Chapter 298
The boss of the wolf gang trusted Lin Xuan so much for a while, and he also talked about this with his younger brothers.

All members of the wolf gang worked even harder.

But in two or three days, the information Lin Xuan got from the wolf gang became more detailed and rich!

Lin Xuan began to order the wolf gang to investigate the blood shadow!

In the beginning, the boss of the wolf gang actually refused to investigate the blood shadow.

Because Blood Shadow can be said to be one of the top forces in Hangzhou.

If it is discovered, it will be a disaster.

With the current strength of the wolf gang, if they are deliberately targeted by the blood shadow.

That's basically a dead end!
Not to mention a gang of wolves, even if there were four or five, it would not be enough for Blood Shadow to kill.

If there were more than a dozen wolf gangs, they might barely be able to fight.

So Lin Xuan told the boss of the wolf gang to investigate as much useful information as possible.

It's really confidential, and you don't need to work hard.

All to ensure their own safety as the first priority.

After ensuring this point, Lin Xuan said a lot of good things.

And promised to give some benefits to the wolf gang afterwards.

The boss of the wolf gang agreed.

So the members of the wolf gang began to go deep into various places in Hangzhou, and set out to inquire about the information of the blood shadow.

After two days, I finally got some useful clues.

Lin Xuan was thinking about whether to try it out and see what the strength of Blood Shadow was.

There is bad news!

The wolf gang is under attack!

Lin Xuan was a little surprised when he received this message.

No way?
Could it be that the wolf gang has been exposed?

But through the understanding from the boss of the wolf gang, the wolf gang has always been cautious.

Besides, how long has it been so that it won't be discovered by the blood shadow?

If Xueying really found out, then Lin Xuan's assessment of Xueying's strength would have to be repositioned.

"The hostile gang is coming to attack, and most of the brothers are outside to inquire about the news. I can't stand it anymore!"

Lin Xuan finally understood what was going on when a new message came from the boss of the wolf gang.

It was not discovered by the blood shadow, but at this juncture, the original enemy of the wolf gang came to make trouble.

I have to say that the timing was really good.

According to the boss of the wolf gang, it turns out that the strength of this force is similar to that of the wolf gang.

Although there has been friction with each other for many years, no one can do anything to each other.

At uncertain times of the year, the two gangs clash several times a year.

Who would have thought that this coincidence, more than half of the members of the wolf gang went out to inquire about the news.

Headquarters is empty.

At this moment, that force came over.

Totally overwhelmed!

The person on the other side discovered this situation and immediately called for fire support!

Even the boss on the opposite side is on his way!

Lin Xuan was helpless.

If something like this happens, there must be a group of people to help.

After all, the wolf gang is contributing because of their own affairs.

If I don't lend a helping hand at this time, I really can't justify it.

Besides, he had to keep the members of the wolf gang to do things for him.

So Lin Xuan told Xiao Qingyao, and immediately set off towards the headquarters of the Wolf Gang.


When Lin Xuan arrived, the two forces were still fighting inextricably.

It's just that the members of the wolf gang were completely at a disadvantage.

The leader of the Wolf Gang is fighting a man who looks about as strong as he is.

The two looked evenly matched, but there were a few wounds on the wolf gang leader's body.

Come to think of it, the one who fought with him was the boss of the gang opposite him.

Lin Xuan walked over.

This noisy scene didn't seem to affect Lin Xuan at all.

When the members of the two gangs were fighting each other, Lin Xuan looked a little thin alone.

It's weird, but I can't tell what's weird.

"Hey, stop you two!"

Lin Xuan yelled at the two people who hit him.

The two don't like him.

Lin Xuan yelled again, but there was still no response.


Lin Xuan is on fire!

Based on the level of the late C-level boss on the opposite side, Lin Xuan triggered a skill that is always a little stronger than yours.

Lin Xuan walked between the two of them and pushed hard.

The two of them were staggered by Lin Xuan's push at the same time.

"Damn, who are you?"

The strong man on the opposite side seemed to be very irritable, and he punched Lin Xuan with one punch.

How could Lin Xuan persuade him?
Immediately punch it!
It was the same scene as when Lin Xuan was fighting with the boss of the wolf gang.

The strong man was blown away by Lin Xuan's fist, and he kept rubbing his fist after landing.

Proper reenactment of the scene!
The strong man finally recognized Lin Xuan's strength, he is a big boss.

"You, are you a member of the wolf gang?"

The strong man asked in surprise when he saw that the boss of the wolf gang was standing behind Lin Xuan.

With such a strong strength, he is even stronger than his old opponent, the leader of the Wolf Gang!
When did the wolf gang gain such a person, why didn't I hear any news?

"You're wrong, I'm not from the wolf gang."

"In a sense, you can understand that the wolf gang is mine."

Lin Xuan looked at the strong man and said unhurriedly.

"Fuck, I don't care who you are."

"Since you helped the wolf gang today, let's fight with you!"

"It just so happens that the wolf gang is empty today, and it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

"Brothers of Lions Gate, give it to me!"

The strong man cursed a few words, then waved his hand immediately.

Take the lead and lead his brothers to charge!
Lin Xuan couldn't help but widen his eyes.

How did such a brain become the head of a faction?
It is estimated that it is good luck!

With the temper of a strong man, if he offends someone who is powerful, it's a good thing to be wiped out!

However, if such a person is accepted as a subordinate, it is also a good choice.

At least this kind of temper is straightforward and doesn't play any tricks.

Lin Xuan moved the idea of ​​taking this gang called Lionsgate for his own use temporarily.

However, the prerequisite for this idea to be achieved is to convince them first.

Just like dealing with wolf gangs!
Thinking of this, Lin Xuan made a move.

Lin Xuan didn't use the [-] clone technique because it was too conspicuous.

Although that is the best skill to deal with the current situation.

It is better to capture the thief first and capture the king first.

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan took out the Qiankun Zhuan and threw it at the strong man.

The characteristics of Qiankun Brick are triggered, and the distance is considered as a long-range attack.

In the melee, Qiankun Brick accurately found the back of the strong man's head.


With a loud noise, the strong man was immediately knocked to the ground.

The people around him didn't know what was going on, they just watched a brick-like thing fly over.

With just one hit, the strong man fell to the ground!
This is a master in the late stage of C-level, but he was stunned by a brick?
Everyone was stunned.

Lin Xuan took this opportunity to rush over and grabbed the strong man by the neck.

The strong man was controlled, subconsciously shook his head, trying to get out of the dizzy state.

Lin Xuan just looked at him like that.

When the strong man came to his senses, he found that he had been caught by Lin Xuan!

(End of this chapter)

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