Chapter 343
"Wife, you are so kind."

Lin Xuan touched Yu Shengxiang's little hand, and kissed it by the way.

Yu Shengxiang blushed slightly, and nodded slightly.

"I guess you are hungry now too, wife, let me take you to eat something delicious."

Lin Xuan sat up and stretched, hugged Yu Shengxiang and said.


As soon as he heard about eating, Yu Shengxiang suddenly regained his spirits.

Yu Shengxiang's eyes were shining brightly, as if her whole body was full of vitality.

Immediately Lin Xuan got dressed, took Yu Shengxiang's hand and walked out.

At this moment, Lin Xuan's cell phone vibrated.

Could it be Xiao Qingyao again?
Lin Xuan was a little worried, for fear that something special happened to Xiao Qingyao.

Lin Xuan quickly took out his phone and looked at it, heaving a sigh of relief.

It wasn't Xiao Qingyao, but Yu Chengjie.

What is the Yu family looking for?

Do you miss your daughter?
Lin Xuan couldn't help looking at Yu Shengxiang.

"Brother Xuan, why are you staring at me?"

Sensing Lin Xuan's gaze, Yu Shengxiang asked suspiciously.

"Uncle has sent a message."

Lin Xuan put the phone in front of Yu Shengxiang, and the two looked at it together.

"Lin Xuan, there is a letter from the Shi family, please come back soon."

"I guess you haven't had lunch yet, I'll arrange a sumptuous meal for you."

The signature is Yu Chengjie.

"Brother Xuan, why did the Shi family suddenly send me a letter from the Yu family?"

"Could it be that they found out that Shi Tianfang was imprisoned in my Yu family?"

After reading the message, Yu Shengxiang couldn't help feeling worried.

I even lost interest in seeing the big meal prepared later, and the previous excitement disappeared.

Instead, worry and tension.

"Although I don't know how the Shi family found out that Shi Tian was placed in Yu's house."

"But I'm sure they did know about it already.

Lin Xuan pondered for a while, and said to Yu Shengxiang.

"But my wife, don't worry, I'm here, nothing unexpected!"

Lin Xuan and Yu Shengxiang patted their chests to make a promise.


Seeing Lin Xuan's appearance, Yu Shengxiang couldn't help laughing.

"Okay wife, let's go back to Yu's house first."

"Since uncle told us to go back, let's hurry up."

"Don't keep uncle and your family waiting."

As Lin Xuan said, he replied to Yu Chengjie with a message that he would be there soon, then took Yu Shengxiang's little hand and walked out.

The two took a taxi and drove towards Yu's house.

"Come, come, come in!"

As soon as Lin Xuan and Yu Shengxiang arrived at the door of Yu's house, they were spotted by Yu Chengjie who was pacing back and forth inside the door.

Yu Chengjie walked out immediately, grabbed Lin Xuan and Yu Shengxiang and walked inside.

"What's going on, Uncle Yu, why are you in such a hurry?"

Lin Xuan asked as he walked, and didn't take Yu Chengjie's anxiety seriously.

"Go in and talk."

Yu Chengjie waved his hand and led the way.

Lin Xuan had no choice but to walk in with Yu Shengxiang and follow Yu Chengjie.

In the room, all the elders that Lin Xuan had met before were present, and there were a few new faces.

Lin Xuan knew that these should be the elders whom he hadn't seen before.

After all, on such an important occasion, it is impossible for the Yu family without strength and identity to be qualified to participate.

"Lin Xuan, do you want to eat something first?"

Yu Chengjie asked Lin Xuan for his opinion.

"Uncle Yu, if you have anything to say, please tell me first."

"Otherwise, you won't feel comfortable holding it in, and I won't feel comfortable eating it."

Lin Xuan made a gesture of invitation.

"Okay, since that's the case, then I'll say it first."

Yu Chengjie nodded, and then took out a lime-gray letter from his clothes.

"This morning, the Shi family sent someone to deliver it."

"I've already read the content inside, Lin Xuan, you should take a look first."

Yu Chengjie said, and handed the letter to Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan took it with both hands, opened the cover, and took out the letter inside.

"Brother Chengjie, the Yushi family haven't met for many years, I miss you so much."

"Brother Chengjie can send a representative to meet at my Shijiacheng South Manor at noon tomorrow, and my younger brother will hold a banquet to welcome you."

"Brother Chengjie, I hope it will be easy for you to get along with each other for many years, don't give up."

"Shi Yuanfang is waiting!"

After reading the contents in Lin Xuan's mind, he instantly understood.

"Well, isn't this just a Hongmen banquet?"

"Uncle Yu, have you decided on who will be the representative of the Yu family?"

Lin Xuan put the letter on the table and asked casually.

"This, this..."

When Yu Chengjie said this, he hesitated a little.

"Okay, you don't have to say it."

"Looking at your performance, you haven't decided who to send."

"To put it bluntly, those who go may not come back, so you are the head of the Yu family."

"You can't bear the lives of your people, are you?"

Lin Xuan leaned on the back of the chair and said lightly.

Yu Chengjie didn't speak, just nodded.

"It's easy to handle. Let me go on behalf of the Yu family, isn't it all right?"

"I think the reason why you called me back also has this meaning in it?"

With a wave of Lin Xuan's hand, everyone was shocked.

"This, alas!"

"Since everything is clear, then I will open the skylight and speak clearly."

Yu Chengjie seemed to be hardened and clenched his fists.

"I really want you, Lin Xuan, to attend the meeting instead of the Yu family, but it's up to you to decide on this matter."

"If you don't want to, my Yu Family will never force you."

Yu Chengjie said firmly.

This sentence is true, Lin Xuan has already helped his Yu family a lot.

Although it was all for Yu Shengxiang's sake, Yu Chengjie also accepted his love.

If Lin Xuan doesn't want to go, then just don't go.

"Hahaha, why don't you want to?"

"It just so happens that I also want to visit Shi's house."

"Let's find out how capable the current first family in Hangzhou is."

Lin Xuan smiled and said indifferently.

"Lin Xuan, the masters of the Shi family are emerging one after another, you..."

Yu Chengjie looked at Lin Xuan worriedly, hesitant to speak.

"Hahaha, you don't have to worry about Uncle Yu."

"Don't say it's Shi's house, it's Longtan and Tiger's Den, why not go?"

"If I want to leave, no one in the world can keep me!"

When Lin Xuan said this, his tone was full of confidence!

After hearing this, the Yu family looked at Lin Xuan with even a hint of admiration.

"It's just that there is a problem."

Lin Xuan suddenly changed the topic.


Yu Chengjie asked hurriedly.

"My name is Lin Xuan. Will the Shi family recognize me as a member of the Yu family?"

Lin Xuan asked a question.

"Why don't they admit it?!"

Speaking of this, Yu Chengjie actually quit!
"You are my future son-in-law, why aren't you counted as my Yu family?"

"Who dares to say that you are not from the Yu family, the entire Yu family is fighting him desperately!"

Yu Chengjie slapped the table violently, showing the owner's aura.

"Ask everyone here, how can anyone still treat you, Lin Xuan, as an outsider?"

Then Yu Chengjie looked at the people on the seats, and everyone smiled at Lin Xuan.

"Well, if that's the case, then there's no problem."

"This trip, let me go!"

Lin Xuan stood up and said proudly.

(End of this chapter)

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