Chapter 313
"Boy, do you know how terrifying my Yu family's opponent is?"

"I can tell you clearly."

"If you are a B-level expert, you are capable of helping my Yu family."

"Then it's too late for my Yu family to be grateful to you!"

"But you're just a middle-level C-level player, and the confrontation between families is better than cannon fodder!"

"What are you doing to help my Yu family?"

Yu Chengjie looked at Lin Xuan repeatedly, and then said.

"Hmph, so what about B-level masters, I'm just as sure to fight against them."

Lin Xuan looked at Yu Chengjie and said.

"Don't be ashamed!"

Yu Chengjie didn't believe it at all, and spit into the trash can beside him.

"Have you ever seen a B-level master? Do you understand how terrifying the strength of a B-level master is?"

"A mere C-level mid-term, dare to speak out in front of me?"

"You don't even see if you are worthy!"

Yu Chengjie asked Lin Xuan several questions one after another, his tone already very impatient.

"I'm sorry, I've only seen a B-level master before."

"I know exactly how strong a B-level master is."

"As for whether it is worthy or not, why don't you try it?"

Lin Xuan said to Yu Chengjie forcefully.

"good very good!"

"Boy, since you said so, I will do as you wish!"

Yu Chengjie nodded fiercely.

"Ting Yu, go and call all the elders at home."

"Tell them to go to the training ground."

"I want to try, how much does this kid weigh!"

Yu Chengjie turned and said to his son Yu Tingyu.


Yu Tingyu agreed, turned around and left.

"Boy, since you want to try, that's good."

"After a while, my C-level late-stage expert from the Yu family will come over and fight you."

"If you can withstand fifty blows from them, I will believe what you say!"

After Yu Chengjie finished speaking, he stood up and walked away.

Lin Xuan's mouth curled into a smile, and he followed Yu Chengjie out.

Yujia training ground.

A few elderly people stood here with their hands behind their hands, talking in low voices.

Yu Tingyu on the side bowed and talked to them.

Lin Xuan came here with Yu Chengjie, and this is what he saw.

"I have seen the master!"

When several old people saw Yu Chengjie, they raised their hands in salute.

With a wave of Yu Chengjie's hand, several old people stood with their hands behind their backs.

"Patriarch, this old man heard Ting Yu tell what happened just now."

"From my point of view, you have been driven into a hurry by the current situation, and you have started to go to the doctor in a hurry."

"However, a child in his twenties can make you so inspiring?"

An old man said to Yu Chengjie.

Inside and outside the words, he didn't look down on Lin Xuan at all.

"He made big claims, why can't he verify it?"

"Since the elder doesn't believe it, let's teach him a lesson."

"Just don't take his life."

After Yu Chengjie finished speaking, he turned and walked away, standing far away.

Lin Xuan looked at the old man and knew that he must be a late C-level master.

The temperament and arrogance of this old man all showed his strength.

"Young man, I heard what you said."

"It's a good thing to be proud, but don't go too far!"

"In that case, you must learn a lesson!"

The old man said to Lin Xuan with the look of a grandfather admonishing his grandson.

"If you have ambition, you don't have to be old, if you don't have ambition, you can live a hundred years in vain."

"If you think I should be taught a lesson, you might as well give it a try."

Facing the old man, Lin Xuan said very bluntly.

"Hahaha, the world has really changed."

"A mid-level C-level martial artist dares to talk to this old man."

"Forget it, let me see what skills you have!"

After the old man finished speaking, he shot directly at Lin Xuan!
【Ding! 】

[Detecting the strength of the opponent, late C-level, do you use a skill that is only slightly stronger than yours? 】

The sound of the system sounded, and Lin Xuan chose to use it.

In an instant, the old man's movements, which were originally swift, became abnormally slow in Lin Xuan's eyes.

Lin Xuan didn't choose to dodge, instead he punched the old man's attack.

A dull sound exploded from between the two of them!

One figure remained motionless, while the other retreated again and again.

Yu Chengjie, who was sitting in the distance, stood up immediately when he saw it.

Because the one who was repelled was the elder of his own C-level late stage!
"how is this possible?!"

Yu Chengjie's eyes widened.

"how is this possible?!"

The rest of the old men also looked at this scene in disbelief and exclaimed.

A kid in the mid-stage of C-level actually repelled his own brother in the late-stage of C-level?
It doesn't make sense!
The old man who fought with Lin Xuan was even more surprised.

Others just saw the result, but he experienced it himself!

He could feel that Lin Xuan didn't use all his strength!
The fist where I collided with him still hurts, Lin Xuan's strength is surprisingly great!

How can this be the power that a person with a C-level mid-term cultivation can possess?

You know, he has been in the late C-level for more than ten years!
In the cultivation base at this stage of the late C-level, he can be regarded as one of the best.

But it's actually not as good as this mid-C-level kid?

Even if this kid is also a late C-level, he shouldn't be better than himself!
How can this be?

Lin Xuan saw the surprise of the old man, and also saw the reaction of Yu Chengjie in the distance.

I couldn't help but say in my heart, where is this going?

After a while, my master will open your eyes!

"Several seniors, if you want to test the juniors, then come together."

Lin Xuan cupped his hands to the remaining four old men and said calmly.


The four old men showed expressions of disbelief, thinking that they had heard it wrong.

A kid in the middle of C-level actually wants to challenge five of them at the same time alone!

Those are five masters in the late stage of C-level!
"Boy, I admit that you have two tricks."

"But don't be too crazy!"

The old man who fought against Lin Xuan before couldn't stand it any longer and said to Lin Xuan.

"The senior didn't seem to expect such a result before fighting against the junior."

Lin Xuan didn't even look at the old man, just said casually.

"You're so good!"

"Then let us try together, how capable you are!"

The old man was trembling with anger, and he simply let Lin Xuan go.

The other four old people entered the arena one by one, forming an encircling circle, surrounding Lin Xuan.

Yu Chengjie in the distance has also come back and watched carefully.

Lin Xuan's punch just now seemed to give him hope.

Now that Lin Xuan dared to pick five again, he vaguely felt that what Lin Xuan said before did not seem to be completely empty talk.

If Lin Xuan failed, it would be because he was able to knock back a late C-level Yujia elder with a single punch.

Yu Chengjie will also persuade him to win him over.

If Lin Xuan wins
Yu Chengjie couldn't imagine what kind of monster this was!
If Lin Xuan really won, Yu Chengjie would not hesitate to marry Yu Shengxiang to him!

Even the Yu family really has to count on this kid!
(End of this chapter)

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