Chapter 307 Cultivation Ascension
"The women of our Yu family, after experiencing that...that with a man, they must always be with a man!"

"Otherwise, you will grow old quickly!"

"Otherwise, otherwise I wouldn't be your girlfriend!"

Yu Shengxiang hid in Lin Xuan's arms and said coyly.

Lin Xuan was at a loss.

What kind of skill is this?
And this feature?
Could this be created by a certain man to keep women by his side?
Before Lin Xuan could think about it, what he heard next shocked him even more!
"Although there is this disadvantage, as long as you are with a man and practice together."

"The cultivation of those two people will improve very quickly!"

Yu Shengxiang continued, but she was too ashamed to look at Lin Xuan.

"This, is this true?"

Lin Xuan couldn't believe it!

Could it be that this is a highly efficient joint cultivation method?

Unheard of!
"You, anyway, you and I have passed that."

"If you don't believe me, just see if your strength has changed..."

Seeing that Lin Xuan didn't seem to believe it, Yu Shengxiang blushed and said to Lin Xuan.

After hearing this, Lin Xuan hurriedly felt it for himself.

What the hell!

Lin Xuan was shocked by his cultivation.

It turned out that he was only at the beginning of the C-level strength.

Although relying on the skills of the system, he can defeat many people who are much stronger than himself.

But the cultivation base is the real C-level early stage.

But it's different now, according to Lin Xuan's self-feeling.

I have already approached the mid-term of C-level!
The distance from breaking through this last barrier is only a step away!
How long is this? !
If his cultivation base can continue to grow like this, then it won't be long before he can surpass Xiao Qingyao!
At this moment, Lin Xuan felt that he had found a treasure!
Xiao Qingyao, Xiao Qingyao, you are really my good wife!
Lin Xuan couldn't help but sigh in his heart!

If Xiao Qingyao hadn't asked him to save someone, he would have lost such a good person.

Not to mention that they can also practice together to improve each other's cultivation!
People, you should do more good deeds!
Lin Xuan made up his mind to do more good deeds in the future!

"Me and you, and my first time!"

"That's why your cultivation has grown so fast..."

As if seeing Lin Xuan's surprise and confusion, Yu Shengxiang said softly.

Lin Xuan was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect this little girl to give him the first time.

The problem is that both of them were confused at the time and had no experience at all!

Before Lin Xuan saw Yu Shengxiang's various reactions and openness after the incident, he thought he was a veteran in love.

But I didn't expect it to be just a newbie.

After listening to Yu Shengxiang say so much, Lin Xuan also understood many things.

Perhaps it was a problem with Yu Shengxiang's family's skills that once she did that kind of thing with a man, she had to follow him all the time.

But it can be said that it is willing to let Yu Shengxiang take the initiative.

He even revealed many of these secrets.

Although it may have something to do with your own appearance.

But it can also be seen that Yu Shengxiang is a very simple and kind little girl.

Such a good person, but he wants to entrust his whole life to himself.

Thinking about it, Lin Xuan felt both honored and stressed!

I must not treat her badly!
"Xiangxiang, I will definitely protect you!"

"I won't let you regret what happened today after many years!"

"I will make you feel that you chose me, which is the most correct decision in your life!"

"I will let you believe that we are not only destined to be together, but also destined!"

"I will let you live happily!"

"I will let you experience what happiness is!"

"I will take you around and announce to everyone that you are my wife!"

"I will also help you revitalize your family!"

Lin Xuan held Yu Shengxiang tightly in his arms and said sincerely.

Yu Shengxiang blinked her big eyes, as if she didn't expect Lin Xuan to say such a thing.

Immediately, her tears flowed again.

It's just that this time, it's not the tears of grievance and fear, worrying about gains and losses.

Its name is moved!
Its meaning is happiness!
"Why don't I help you raise your cultivation base to mid-level C first?"

Yu Shengxiang put her head on Lin Xuan's shoulder and asked tentatively.


Lin Xuan didn't seem to react and was taken aback.

When he came back to his senses, he hugged Yu Shengxiang up.

"You delivered this to your door yourself!"

A smile curled up at the corner of Lin Xuan's mouth, and he strode towards the back room.

Just yesterday I felt dizzy and didn't feel anything, so I have to experience it again today!
Yu Shengxiang was too ashamed to raise her head, and hid her head deeply in Lin Xuan's arms.


The practice time passed quickly, and Lin Xuan was pleasantly surprised to find that his cultivation had really risen to the middle stage of C-level!
Such behavior is actually helpful for cultivation, Lin Xuan felt that he had found a new world.

Opened a door to the top!
The two packed up their clothes, and Lin Xuan took Yu Shengxiang away from the sea of ​​love.

As for the two former girlfriends of Yu Shengxiang, let them stay there by themselves.

Lin Xuan took Yu Shengxiang to find a better hotel to live in.

Yu Shengxiang went to the market downstairs to buy some vegetables and meat and came back, ready to cook for Lin Xuan!
Originally, Lin Xuan was thinking of going out to buy some takeaway food, but who knew it would save trouble.

What surprised Lin Xuan even more was that Yu Shengxiang actually cooks well!
I thought that a girl who was only 20 years old was still in the status of the eldest lady in the family.

It is impossible to touch the aspect of catering.

But who knows, the food made by Yu Shengxiang is actually very delicious!
Yu Shengxiang cooked six dishes and one soup.

The little girl didn't eat much by herself, it all went into Lin Xuan's stomach!
By the time Lin Xuan realized that he hadn't left much for the little girl, it was already too late!

Lin Xuan praised Yu Shengxiang for a while!
He bluntly said that he married a chef from a five-star hotel and returned home, so he will not go out to eat Yunyun in the future.

Yu Shengxiang was very happy to be coaxed.

After dinner, Lin Xuan wanted to lie on the bed and rest for a while.

Yu Shengxiang helped him up.

He knelt down behind Lin Xuan, pinched his shoulders gently, and hammered his legs.

Lin Xuan was flattered and said several times that it was unnecessary.

But Yu Shengxiang said that it is only natural for a wife to serve her husband.

Now that you are my future husband, then naturally you must have the consciousness of being a wife and fulfill your duties as a wife.

Lin Xuan was intoxicated!
How could there be such a good girl who allowed himself to be lucky enough to meet him?
This is too happy, too enjoy it!
Meanwhile, he thought about the others in his own backyard.

Xiao Linger might still do some things like this.

As for the female leopard.
It's not bad if she doesn't bite herself to death.

It is absolutely wishful thinking to expect her to rub her shoulders and beat her legs.

Lin Xuan thinks the reverse is very possible!

And Xiao Qingyao!
Lin Xuan didn't even dare to think about it.

A female devil rubs her shoulders and beats her legs, she hasn't lived enough yet!
It is said that the daughter-in-law is used for pain!

This is so sensible, that is our good fortune!

The other daughters-in-law can't be forced to come.

(End of this chapter)

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