Chapter 309: The Devil Chagang!

Even if it's too much, just teach them a lesson and let them pay the price.

Lin Xuan just wanted to suppress the Shi family and let the Yu family take over.

But now Lin Xuan discovered that the Shi family had connections with the people of the wolf country, even very close.

Then don't blame me!
Blame you for choosing the wrong allies!
Lin Xuan directly sentenced the Shi family to death in his heart!

It moved my Lin Xuan woman's family, and I have close contacts and cooperation with the wolf country people.

Then there is no need for the Shi family to exist!
"Honey, don't worry."

"I will definitely use my abilities to help your family return to the top."

"At the same time, I will not let the Shi family go."

"I will avenge you."

Lin Xuan stroked Yu Shengxiang's head and said dotingly.

Yu Shengxiang nodded and buried her head on Lin Xuan's shoulder.

Experience the sense of security and happiness this man brings to himself.

Lin Xuan hugged Yu Shengxiang and closed his eyes.

The two quietly enjoyed this harmonious and warm time.

"Ring bell bell!"

There was a sudden noise.

Lin Xuan frowned, looking at the phone he had put aside.


Such a sight!
Lin Xuan originally planned not to look good to the person who called.

But when Lin Xuan saw the note displayed on the phone, he changed his mind instantly!
It is a big "Yao" character!

Lin Xuan hurriedly picked up the phone, and at the same time made a "shh" gesture to Yu Shengxiang.

Only then did the phone call go through.

"what are you doing?"

"So slow to answer the phone?"

Xiao Qingyao's voice sounded a little unhappy!

Lin Xuan thought to himself, it must be because of the Zongmen.

"Oh dear!"

"I was resting just now, my phone was put aside."

Lin Xuan tried to explain why it was so slow to answer the phone.


"is it?"

"Are you sleeping, or is there someone else around?"

Xiao Qingyao's tone was full of doubts!
Lin Xuan's forehead was sweating.

Is a woman's sixth sense so magical? !

Hua Jieyu was like this, and so was Xiao Qingyao!

You don't seem to be acting differently, do you?

"Ah, no way!"

"Honey, you think too much!"

Lin Xuan hastily denied it.

If Xiao Qingyao finds out about this, she will kill her immediately if it is not guaranteed!

What's more, Xiao Qingyao asked him to save Yu Shengxiang who is beside him now!
If Xiao Qingyao knew, the fate between this woman and Lin Xuan was brought into her arms by herself.

Out of embarrassment, shame, anger, and regret.

What can be done is not certain!

Lin Xuan still remembered what Xiao Qingyao said before.

Besides Hua Jieyu, if there are other women
Lin Xuan didn't dare to think about it anymore, maybe he could hide it for a while.

Wait until you find a chance to explain it to her.

"Well, it's fine if you don't have one."

"In two days, I will arrive in Hangcheng."

Xiao Qingyao on the phone seemed to believe Lin Xuan's words.

But Lin Xuan remembered the rush back within two days.

That is to say, recently, I have only spent less than two days with Yu Shengxiang in Hangcheng recently.

"If you let me know that you lied to me, I won't be polite to you!"

But then the topic changed and he began to threaten Lin Xuan.

Just as Lin Xuan was about to say something, Xiao Qingyao hung up the phone.

One day.

Xiao Qingyao was in her room, looking at her phone suspiciously.

Lin Xuan's behavior seemed to be a little off.

But what was wrong, she couldn't tell.

Just a gut feeling!
"Hmph, don't let me find out!"

Xiao Qingyao said to herself.

In fact, he also knows that his man is really outstanding.

Coupled with the appearance that fascinated thousands of girls, it must be inevitable to be chased by girls outside.

Ordinary people really look down on Lin Xuan.

But if there is such a peerless beauty, Xiao Qingyao dare not guarantee it.

It just so happened that the woman Lin Xuan rescued that day was also worthy of peerless beauty.

Will they be true.
Thinking of this, Xiao Qingyao was extremely angry!
If it wasn't for something wrong with the sect!
With her by Lin Xuan's side, even if Lin Xuan had a hundred guts, no accidents would happen!

The main reason is that I have returned to the sect now!

Although the problem in this sect has been temporarily resolved.

But there are still many hidden dangers that have not been dealt with.

In the future, at some point, he needs to return to the Zongmen to take charge of the overall situation.

Xiao Qingyao stomped her feet angrily!
If it wasn't for this sect she had been in since she was a child, she would be the head of the sect.

I'm afraid Xiao Qingyao will simply quit!
"I'd better arrange it quickly and go back to Hangcheng as soon as possible!"

Xiao Qingyao muttered, turned and walked out.

In fact, Xiao Qingyao was also conflicted.

If Lin Xuan really had another woman besides Hua Jieyu, what should he do?
It's impossible to kill someone directly as she told Lin Xuan, right?

In that case, will Lin Xuan be angry?

Will you ignore yourself in a fit of anger?
Xiao Qingyao actually cared about Lin Xuan's feelings.

She also knew that Lin Xuan really loved her.

And this is what makes Xiao Qingyao contradictory.

Hangtown, hotel.

Lin Xuan put down the phone and looked at Yu Shengxiang who was watching her quietly.

"Ahem, what, one of my wives."

Seeing Yu Shengxiang's appearance, Lin Xuan felt that something was wrong.

Lin Xuan stretched out his hand, wanting to hold Yu Shengxiang's hand.

Yu Shengxiang avoided it without a trace.


Want something bad!

Lin Xuan's heart skipped a beat.

Before Lin Xuan could do anything, Yu Shengxiang couldn't help laughing.

Lin Xuan didn't understand this wave of operations, and was stunned for a moment.

"So you are so afraid of your wife, no wonder."

Yu Shengxiang covered her mouth and chuckled, her eyes full of teasing.

"Where is it?"

"I'm not afraid of my wife, it's love and respect!"

Lin Xuan hastily retorted.

"Come on, you still don't admit it."

Yu Shengxiang didn't believe it at all.

She still remembers when Lin Xuan made the "shh" gesture just now.

At that time, the expression on Lin Xuan's face was very flustered!
It can be seen that although Lin Xuan loves and respects this wife very much.

But there is still a little fear in it.

I don't know if it's always like this, or because of my own reasons.

"Well, let's not talk about that for now."

"Why don't we go shopping and relax!"

Lin Xuan felt a little embarrassed and wanted to change the subject.


Yu Shengxiang nodded cheerfully.

Girls, who doesn't like shopping?
What's more, it's still with my boyfriend.

It was my boyfriend who proposed it on my own initiative!

Yu Shengxiang was very happy, and immediately went to change clothes.

Lin Xuan rubbed the center of his brows, and finally got over it.

The question is, what should I do after Xiao Qingyao comes?

You can't just leave Yu Shengxiang alone.

But you definitely can't bring Yu Shengxiang with Xiao Qingyao, otherwise the two girls will definitely blow their hair when they meet!

(End of this chapter)

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