood Shadow, we have long avoided them."

"To live in such a city, we must find out where the powerful forces are distributed."

"Otherwise, if one doesn't want to offend some important person, wouldn't the Wolf Gang be ruined?"

The boss of the wolf gang didn't dare to take credit, but said modestly.

"Haha, that's what it is."

"It seems that your life is not easy."

Lin Xuan nodded, and patted the leader of the Wolf Gang on the shoulder.

"Hey, I made you laugh."

The boss of the wolf gang shook his head, after all, life is really not very good.

"Do you want to expand the power of the wolf gang?"

Lin Xuan asked suddenly.

"Think, of course I want to!"

The boss of the wolf gang said without thinking.

Most of the members of the wolf gang are his hard-core brothers, so they naturally want to have a good way out.

"If you can make the wolf gang expand, I will willingly give you the position of gang leader!"

The leader of the wolf gang bowed to Lin Xuan and said.

"Hahaha, I'm not interested in the position of the boss of the wolf gang."

"To tell you the truth, I'm from another place."

"I came to Hangzhou just to do something."

"When my business is done, I will leave naturally."

"During the time I'm here, as long as you cooperate with me."

"I can guarantee that when I leave, the power of the wolf gang will at least double!"

"This is a win-win deal, it depends on whether you are willing or not."

Lin Xuan smiled and said to the boss of the wolf gang.

Lin Xuan is not afraid that the boss of the wolf gang will not agree, because he cannot refuse this benefit!

"You, what you said is true?!"

"During your time in Hangcheng, as long as you don't hurt the lives of your brothers."

"Wolf Gang respects you, and you will never hesitate to obey what you say!"

The leader of the wolf gang became excited instantly.

He was shocked by Lin Xuan's words!

If the wolf gang can really double in size, it can't be regarded as a small force.

Although it is still incomparable with those deep-rooted old forces in Hangzhou, they can still gain a firm foothold.

If it can be done, it will be a brand new beginning!
At this moment, the leader of the wolf gang only thinks that Lin Xuan is like a god!
The god who brought a great future to the Wolf Gang!

(End of this chapter)

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