Chapter 315
Before, Yu Chengjie looked down on Lin Xuan 1 times, and his attitude was very bad.

Now I am afraid that Lin Xuan will run away, so I quickly buckle up the relationship!

You are already the son-in-law of the Yu family, so you can't run away even if you want to!

Not long after, the entire Yu family was in a commotion!
Yu Tingyu reported the result of that battle, what he saw and heard.

He told the family members emotionally.

This naturally includes her sister.

That is one of Lin Xuan's wives, Yu Shengxiang!

Yu Shengxiang didn't know Lin Xuan had this kind of ability in advance!

He was still nervous when he heard from his father that Lin Xuan was going to be tested.

Later, the more I listened, the happier I became, and I even giggled while lying on the sofa.

It really is the man this girl has her eyes on!
Not only is she invincible in appearance, but also gentle and considerate, and her cultivation base is also so powerful!

Yu Shengxiang felt that she had made a lot of money!

Even the entire Yu family has made a fortune!

And now, not only Yu Shengxiang thinks so, but Yu Chengjie also thinks so!

Now his attitude towards Lin Xuan has undergone a 180-degree turn!

He almost regarded Lin Xuan as his own son!
Lin Xuan was caught off guard by this sudden enthusiasm.

Although he expected that when he showed his true ability, Yu Chengjie's attitude would be quite reversed.

But I never expected that Yu Chengjie would do this!

That's what Yu Chengjie told Lin Xuan when no one was there just now.

"Good son-in-law! It was the father-in-law who was sorry for you before!"

"It's the father-in-law who can't see Mount Tai! I hope the son-in-law will forgive me!"

After all, Yu Chengjie has to bow to Lin Xuan!
How dare Lin Xuan accept it?He hurriedly supported Yu Chengjie.

Unexpectedly, Yu Chengjie mistakenly thought that Lin Xuan was unhappy.

"Son-in-law, it was my father-in-law before."

"If you're still angry, how about I kowtow to make amends?"

Then immediately kneel down!

This immediately frightened Lin Xuan to the ground.


My future father-in-law can't have some mental problems, right?
What kind of magical operations are these?
How can there be any reason for a father-in-law to kneel down to his son-in-law?

Lin Xuan wanted to think so, but his mouth was extremely respectful.

"Ah, no, no, I'm offending my junior, I'm offending my junior!"

"You misunderstood! I'm not angry at all!"

Lin Xuan supported Yu Chengjie's body, showing a forced smile.

"Then you promised to help my Yu family tide over the difficulties?"

Yu Chengjie asked, Lin Xuan nodded.

"Then your relationship with Xiangxiang won't change?"

Lin Xuan then nodded.

Yu Chengjie asked a few more questions like this, and Lin Xuan confirmed them one by one.

The next moment, Lin Xuan found that his future father-in-law had returned to normal!
"Okay! That's it!"

"Son-in-law, come with me to meet my family."

After all, Yu Chengjie took the lead in walking.

Lin Xuan was messed up in the wind alone.

Good guy!
This is a proper actor!
Yu Chengjie's acting skills have even been concealed from someone as smart as my young master!

You really deserve to be the head of the family, old fox!

But now Lin Xuan has no way to refute, so he can only follow Yu Chengjie.

When he came to the banquet hall, Lin Xuan found that it was already full of people.

It has to be said that the Yu Family's execution of orders was very quick.

But the food has not been prepared so quickly, so here are just some people.

Everyone's eyes were staring at Lin Xuan, as if seeing delicious food!
Seeing Lin Xuan trembled for a while.

When Lin Xuan and Yu Chengjie were seated, some people began to rub their hands nervously.

"Cough cough!"

Yu Chengjie stood up and cleared his throat first.

"The reason why I called you here today is to introduce a young hero to everyone!"

"This young man, with his own strength, defeated the joint efforts of the five elders!"

Yu Chengjie said with You Rongyan, with a look of pride on his face!
Everyone else had already heard Yu Tingyu talk about this matter, and they couldn't believe it.

After seeing Lin Xuan, his expression became even more exciting!

Now that Yu Chengjie is so proud, he understands a little bit.

Our patriarch regards this kid as his son, right?

"Everyone, do you know who he is?"

"His name is Lin Xuan, Lin of the woods, Xuan of Xuanyuan!"

"I declare now that he is the husband of my eldest daughter Yu Shengxiang!"

"That's my son-in-law, the son-in-law of our Yu family!"

Yu Chengjie spoke loudly with pride on his face.

At the same time, he also enjoyed the envious eyes of the crowd looking at him.

As soon as the words fell, Yu Shengxiang blushed with shame.

"That, uncle!"

"Although it's impolite to interrupt you, I have to make a point."

"Right now, Xiangxiang and I are just boyfriend and girlfriend, and we haven't reached the point you said."

Lin Xuan stood up in embarrassment, interrupting Yu Chengjie who was in high spirits.

"Ah, that's not important!"

Yu Chengjie ignored Lin Xuan and waved his hand.

"Even if it's not a husband and wife relationship now, it will be soon!"

"In front of so many people today, I, the father-in-law, will give you a testimony!"

"Just feel wronged first, and be a door-to-door son-in-law."

"If you really feel wronged, there is a way!"

"I packed up the entire Yu family and gave it to Xiangxiang as a dowry!"

"As long as you nod your head, you will be the young head of the Yu family from now on!"

Yu Chengjie is determined to decide on his daughter's important matter today!
Even at the expense of giving the Yu family to Lin Xuan!

As expected of being the Patriarch of the Yu family, what a courage!
"Xuanxuan, you and Xiangxiang are the golden boy and jade girl, what else do you have to say no to?"

"In my opinion, if you find a good day these days, just get married!"

Lin Xuan's future mother-in-law spoke kindly.

Looking at Lin Xuan, the more satisfied he looks!

In my heart, I recognized this son-in-law!
"No, Aunt"

Lin Xuan wanted to defend himself, but was interrupted.

"I said brother-in-law, you are so suitable for my sister, why are you embarrassed?"

"Before being a younger brother, I offended you so much, I will apologize to you first!"

"Brother-in-law, do you know?"

"Just now I saw your majesty with my own eyes, and now you are my idol for life!"

"Let me tell you, I don't recognize anyone except you as my brother-in-law!"

Yu Tingyu jumped out again, and said respectfully to Lin Xuan.

After that, those seven aunts and eight aunts, and even the elders also tried to persuade them.

The meaning inside and outside the words is to urge Lin Xuan and Yu Shengxiang to get married quickly!

The noisy voice kept echoing in Lin Xuan's ears, and people came to say a few words from time to time.

Lin Xuan was a little impatient to hear that!


How to tie it!

It would be interesting if I really agreed.

Today I married Yu Shengxiang, tomorrow your Yu family will be wiped out by Xiao Qingyao!
Am I saving you or harming you!

But this can't be said clearly, Lin Xuan is an annoying group now.

(End of this chapter)

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