Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 306 The Yu family has a famous female student who is fragrant

Chapter 306 The Yu family has a famous female student who is fragrant

Neither of them spoke for a while.

You look at me, I look at you again, the atmosphere is slightly awkward.

"Cough, my name is Lin Xuan."

"Honey, I don't know your name yet?"

It was Lin Xuan who broke the awkward atmosphere first and introduced himself.

"You, you said you didn't accept me before."

"Call me your wife now?"

"Sure enough, it's duplicity, it's a bad guy!"

The woman blushed when Lin Xuan called her, and said coquettishly.

"It can't be my fault. You are determined to be my girlfriend."

"Since I can't refuse, I have no choice but to accept it."

Now that the words have been spoken, Lin Xuan also feels that it doesn't matter.

Besides, the appearance of this woman is indeed at the level of unparalleled in the world.

Being with myself is exactly the appearance of a man and a woman!

Such a beauty, don't take advantage of others.

"Slick tongue, ignore you!"

The woman turned her head away, not looking at Lin Xuan.

But she was still secretly looking at Lin Xuan from the corner of her eye, very discreetly.

Ahhh he is so handsome!

The woman is screaming in her heart!

"Oh, I can't help but know my wife's name?"

"Then I will always call you wife from now on."

Lin Xuan's eyes rolled and he had a plan.



The woman choked on Lin Xuan and pointed her finger at him!
"Tell me first what is the relationship between those two women and you?"

Lin Xuan asked.

"They, they are my best friends... We have known each other for six or seven years."

"However, from now on, they are no longer my girlfriends!"

The woman tried her best to make her voice sound normal, but there was still a bit of crying.

But how could Lin Xuan not hear the sadness in it?
He couldn't imagine what it would be like if his brother sold him.

This kind of betrayal, Lin Xuan really can't see it!

"Good wife, tell me something about you."

Lin Xuan touched the woman's small head and comforted her softly.

After a long period of soft and hard talk by Lin Xuan, the woman began to talk about her experience.

Lin Xuan listened with relish.

"Actually, I'm the eldest daughter of the Yu family in Hangcheng."

"My name is Yu Shengxiang, and I am 20 years old."

The woman began to tell Lin Xuan about her family background.

Yu Shengxiang? !

Lin Xuan was taken aback.

He couldn't help but think of the female leopard in his backyard.

Hua Jieyu!
Ouch, these two names are really interesting.

If people who don't know it hear it, they will think it's the code name of two very close partners!

I have to say, this may really be fate!

Fate is really amazing!

Lin Xuan thought to himself.

"Our Yu family used to be one of the most powerful in Hangzhou, but it's a pity that it has gone downhill in recent years."

"As the eldest daughter of the family, I naturally have to shoulder the task of revitalizing the family!"

Yu Shengxiang clenched her small fist and said firmly.

"It stands to reason that a family in its prime shouldn't fall down so quickly!"

"Even if everything goes wrong, coupled with multiple targets, it won't be the case. After all, with such a huge family background, how could it be possible to decline so quickly?"

Lin Xuan was puzzled and asked.

"Me! There are many, many late C-level masters in our family!"

"Before they were in charge, no one dared to offend our Yu family!"

"But, but then somehow."

"Those late C-level masters are all gone..."

"Some people disappeared inexplicably in Hangzhou, and some people didn't come back after performing their missions."

"Now there are only a few masters left in the late C-level of our Yu family!"

Having said that, Yu Shengxiang cried again.

Seeing this, Lin Xuan hugged Yu Shengxiang into his arms.

This time the two had confirmed their relationship, and Yu Shengxiang didn't resist.

Instead, he lay on Lin Xuan's shoulder and began to cry.

Lin Xuan can be sure at this time that someone is definitely targeting the Yu family secretly.

Those missing C-level late masters were definitely assassinated or framed!

However, the strength of the late C-level is quite powerful!

The same cultivation base, even if it is two-on-one, or even three-on-one.

You definitely can't beat it, but if you want to run, you shouldn't be able to stop it!
But Yu Shengxiang said that none of the people who went out came back!

Doesn't this mean that they secretly targeted a certain force or certain forces in the Yu family.

There are many late C-level masters!

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to do this!

In Lin Xuan's heart, his position on the strength of the warriors in Hangzhou has risen to another level!
Sure enough, what Yu Shengxiang said next matched Lin Xuan's thoughts!
"Our Yu family holds a special product, because the production line and the materials needed are our family secrets."

"So this kind of product can only be made by our Yu Family."

"At the beginning, our Yu family was able to start a business, relying on this product."

"This kind of product is a profiteering product, and there are many jealous people who want to get it."

"Later, many people could not understand our Yu family's dominance, and began to join forces to suppress us."

"But our family's foundation and strength are there, and they can't do anything about it."

"After a while, the masters of the family began to disappear one by one!"

Yu Shengxiang couldn't stop crying when she said this.

Looking at the eldest daughter of the Yu family, Lin Xuan felt a little distressed.

I've been through so much at such a young age.

He even has to carry the heavy responsibility of the Guangyao family on his shoulders!
You know, this is just a girl!

Not to mention, Yu Shengxiang was betrayed by two of her girlfriends yesterday!

This will undoubtedly leave a deep scar on Yu Shengxiang's heart!

Six or seven years of love!
Just sold it out for profit?

Even if you meet people by chance, you have to ask your conscience when doing such a thing, and think twice, right?

Now Lin Xuan wished he could just kill the two unconscious women!
Lin Xuan touched Yu Shengxiang's head with one hand, and gently patted her back with the other.

At this time, comfort and companionship are what Yu Shengxiang needs most.

"Actually, I actually wanted to commit suicide just after waking up!"

After a while, Yu Shengxiang finally said a word.

This startled Lin Xuan!
Fortunately not!
Otherwise, I would have an extra life in my hands!

It's not that Lin Xuan has never killed someone before, but how could such a flowery life be destroyed in his own hands so indirectly?
Lin Xuan felt very lucky!
"The girls of our Yu family practice special exercises..."

"And our physique is a bit different from normal people."

Yu Shengxiang felt a little embarrassed when she said this.

This is always a bit unspeakable.

(End of this chapter)

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