Chapter 314 One Hit Five!

That's not a matter of people's high regard for their own Yu family, but a question of whether they think highly of Yu's family.

If you can rely on Yu Shengxiang's relationship, you can bring such a big backer to the Yu family.

Yu Chengjie would wake up laughing even if he was dreaming!
That's the rhythm of smoke rising from the ancestral graves!

Thinking like this, Yu Chengjie kept his eyes fixed on the changes in the field.

Yu Chengjie, as the head of the Yu family, also has C-level late stage strength.

Therefore, he can clearly see the current battle situation that does not exceed the B-level level.

In the arena, five elderly people surrounded Lin Xuan.

It was originally a five-on-one situation, so it should be effortless.

But when Lin Xuan punched the old man back, their mentality changed.

This young man should not be underestimated, and he must not be judged by his superficial strength.

Experts will know if there is one as soon as they look at it.

Even with their arrogance, they have to admit that fighting alone is definitely not the young man's opponent.

Now that he has pulled off his old face, if he loses to this kid again.

I really can't hold back my face at all.

The five old men started to attack Lin Xuan, and Lin Xuan dodged it skillfully by relying on a boost that was a little bit stronger than you.

Looking at the movements of the five old men, Lin Xuan seemed to have noticed something.

These five old people seem to have a tacit understanding because they have been together for a long time.

After Lin Xuan discovered this, he decided not to hide it anymore.

Just relying on the increase that is always a little bit stronger than you, Lin Xuan is definitely not afraid of anyone if he fights alone.

But the tacit understanding of these five old people made him unable to choose to attack each one.

If you want to fight head-on, it's only possible if you surpass C-level cultivation.

Since Lin Xuan chose to fight one against five, he naturally wanted to show his prowess.

Otherwise, it would be really difficult for Yu Chengjie to believe what he said.

And another point, after all, this is Yu Shengxiang's family.

Of the seven people present, five are stubborn elders.

They are all admirable people who can give their lives for the family at any time.

I am strong, and it is too late for them to protect, and it is impossible to be unfavorable to myself.

There are two more, one is my future father-in-law, and the other is my brother-in-law.

They are all relatively close relationships, so they are not afraid of being exposed.

Ever since, Lin Xuan performed the one hundred thousand clone technique!

In the blink of an eye, four other Lin Xuan appeared on the field!

It doesn't look any different from Lin Xuan himself.

There is no difference in appearance, height, appearance, and even cultivation.

The five old men were shocked, and their dead fish eyes widened.

Yu Chengjie was also shocked, subconsciously took two steps back.

Yu Tingyu, who was on the side, grew too big and couldn't say a word, as if he had seen a ghost.

"Senior, please advise!"

Lin Xuan said something.

Then the five Lin Xuans started a one-on-one battle with the five old people, one by one.

With an increase that is always a little bit stronger than you, the old man is not Lin Xuan's opponent if he fights alone.

Now he is deeply shocked by Lin Xuan's [-] clone technique, and the level of performance is greatly reduced.

Within a minute, the five old men were pushed to the ground by Lin Xuan without falling.

The outcome was clearly decided, and Lin Xuan withdrew his avatar.

Without even looking at Yu Chengjie over there, Lin Xuan could imagine his reaction.

Lin Xuan ignored the five old men who were pressed to the ground, turned around and walked towards Yu Chengjie.

"Uncle, what do you think?"

"Now do you still think that what I said before is just talking?"

Lin Xuan looked at Yu Chengjie and asked with some complacency.

Yu Chengjie hasn't recovered yet, but just keeps nodding.

When he figured it out and reacted, he saw Lin Xuan standing in front of him.


Lin Xuan saw that Yu Chengjie's eyes were bright again, and he called out tentatively.

Good guy, Yu Chengjie didn't hear what he said before the relationship!
What a waste of emotion.

"You, what did you call me?"

Yu Chengjie looked at Lin Xuan and asked a question.

"What's my name? Uncle, of course!"

Lin Xuan didn't know why, he didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Yu Chengjie's gourd.

"Good son-in-law, are you confused? I am your father-in-law!"

"Why do you call me uncle? Isn't this a stranger!"

Yu Chengjie grabbed Lin Xuan's hand suddenly and refused to let go!

what's the situation?
Lin Xuan was confused by Yu Chengjie's reaction.

Didn't you still want to fight and kill just now?

How did this attitude change so quickly? !
No wonder Yu Shengxiang's personality and attitude changed so quickly, it turned out that she followed her father!

A few minutes ago, he was biting each other with hatred, but now he has become a good son-in-law!

Rao Lin Xuan's psychological endurance is not weak, and he didn't accept this title in the first place!

Is this going to tie him directly to Yu's house?

Lin Xuan looked astonished, and was about to say something when he was interrupted by Yu Chengjie.

"Come quickly! The son-in-law of my Yu family is here!"

"Prepare me wine and serve good food!"

"This is the happiest thing for our Yu family in the past few years!"

Yu Chengjie roared, startling Lin Xuan.


"What are you doing in a daze? Get ready!"

Yu Chengjie pointed at Yu Tingyu who was stunned there, and shouted loudly.

"Ah, yes!"

I don't know if Yu Tingyu understood, but he ran away with a promise.

"And you, five elders!"

"The son-in-law of my Yu family is here, you are lying and sitting here, you don't look like an elder!"

"Get up quickly! How decent is it?!"

Yu Chengjie turned around and shouted at the five old people who had just got up.

The five old men were stunned.

We follow your instructions to test this kid.

In the end, it was only one person, ah, no, it was five people.

Not right either!
Anyway, it was pushed to the ground by this kid's means.

As the head of the family, you not only did not come to comfort, but also said a few good words.

Instead, why would you blame us? !

The five old men stood up without saying a word.

Why don't you speak?

What a shame!

Five C-level late-stage masters, let a C-level mid-term cultivation boy be overthrown.

Don't say you've seen it, you've never heard of it!
But the five old men could understand Yu Chengjie's reaction.

This is a savior from heaven when the pressure is high, and I am so happy that I am crazy.

During this period of time, Yu Chengjie, as the head of the family, has suffered far more than them.

They may only need to give some advice at some critical moments, and use force for the rest of the time.

But Yu Chengjie is different.

He has both civil and military skills!
As the head of the family, you must take the overall situation into consideration.

And to contribute force when necessary.

It can be said that one person is doing the work of two or even three people.

How can there be no pressure?

Seeing Lin Xuan now, is undoubtedly meeting a savior!
What's more, Yu Chengjie's reaction might not mean to tie Lin Xuan to Yu's house.

(End of this chapter)

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