Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 356 The Shi family is destroyed!

Chapter 356 The Shi family is destroyed!

Lin Xuan's avatar also stopped moving at this time.

More than a dozen Lin Xuans surrounded the remaining 30 or so C-level masters of the Shi family.

The Shi family looked at Lin Xuan, with infinite fear flickering in their eyes.

Originally, this was a force that could maneuver wherever it was placed.

As a result, Lin Xuan was scared out of his wits now.

"Fight him!"

"He just fought a battle. Even if he is stronger than us, his physical strength will be exhausted."

"If you don't kill him, we will all die!"

Shi Liuyun, the third elder of the Shi family, shouted loudly, the instinct to survive overcame reason.

This may be to die and survive.

The Shi family seemed to be awakened by his words, all of them were high-spirited and sharpened their knives at Lin Xuan.

"Hahaha, kill me, naive!"

"Your Shi Family Supreme Elders can't kill me, do you have that ability?"

"If you were really capable, I would not be standing here long ago."

Facing the stubborn resistance of the Shi family, Lin Xuan laughed heartily.

At this moment, the Supreme Elder of the Shi family has died.

The Patriarch of the Shi Family, Shi Yuanfang, was also lying there, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

The great elder of the Shi family was even beaten to death by Lin Xuan and fell into a coma.

It can be said that all capable people in the Shi family and those who could take charge were all killed by Lin Xuan.

Facing these remaining masters of the Shi family, it is simply not too easy.

Although Lin Xuan's strength was reduced due to the death of the Shi family's grand elder, he faced the Shi family members who were frightened by him.

Still no pressure.

This is just a small scene.


The Shi family rushed towards Lin Xuan.

The will to survive made them extremely brave at this moment, even though they knew they were not Lin Xuan's opponents, they still went forward.

It's a pity that the facts will not change because of personal courage.

Lin Xuan's avatars moved, and each avatar stopped at least two Shi family members who rushed towards Lin Xuan.

The remaining four or five people were stopped by Lin Xuan's body.

At this moment, Lin Xuansha is on the rise, and he doesn't want to waste time here.

Shot is full strength!

Every time the incomparably hard right palm is swung, it will cause irreparable damage to the masters of the Shi family.

Qiankun Bricks were thrown out and recovered from time to time, and Lin Xuan's loud shout sounded intermittently.

"You have a leg!"

Every time Lin Xuan's voice sounded, someone would be kicked away by Lin Xuan.

Then Qiankun Brick followed like a shadow, directly taking the life of that unlucky guy.

Time kept passing, and not long after, more than a dozen of the remaining masters of the Shi family died under Lin Xuan's hands.

"No, it's not my opponent!"

"Run, everyone, run separately!"

There was one person who saw his master die so quickly, and knew in his heart that if he continued to fight, his entire army would be wiped out!

So the idea of ​​running away came up.

He roared and feinted.

Abandoning his companions, he turned around and wanted to escape.

And after hearing his shout, the remaining masters of the Shi family also lost all fighting spirit!
In an instant, the Shi family dispersed in a swarm.

However, they will certainly die if they are beaten.

Even if you want to run now, you cannot escape the fate of death.

Even if they ran away separately, it gave Lin Xuan a chance to defeat each of them.

In this way, the death will be faster.

But now, which Shi family can think of these things?
Everyone was terrified by Lin Xuan and just wanted to escape.

Lin Xuan looked at these Shi family members with ruthless eyes, and his heart moved.

A dozen or so Lin Xuans split up and chased after the fleeing Shi family.

These Shi family members couldn't be faster than Lin Xuan, but they fell one by one because they didn't want to fight.

After less than 10 minutes, Lin Xuan took back his avatar.

From now on, there will be no Shi family in this Shi family's manor!

In other words, Lin Xuan was the only one left.

Lin Xuan took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Yu Chengjie.

"I'm going back, wait for me."

Then Lin Xuan tidied up his clothes that were wrinkled due to the war, and tidied up his hair.

At any time, image is very important.

Lin Xuan walked out of the manor, and after walking for a while, he caught a car on the street.

After telling the driver the location, Lin Xuan sat on the car seat with his eyes closed.

After all, it's a bit far away from Yu's house, so let's take a quick rest.

Don't look at Lin Xuan's victory in this battle is very fruitful, but it is also exhausting for him physically and mentally.

It is inconceivable to single out a family with one's own strength.

Lin Xuan who sat down only felt that he had never felt such a comfortable rest.

Almost fell asleep even.

When the car stopped, Lin Xuan's spirit had almost recovered.

Lin Xuan got out of the car and walked towards Yu's building.

Yu Chengjie, all the elders of the Yu family, and Yu Shengxiang were waiting at the door.

Seeing that Lin Xuan came back safe and sound, they were all overjoyed.

"Brother Xuan!"

Yu Shengxiang couldn't wait any longer, ran over and threw herself on Lin Xuan, hugging him tightly.

Lin Xuan smiled, and gently rubbed Yu Shengxiang's little head.

"Lin Xuan, how are you doing?"

"What did you talk about this trip, Shi Yuanfang didn't make things difficult for you, did he?"

Yu Chengjie asked concerned.

"Uncle Yu, don't worry."

"From then on, there is no Shi family in Hangcheng."

Lin Xuanyun said calmly.

"Well, what?!"

Yu Chengjie nodded slightly when he heard the first sentence, and raised his head suddenly when he heard Lin Xuan's second sentence.

Looking at Lin Xuan in disbelief, he thought he had heard wrong.

"You, what did you say?"

"what do you mean……"

Yu Chengjie thought for a while, his body trembled, and he asked Lin Xuan tremblingly.

"You heard me right, what I said was literal."

"The Shi family has been destroyed by me. I came back to tell you that you can take over the Shi family's property."

Lin Xuan hugged Yu Shengxiang and said to Yu Chengjie.

"I came back because I didn't know where the head of the Shi family was, because you must know."

"You can send someone there now."

Lin Xuan explained.

"you you……"

"You mean, you just had a fight with the Shi family in the Shi family's manor."

"Kill them all after that?!"

Yu Chengjie slowed down and asked a question.

At this moment, all the elders of the Yu family also gathered together, looking at Lin Xuan like a group of curious babies.

"Yes, I wiped out all the masters of the Shi family in the manor."

"The Supreme Elder of the Shi family, the patriarch Shi Yuanfang, and more than 40 C-level masters are all dead now."

"It is estimated that the Shi family still has a few remaining C-level masters, but with the current strength of the Yu family, I think it is enough to handle it."

After Lin Xuan said these few words, everyone in the Yu family was shocked.

A few people even fell to the ground after being stimulated by the news.

Yu Shengxiang in Lin Xuan's arms also raised his head suddenly, looking at Lin Xuan in shock.

This, is this true?
The Shi family that pushed my Yu family to such an extent is now completely wiped out by a young man?
(End of this chapter)

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