Chapter 335

"Ah! I had so much fun today!"

Yu Shengxiang hung on Lin Xuan's body, and said happily.

The two were playing in the playground, and time passed unknowingly.

In a blink of an eye, it was already sunset.

Lin Xuan took Yu Shengxiang's hand and walked towards the bench in the playground.

Lin Xuan took off his coat and put it on Yu Shengxiang's shoulders.

Yu Shengxiang leaned her head on Lin Xuan's body, and closed a pair of bright eyes.

This situation is really rare in life.

Lin Xuan put his arms around Yu Shengxiang's shoulders, and the two were talking quietly.

Occasionally, birds fly across the sky, adding a bit of sensuality to this silent picture.

"Brother Xuan, shall we go for a drink?"

Yu Shengxiang put her head into Lin Xuan's arms and said coquettishly.

"Okay, okay, I'll accompany you wherever you want to go."

Lin Xuan pampered Yu Shengxiang's head, picked up Yu Shengxiang and walked out of the playground.

Occasionally someone else would look at her with envy and blessings in their eyes.

What a beautiful couple!
The two walked hand in hand on the streets of Hangzhou, Yu Shengxiang was bouncing up and down, and Lin Xuan was strolling in the courtyard.

Suddenly, Lin Xuan's cell phone vibrated.

Lin Xuan took out his mobile phone, and it turned out that he had received a text message.

Lin Xuan unlocked the screen and saw a big "Yao" character!


I have been so busy fighting wits and courage with the blood shadow of the Shi family these days that I forgot that Xiao Qingyao is coming to Hangzhou soon!
It can't be now!

Lin Xuan was a little flustered.

It would be bad if Xiao Qingyao caught him by the way!
Lin Xuan clicked on the message, feeling a little worried.

"Lin Xuan, there is another problem with the sect, I have to go back."

"Stay stable in Hangcheng first, don't fight Blood Shadow by yourself."

"You protect yourself and wait for me to pass."

The inscription is, I miss your Yao.

Lin Xuan read the message and was very puzzled.

Xiao Qingyao is a top B-level master!
What is there in Tianyizong that can hold her back?

With her strength, if someone makes trouble, isn't it easy to catch?

Or are there some messy and tedious things in the sect?

Although Lin Xuan was not worried about Xiao Qingyao's safety, he was still very concerned.

But Xiao Qingyao probably won't be able to come to Hangzhou for the time being.

I can just use this period of time to resolve the grievances between the Yu family and the Shi family.

As for the blood shadow, we should wait for Xiao Qingyao to come to Hangzhou before making any plans.

After all, Lin Xuan doesn't know how many C-level masters Blood Shadow has.

But no matter how many, as long as there is no B-level powerhouse.

When Xiao Qingyao came, it was all about chopping melons and vegetables.

Lin Xuan thought about it, and returned a text message to Xiao Qingyao.

"Everything is fine here, my wife, don't worry."

"Just handle the affairs of the sect, I'll wait for you to come back."

Lin Xuan's actions caught Yu Shengxiang's attention, and she was curious to check Lin Xuan's phone.

How could Lin Xuan agree?
Yu Shengxiang seemed to have guessed something, and twisted Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan had no choice but to bear it silently.

However, how could this girl know how to pinch people like this?
It hurts!
Lin Xuan laughed and walked towards a bar with Yu Shengxiang.

The name of the bar is Yuanfang Music Tavern, Lin Xuan couldn't help laughing.

The head of the Shi family is named Shi Yuanfang, which is too obvious.

This bar must be owned by the Shi family.

But Lin Xuan was not afraid at all, and walked in with Yu Shengxiang.

There were a lot of people in the bar, and it was with great difficulty that Lin Xuan found two seats next to each other.

Lin Xuan ordered six bottles of wine, and then chatted with Yu Shengxiang.

The six bottles of wine were quickly brought up, and the waiter opened the bottles for Lin Xuan.

"Honey. Come have a drink."

Lin Xuan poured Yu Shengxiang a glass of wine, then filled it up for himself.

He picked up the wine glass and said to Yu Shengxiang.

Yu Shengxiang took the wine glass from Lin Xuan and clinked glasses with Lin Xuan.

Immediately drank it down.

Seeing that Yu Shengxiang was so happy, Lin Xuan toasted too.

I can't tell that this little girl still has this kind of vigor when drinking.

The two drank and chatted, and the six bottles of wine went down quickly.

However, although Yu Shengxiang is very imposing when drinking, her drinking capacity is not so good.

But after three bottles, there will be some tops.

"The environment here is quite good, and the music is also good!"

Yu Shengxiang took another sip of wine and said to Lin Xuan.

"Honey, do you like this bar?"

Lin Xuan asked after hearing Yu Shengxiang praise the bar.

"I like it, of course I like it!"

"The environment here is so good, much better than the boring one at home!"

"I rarely come to the pub, only once before with my father."

"Brother Xuan, you will often bring me here in the future, okay?"

Yu Shengxiang was a little drunk, as if she had released her true self.


"Honey, if you really like this bar."

"Then I'll give it to you later, okay?"

Lin Xuan agreed and said to Yu Shengxiang.

"What, what?"

"Give me the bar?"

"Hahaha, brother Xuan, I didn't expect you to drink less than me!"

"After only three bottles, you're drunk!"

Yu Shengxiang laughed, thinking that Lin Xuan was joking with her again.

Lin Xuan smiled lightly, not paying attention.

Are you kidding me?
Not necessarily.

Seeing that the wine bottle was empty, Lin Xuan called the waiter and ordered four more bottles.

Lin Xuan took Yu Shengxiang's hand and stroked it gently.

Yu Shengxiang leaned on her fragrant cheek with one hand and looked straight at Lin Xuan.

So handsome!
As Yu Shengxiang thought to herself, her already rosy face became even redder.

Seeing Yu Shengxiang like this, Lin Xuan couldn't help feeling more pity for Yu Shengxiang in his heart.

Although Lin Xuan's eyes are full of fragrance of jade at this moment, he is still looking at the surrounding environment.

Out of the corner of his eye, Lin Xuan saw that the waiter who brought the wine was stopped before he came over.

Sure enough, this is going to be a challenge.

Lin Xuan thought in his heart, but still pretended not to know anything on the surface.

He wanted to see what methods the Shi family would use.

"Yo, the chick looks very exciting!"

"Don't sit with this little boy, come and have a drink with the uncle."

"Tonight, my uncle will definitely let you experience what it means to be comfortable."

Not long after, a burly man walked over.

Behind him, there are three people following.

The big man's hand reached directly towards Yu Shengxiang's pretty face.

I rely on!

Is this the method of the Shi family?

It's too nasty!

Lin Xuan couldn't help but slander.

He really didn't expect that the Shi family would use such a rascal way to test him.

Immediately, a wave of anger rose in Lin Xuan's heart.

What is a little boy?
Is it wrong to be handsome?
Besides, this is my young master's woman!
What are you, you dare to act wild here!

However, if you do it directly, it will be too boring.

So Lin Xuan decided to bear with it for now.

Find out where the other party came from, if it is really an unrelated person who drank too much.

Then just send it away.

(End of this chapter)

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