Chapter 357 Everyone is happy
"Lin Xuan, this, is this true?"

"Are you kidding?!"

It took Yu Chengjie a while to squeeze out this sentence.

Regardless of Lin Xuan still hugging Yu Shengxiang, he grabbed Lin Xuan's shoulder excitedly.

"Haha, this matter is indeed a bit exaggerated, but it is the truth."

"If you don't believe me, you can go to SJZ Park and take a look to find out."

Lin Xuan knew that this matter was really unimaginable from the perspective of this group of people, so he didn't say much.

After hearing this, Yu Chengjie couldn't help taking two steps back, his eyes became hollow.

"Ha, haha, the Shi family has been destroyed..."

Yu Chengjie seemed to be in a daze, muttering to himself.

Seeing that her father had become like this, Yu Shengxiang hurriedly wanted to help her.

But Lin Xuan hugged her tightly, and couldn't walk away at all.

"The Shi family has been destroyed!"

Suddenly, Yu Chengjie roared!
Humph, I knew this would happen.

When Lin Xuan met Yu Chengjie for the first time, he felt that the spirit of the head of the Yu family was a little abnormal.

But he can also understand, after all, in the position of Patriarch of the Yu family, the pressure he bears is really too great.

"Hahahahahaha, Lin Xuan, ah no, son-in-law!"

"Come in, come in, you are the great benefactor of my Yu family!"

After roaring, Yu Chengjie returned to normal state.

It seemed that all the depression of these years had been turned into a loud roar and vented out.

"Uncle, are you all right?"

Lin Xuan thought it was a little funny, so he asked.


"It's okay, what happened to me?"

"I'm fine, I'm great!"

Yu Chengjie gave a grunt, and then began to dance with his hands and feet.

Yu Shengxiang in Lin Xuan's arms was ashamed at the moment, why was his father so disregarding his image!

What a shame!

Lin Xuan held back his smile and nodded.

"Uncle, you should send someone to Shi's house now."

"I have basically killed all the masters of the Shi family. Now there should be only a few direct descendants of the Shi family or those who are related to Shi Yuanfang."

"It is said that Shi Yuanfang does not have a son, so it is only logical to accept it."

"As for how to deal with the remaining Shi family members, whether to kill them or keep them, and those family properties."

"Whether it's a direct acquisition of the Shi family, an agreement or a contract."

"I don't understand these things, so I won't interfere."

Lin Xuan said to Yu Chengjie.

"Ah, right, right, Third Elder!"

"Hurry up and send someone to bring ten C-level masters to the head of the Shi family and take the Shi family down."

"You have always managed financial and diplomatic matters, and this is left to you."

Yu Chengjie nodded and greeted the third elder of the Yu family.


The third elder of the Yu family took a step forward, then turned around and left.

Then, Yu Chengjie pulled Lin Xuan and Yu Shengxiang affectionately and walked into the house.

The dining room has already set up a table of big meals, and the lid is buckled.

Yu Chengjie personally lifted the lid on the food, which was still steaming slightly.

Everyone sat down one after another, and Yu Chengjie walked up to Lin Xuan and filled Lin Xuan with wine.

Then Yu Chengjie walked back to his seat and stood up.

"My Yu family, at its peak, was second to none in Hangzhou."

"It's a pity that something happened later and it didn't fall to where it is today."

"Originally, my Yu family is hopeless!"

"It's just that I can't bear to see the family ruined in my hands, so I have been persevering under pressure."

"But it's different now!"

"Now that the Shi family is destroyed, Lin Xuan brought all of this!"

When Yu Chengjie said this, he even shed tears.

Lin Xuan can feel Yu Chengjie's feelings now, which is extremely real.

"The Shi family is destroyed, and my Yu family can finally stand up."

"This can be said to be the happiest event in my Yu family in the past ten years!"

"Lin Xuan, you are the benefactor of my Yu family!"

"Please accept my respect from Yu Chengjie!"

After all, Yu Chengjie came out and bowed deeply to Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan did not avoid this ceremony.

Because he can afford it.

At this time, Yu Chengjie did not salute Lin Xuan as Lin Xuan's future father-in-law.

Instead, he saluted Lin Xuan as the patriarch of a family who was in an endangered situation and was saved by Lin Xuan.

"Uncle Yu, please get up."

After receiving a gift from Yu Chengjie, Lin Xuan stepped forward to help Yu Chengjie up.

"Lin Xuan, I'm sorry for you."

With tears in his eyes, Yu Chengjie held Lin Xuan's hand and said.

"Not enough."

Lin Xuan said with a smile.

Yu Chengjie knew how terrifying the strength of the Shi family was.

But now Lin Xuan has been wiped out by himself. How far is Lin Xuan's strength?
Although Lin Xuan acted calmly, he could guess six out of ten how dangerous the experience was.

Lin Xuan, who has a foreign surname, can do this for the Yu family.

What else could he say?

"Yes, uncle."

"I have a request."

Lin Xuan suddenly remembered something and stopped Yu Chengjie.

"Ah, what did you say?"

"No matter what the request is, I will do it!"

Yu Chengjie listened and said firmly.

Even if Lin Xuan wanted the entire Yu Family, he would not hesitate to do so.

"Oh, that's it."

"I want to put half of the shares in Xiangxiang's name after the Yu family acquires the resources and properties of the Shi family."

Lin Xuan thought for a while and said.

"this one?"

"It's okay, don't say half of it, even if it's all for Xiangxiang, it's okay!"

Yu Chengjie didn't seem to have thought that Lin Xuan was just asking for this, and immediately readily agreed.

Among other things, Yu Shengxiang is his daughter.

Putting the property in his own daughter's name is no different from putting it in his own hands.

My daughter, what is there to worry about?

"Well, I want to divide the property of the Shi family into two."

"Give one to Xiangxiang, and you take one, how about?"

Yu Chengjie told Lin Xuan that he wanted to give Lin Xuan half of it.

"Hahaha, Uncle Yu, there is no need for this."

"You take all the property of the Shi family."

"As for the half for Xiangxiang, it's because of me."

"I'm destined to never live in Hangzhou, so I have to leave something for her."

After hearing this, Lin Xuan said with a smile.

"Brother Xuan, you, you want to go?"

"Don't leave me behind!"

After hearing what Lin Xuan said, Yu Shengxiang immediately hugged Lin Xuan tightly, and wouldn't let go no matter what.

"Hey, daughter."

"Lin Xuan is destined not to be a thing in the pool, and he will definitely stand at the top in the future."

"If he stays in Hangcheng, won't he cut off his way forward?"

Yu Chengjie looked at it very openly, and said to Yu Shengxiang.

Yu Shengxiang thought so too, but she couldn't bear Lin Xuan to leave.

His mouth was flattened, and he burst into tears.

"Silly girl, I just don't live in Hangzhou often, and it's not that I don't want you anymore."

"I'll see you often."

Lin Xuan fondly wiped away the tears from the corners of Yu Shengxiang's eyes, and said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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