Chapter 336 Test!

So Lin Xuan knocked off the big man's hand with a slap, and stood up.

"who are you?"

"This is my wife, please show some respect."

Lin Xuan said to the big man neither humble nor overbearing, although he is thin, he is very imposing.

"Small, kid, get the hell out of here!"

"If you are sensible, go now, or the uncle will have to teach you a lesson!"

"Don't force the uncle to put you down here, you will regret it!"

The big man seemed to be drunk, and he waved at Lin Xuan casually.

"Hmph, I don't know if I know a person or not."

"But if you don't leave, the only person lying here will be you."

"Not me!"

Lin Xuan said confidently.

"Tsk, I don't know good from bad!"

The big man glanced at Lin Xuan and stopped looking at him.

Then he stretched out his hand to Yu Shengxiang.

I don't know who is ignorant!

Since you are so incompetent, no wonder you are my lord!
A hand came out and grabbed the big man's wrist.

Then give it a hard twist!
The burly man didn't expect Lin Xuan to have such great power, nor did he expect Lin Xuan to strike directly without saying a word.

Immediately, Lin Xuan pressed him to the ground.



The little brother behind the big man shouted loudly, and immediately grabbed Lin Xuan together.

Lin Xuan let out a smirk, facing these miscellaneous fish, isn't it easy to catch them?
Lin Xuan flicked the big man's wrist, covering the left and right with one hand.

In just a few seconds, all three little brothers were brought down.

And Lin Xuan's body didn't even leave the seat.

What happened here instantly attracted attention, and many people looked over.

Seeing that it was drinking and making trouble, everyone who saw it turned their eyes away.

After all, having stayed in bars all year round, such things are commonplace.

"Little bunny!"

"You dare to hit me, are you looking for death!"

The burly man stood up and shouted at Lin Xuan.

Although the sound of the music here is not low, the voice of the big man overwhelms the music.

The big man seemed unwilling to admit defeat, and punched Lin Xuan again.

Undoubtedly, the big man's shot this time was much sharper, and it was completely incomparable with the last time.

But how could the previous Lin Xuan be doing his best?
The fist of the big man was easily blocked by Lin Xuan's palm, and then Lin Xuan pushed forward.

The big man was knocked to the ground by Lin Xuan again, and he had the idea of ​​retreating.

Lin Xuan felt the strength of the big man, in the middle of C-level, and is about to break through to the late C-level.

This could never be a passerby who had drunk too much.

Even if Hangcheng's overall strength is not weak, it is not to the point where C-level masters are flooded.

This is definitely a member of the Shi family!

With this in mind, Lin Xuan decided not to show mercy.

It's not just because the Yu family has a better chance of winning if they can eradicate a Shi family.

It was even more because this burly man wanted to touch Yu Shengxiang twice.

If Lin Xuan could bear such a thing, he wouldn't be a man anymore!

However, such things also vary from person to person.

Now beside Lin Xuan is Yu Shengxiang, who is still a little drunk.

If Yu Shengxiang was replaced by Xiao Qingyao, then Lin Xuan would definitely not meddle in his own business.

I'm afraid Xiao Qingyao would have killed him the first time the burly man was about to attack.


"Who dares to touch me, Brother Hao!"

Just when Lin Xuan was about to make a move to kill the big man, a loud shout sounded from beside him.

Immediately, more than [-] people swarmed over.

Seeing that the support was coming, the burly man suddenly became tougher.

Even if he is not Lin Xuan's opponent, he no longer backs down.

"Boy, is it you who moved Brother Hao?"

A man with a scar pointed at Lin Xuan, squinted his eyes and said.

"Oh, it's me."

"Just move, what can you do?"

Lin Xuan looked at the scarred man with disdain, pretending to be like that.

"Okay, kid has kind."

The man with the scar nodded his head with a fierce look in his eyes.

"You so-called Brother Hao, you want to touch my wife."

"According to you, I should be indifferent?"

Lin Xuan asked the man with the scar.

"Oh, move your wife?"

"That is worthy of you!"

"A word of advice to you, obediently send your wife here."

"I can also consider letting you go."

The man with the scar was unreasonable and said to Lin Xuan.

"Heh, that's such a strong word."

"What can you do if my master doesn't hand it over?"

Lin Xuan sneered and confronted the man with the scar.

"Okay, brothers, give it to me!"

The man with the scar yelled loudly, and more than 20 people behind him immediately rushed up and surrounded Lin Xuan.

The person who was drinking and singing in the bar saw that the incident was going to make a big fuss, so he immediately chose a way to escape.

Not long after, there were only two people left here.

"Want to start?"

"Okay, then come on."

"It's just a bunch of trash, let's go together."

Lin Xuan looked at them with disdain, and said flatly.

"Damn, look down on me, come on!"

I don't know who was the first to shout, and more than 20 people rushed forward.

【Ding! 】

[It is detected that the host is in danger, and the automatic activation skills are always a little stronger than you. 】

The voice of the system sounded in his mind, Lin Xuan gained strength and started fighting with these people.

Among these people, there are only four or five late C-level masters.

The rest are just mid-level or early-level C level.

With the increase of the system, Lin Xuan fought with more than 20 people without any effort.

However, both sides are tacit.

Lin Xuan didn't kill anyone, and those people didn't hurt Yu Shengxiang either.

And Yu Shengxiang just looked there in a daze, without speaking.

Having seen Lin Xuan's strength, she was naturally not worried about Lin Xuan's safety at all.

And with Lin Xuan around, she didn't worry about her safety at all.

This is Yu Shengxiang's trust in Lin Xuan.

In just one minute, seven or eight of the more than 1 people were knocked down by Lin Xuan.

All of them are early or mid-level C-level characters.

Lin Xuan deliberately didn't go head-to-head with those late C-level masters.

And those late C-level masters did not force Lin Xuan to fight them.

This made Lin Xuan more certain that this was the person from the Shi family who came to test his strength.

Although Lin Xuan exerted his full strength now, he was able to wipe out all these people.

But in that case, the Shi family will be forced to use all their strength to target the Yu family now.

The plan of keeping a low profile will be destroyed.

Therefore, the strength shown by Lin Xuan is a relatively powerful C-level mid-term cultivation level.

It is almost invincible in the mid-stage of C-level, and can compete with late-stage C-level masters but is not an opponent.


"Who is making trouble in the bar!"

Just when Lin Xuan was fighting with them inextricably, a loud shout came from behind.

Hearing this voice, the more than 20 people stopped.

And Lin Xuan also accepted it as soon as he saw it, and turned around to look.

I saw a middle-aged man, a man in his 30s or nearly 40 years old, walking over.

Followed by five or six people, very temperamental.

(End of this chapter)

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