Chapter 308 Shi Family
After Yu Shengxiang finished massaging Lin Xuan, she even proposed to practice together.

Rejected by Lin Xuan!

Lin Xuan couldn't help but want to sigh, is this heaven? !
I was served by this little girl like Yu Shengxiang as a god!
This is not a relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a maid and a master.

Lin Xuan expressed his feelings to Yu Shengxiang, and didn't want her to work so hard.

But Yu Shengxiang insisted on her own way, but Lin Xuan said it when she didn't need it.

She will also be obedient.

Lin Xuan spent this period of pain and happiness, watching the little girl busy.

I can't help but feel a sense of guilt in my heart!

After Lin Xuan rested, he asked some questions about Yu Shengxiang's family.

This time, Yu Shengxiang knew everything and said everything.

Yu Shengxiang and Lin Xuan briefly talked about the power distribution and character relationships in the family, so that Lin Xuan could understand.

Next, Yu Shengxiang talked about the biggest enemy of the Yu family in Hangzhou!

"The reason why our Yu family fell has a lot to do with the Shi family!"

"Usually, their family blatantly opposes us, and they don't know how many stumbling blocks they have used in private!"

"People in our family say that those masters in the late stage of C-level were assassinated by the Shi family!"

Yu Shengxiang clenched her fists and said bitterly.

Lin Xuan was about to say something, but was interrupted.

【Ding! 】

[The system releases a task to help Yu Shengxiang solve the family's problems, the task reward: joint practice of exercises! 】

【Ding!The system reminds the host that this exercise can solve the problem that Yu Shengxiang will grow old without a man! 】

The sound of the system sounded in time, and Lin Xuan couldn't help sighing, it was just right.

However, the task reward this time is somewhat interesting.

Since it is said to be a problem, then the kung fu practiced by Yu Shengxiang must have flaws.

At that time, I can use the joint cultivation method rewarded by the system to practice with Yu Shengxiang.

In this way, the original problem of Yu Shengxiang will be solved.

As for Yu Shengxiang's family members, Lin Xuan has not yet figured out what to do.

It is too far to help them solve their defects or whatever.

It is better to solve the existing problems step by step!

However, the task of the system is not very clear.

Solve the family's problems!
Does this mean to help Yu Shengxiang's family return to the top, or to get rid of the so-called Shi family?
But it doesn't matter, it's not enough to do both.

Lin Xuan estimated that these two conditions complement each other.

After getting rid of the Shi family, it is very easy for the Yu family to return to the top.

And if the Yu family wants to return to the top, it must also get rid of the Shi family!

So go ahead and do it!
So Lin Xuan began to ask Yu Shengxiang for information about the Shi family.

"Honey, how much do you know about the Shi family?"

"Tell me everything you know."

Lin Xuan held Yu Shengxiang's tender little hand and asked softly.

"The Shi family was the top five families in Hangzhou at the beginning, but now it is the top three."

"He and the second family are now neck and neck. I don't know which one is better!"

"There are about 80 to [-] masters in the Shi family's C-level."

"Among them, there are about a dozen late C-level masters."

"But these are all known on the surface, and I'm not sure if there are other hidden masters."

Yu Shengxiang revealed what she knew about the Shi family.

Lin Xuan felt very powerful after hearing this. There are actually 80 to [-] C-level masters in the Shi family?

This power is terrifying in the family!

But it can be seen from this that the previous power in the Yushengxiang family was stronger than this!

Another point, now Lin Xuan can't help but marvel at the strength of Wanquan Villa.

Compared with this Shi family, Mr. Shui's Wanquan Villa is obviously a higher level!
After all, Mr. Shui himself is a half-step B-level master, plus dozens of C-level masters.

There are even hundreds of C-level monsters!

But Wanquan Villa has already been taken down by himself, and a Shi family is not so scary.

Although Xiao Qingyao's strength was borrowed that time, Lin Xuan himself did not lose his strength.

Another point is that it is impossible for the Shi family to have B-level masters, even half-step B-level masters should not exist.

Otherwise, the Shi family is now the proper leader in Hangzhou, and it is absolutely impossible for anyone to equal or even surpass it.

"Honey, you said that the Shi family is on par with the second-ranked family."

"But there is one more?"

Lin Xuan was a little puzzled, isn't there still a number one?
"Ah, the number one force is not the family."

Yu Shengxiang nodded, as if unwilling to mention it.

"If I'm guessing right, the number one force in Hangcheng should be the so-called Blood Shadow?"

Seeing that Yu Shengxiang didn't want to mention it, Lin Xuan said it himself.

"You, do you know Blood Shadow?"

Yu Shengxiang's eyes widened.

She thought that when Lin Xuan first came to Hangzhou, he was unfamiliar with the place and didn't know everything very well.

But he didn't expect him to call Xueying's name in one gulp.

"My wife, to be honest, the purpose of my coming to Hangzhou is this blood shadow."

Lin Xuan smiled and said to Yu Shengxiang.


Yu Shengxiang was taken aback, she knew how terrifying the blood shadow's strength was!
"I won't let you go!"

Yu Shengxiang grabbed Lin Xuan's arm and refused to let go!

Lin Xuan was helpless, why did the little girl react so strongly!

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have told her!
"Oh, don't worry, my wife, it's all right!"

Lin Xuan had no choice but to comfort Yu Shengxiang first.

"What's all right? You are a mid-level C-level player who has just been promoted, and you will definitely die against Blood Shadow!"

"Don't say it's you, even the family that ranks first now dare not directly confront Blood Shadow!"

"What's more, if you do this, the Shi family will also intervene!"

Yu Shengxiang refused to listen, shaking his head like a rattle.

"The Shi family? Intervene?"

"Honey, what do you mean by that?"

Just as Lin Xuan was about to say something, he sensitively caught the information in Yu Shengxiang's words, and asked instead.

"The Shi family is related to those wolf country people!"

"I don't know how close they are. Anyway, the Shi family is mainly engaged in the import and export business of the wolf country people!"

"The reason why the Shi family can grow bigger should have a lot to do with the support secretly given by the wolf people!"

Yu Shengxiang thought about it and said to Lin Xuan.

Well, it turns out that the Shi family still has connections with the Wolf Country people.

It seems that you must kill your Shi family!

Originally, Lin Xuan didn't want to do anything wrong. After all, it's normal for the major families to use some means to other families in order to survive.

Even if it's too much, just teach them a lesson and let them pay the price.

Lin Xuan just wanted to suppress the Shi family and let the Yu family take over.

But now Lin Xuan discovered that the Shi family had connections with the people of the wolf country, even very close.

Then don't blame me!
Blame you for choosing the wrong allies!
Lin Xuan directly sentenced the Shi family to death in his heart!

(End of this chapter)

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