Chapter 344
"Come on, Lin Xuan, let me toast you!"

Yu Chengjie picked up the wine glass and gestured to Lin Xuan.

The rest of the Yu family also stood up and toasted Lin Xuan at the same time.

Lin Xuan nodded with a smile, picked up the wine glass and drank it down in one gulp.

Everyone sat down, and Lin Xuan also sat down again.

"Xiangxiang, aren't you hungry?"

"There are so many delicious things, eat them quickly."

Lin Xuan said to Yu Shengxiang.

Yu Shengxiang nodded, picked up the bowl and chopsticks and started eating.

This meal was carried out amidst everyone's laughter and laughter.

"Brother Xuan, you must be careful."

"I'll wait for you to come back!"

After eating, Yu Shengxiang slipped to Lin Xuan's side and whispered a word.

"Don't worry my wife, I will be back as soon as possible."

Lin Xuan patted Yu Shengxiang's head in relief, and said with a smile.

"Lin Xuan, I won't say much else."

"Everything is about your own safety, even if you have a falling out with the Shi family."

"Although my Yu family is not as good as the Shi family, I will never back down!"

Yu Chengjie came over and said to Lin Xuan earnestly.

"Don't worry, Uncle Yu, I know it well!"

Lin Xuan nodded and said confidently.

"I'm going, see you later!"

Lin Xuan waved his hands to everyone in the Yu family, turned around and walked out.

Lin Xuan looked at the address given in Shi's letter and took a taxi.

This trip will definitely face a severe test.

However, Lin Xuan was not afraid at all.

Just to see what kind of energy this Shi family has.

The manor that the Shi family mentioned is far away from the Yu family, and it is the property of the Shi family in the south of the city.

It took more than 40 minutes for Lin Xuan to reach his destination.

When I got out of the car, I saw that it was indeed a very large manor.

Not only is the scenery pleasant here, but it is also very different from the atmosphere in Hangzhou.

It looks like it has a country feel to it.

Lin Xuan walked towards the manor, but was stopped at the door.


"How can I trespass on my SJZ garden?"

The two guards from the Shi family stretched out their hands to stop Lin Xuan.

"I came to your Shi family's appointment at noon today at the order of the head of the Yu family."

Lin Xuan explained and took out the letter from the Shi family at the same time.

Unexpectedly, the two gatekeepers didn't even look at it, and still didn't let Lin Xuan enter.

"We don't know about it, so please go back!"

One of them shook his head firmly.

It seems that this can be regarded as the Shi family's downfall.

Lin Xuan thought to himself.

That being the case, don't blame me for being rude.

Lin Xuan smiled and shot directly.

The two palmed Lin Xuan, and Lin Xuan was repelled!

Lin Xuan frowned slightly. These two people are actually the peak masters in the late C-level!
He didn't expect that a person with such cultivation would be willing to be a gatekeeper.

But thinking that this should be the arrangement of the Patriarch of the Shi family, he felt relieved.

"I didn't expect it, two late C-level masters."

"Actually willing to serve as a watchdog for the Shi family."

"The two endured humiliation, I really admire you."

Lin Xuan shook his head, obviously provocative.

"Hmph, what am I waiting for? It's not your turn to ask an outsider!"

The two shouted angrily, and hit Lin Xuan again.

Lin Xuan was careless before, and suffered a small loss.

But this time I have already prepared, how can I back down?
Lin Xuan's communication system, activated skills are always better than you.

In an instant, Lin Xuan's aura became extremely domineering.

The two palms faced each other again, this time, it was not Lin Xuan who retreated.

The two Shi family members shot at the same time, but they were all pushed back by Lin Xuan.

Immediately, his eyes were fixed, and he looked at Lin Xuan vigilantly.

"Let me tell you two, since you are from the Shi family, you should know what I have done."

"Based on the two of you, you want to keep me out?"

"Hahaha, I'm so overwhelmed!"

After Lin Xuan finished speaking, he took the initiative and called directly.

The two hurriedly took out their skills and fought against Lin Xuan.

However, with the blessing of skills that are always a little stronger than yours.

With their abilities, how could they touch Lin Xuan's clothes?

Lin Xuan saw the right opportunity, and slammed a person's chest with his extremely hard right palm.


The person who received Lin Xuan's slap immediately spurted blood and fell to the ground in fatigue.

The other person was horrified, Lin Xuan actually abolished his companion with one palm!

You know, the cultivation bases of the two are very close.

That is to say, he is not Lin Xuan's opponent either.

Although the two heard from the Patriarch before that Lin Xuan had knocked out three late C-level masters by himself.

But the two of them have cooperated for more than [-] years, and the tacit understanding with each other is naturally incomparable.

What's more, the cultivation base of these two people is more profound than those three people.

Together, the two can overwhelm the three of them.

That's why they dared to ask for orders to stop Lin Xuan and teach him a lesson.

However, now Lin Xuan has not been taught a lesson, but they are in danger.

Such a result made him feel terrified.

Lin Xuan was eager to meet the Shi family's speaker, so naturally he didn't want to waste too much time here.

So Lin Xuan's strikes became more and more fierce, and he suppressed that person so that he had no strength to fight back.

As time passed, that Shi family's parry speed became slower and slower.

In the state of being suppressed for a long time, his strength is rapidly declining.

Lin Xuan made an opening, turned around and walked behind the Shi family.

A palm slashed on his neck!

The Shi family member couldn't even struggle, he just groaned and fell limply to the ground.

Lin Xuan clapped his hands and walked into the manor.

Entering the manor, Lin Xuan looked at the surrounding environment.

Lin Xuan felt something was wrong.

It seems too quiet here.

Lin Xuan stopped in place, feeling carefully.

Suddenly, Lin Xuan jumped up high.

The sound of breaking wind sounded, and in the next moment, countless hidden weapons passed over where Lin Xuan was before.

After Lin Xuan landed, many people with weapons appeared around him.

"Who is coming?"

"How dare you trespass on the manor, take your life!"

The leader shouted loudly, and killed Lin Xuan indiscriminately.

Good guy!
The Shi family is really vicious, there are so many tricks in every door.

But Lin Xuan also knew that this was testing his own abilities.

Based on Shi Yuanfang's thinking, he naturally knew that most of the Yu family would not send their own family members to the meeting.

So it was me who came.

If you are strong enough, you will naturally be able to pass safely.

If he died here without the ability, he would save himself a lot of trouble.

What is needed here is just a qualification to meet the spokesperson of the Shi family.

If, unexpectedly, other direct descendants of the Yu family came, there wouldn't be so many incidents.

The Shi family would only capture the Yu family as hostages, but would not kill him.

Either exchange Shi Tianfang back, or force the Yu family to bow their heads and become ministers.

Then it depends on the status of the person sent by the Yu family in the Yu family.

It's just that these people want to solve themselves.

Lin Xuan can only say one thing, whimsical!

(End of this chapter)

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