Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 358 Analysis of the situation

Chapter 358 Analysis of the situation

"Then, after you leave, you must remember to come back to see me often!"

Yu Shengxiang hugged Lin Xuan even tighter, for fear that he would run away.

"Hahaha, silly girl, I will stay in Hangzhou for a while."

"It's not going away right away, don't worry."

Lin Xuan was amused by Yu Shengxiang, and comforted her.

"You, you are necrotic!"

"Not leaving immediately, why are you scaring me!"

Yu Shengxiang pursed her lips and said angrily.

"Isn't it necessary to inform you in advance, so as to save you from being unprepared when the time comes?"

Lin Xuan hugged Yu Shengxiang with his backhand, patted her head and said.

"Okay, okay, you young couple are flirting, don't be in front of me, an old man."

Yu Chengjie stroked his beard, looking very happy.

"Father! You are not old, what are you talking about!"

Yu Shengxiang was so ashamed that she got into Lin Xuan's arms and couldn't get out.

Such a scene is very warm.

Lin Xuan is also really tired these days, so naturally he has to relax.

Having experienced this battle, he still has lingering fears in retrospect.

If it weren't for my own systematic skills, I would be a little better than you.

Then facing the Supreme Elder of the Shi family, he would really be defeated.

They, the masters of the older generation, seem to have the means to increase their strength.

Of course, Mito Shunpei's use of evil skills is definitely not counted.

Lin Xuan wondered whether he should also develop this method.

But after thinking about it carefully, having a system is already the best augmentation skill.

There is absolutely no need to look far away.

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan felt relieved.

After a long time, the people sent by the Yu family came back.

First met the Patriarch Yu Chengjie, and then Yu Chengjie took them to find Lin Xuan.

"How about Uncle Yu, have the Shi family's follow-up matters been resolved?"

Seeing Yu Chengjie coming to him, Lin Xuan asked.

"Lin Xuan, regarding the remaining members of the Shi family, this matter is going very smoothly."

"The few remaining C-level masters from the Shi family have been killed by people sent by my Yu family."

Yu Chengjie said to Lin Xuan.


"Is there something else wrong?"

Seeing Yu Chengjie's frown, Lin Xuan was not very happy.

This must have encountered other problems, so Lin Xuan asked this question.

"The rest of the Shi family, including Shi Yuanfang's daughter and nephew, etc."

"After forcing them to sign a contract to transfer the assets of the Shi family to my Yu family."

"It was also killed by the people I sent."

"In addition, the Shi family was destroyed, and Shi Tianfang, who had been imprisoned in the Yu family, was also solved by us."


When Yu Chengjie said this, he hesitated to speak.

"Uncle Yu, tell me if you have anything to say."

"Even if there are really difficulties, let's face them together."

Seeing Yu Chengjie hesitating, Lin Xuan comforted him.

"The problem is, those members of the Shi family learned of Shi Yuanfang's death."

"As well as the news that those masters were all wiped out, it spread the news that the Shi family was wiped out by me and you."

"Furthermore, word spread that my Yu family destroyed the Shi family."

Yu Chengjie said to Lin Xuan.


"If it spreads out, it will spread out. What impact does it have?"

Lin Xuan was puzzled and asked Yu Chengjie.

"Just when my Yu family transferred the assets of the Shi family, something went wrong."

"Many people came to obstruct it."

"But fortunately, my Yu family retreated quickly, without any damage."

"But the assets of the Shi family can't be moved now."

Having said that, Yu Chengjie sighed.


"How could this be?"

Lin Xuan didn't understand.

"Hey, when you first came to Hangcheng, you don't know much about the strength division of Hangcheng."

"Even if you have inquired about Hangcheng in various aspects before, I have told you something."

"However, those are just superficial phenomena."

Yu Chengjie shook his head and said bitterly.

"Then, Uncle Yu will explain to me the power of Hangcheng."

"And what is the impact of this incident?"

Lin Xuan really didn't know much about this matter, so he humbly asked Yu Chengjie for advice.

"The Shi family is indeed the first family in Hangzhou, which is indisputable."

"However, besides the Shi family, there are many other families in Hangcheng, which are only one line behind the Shi family."

"The previous Shi family was the first among the first class in Hangzhou."

"The current strength of my Yu family can only be regarded as the last of the second-rate in Hangzhou."

"That's not counting. There are still many hidden forces in Hangcheng."

"Let's talk about the blood shadow first."

"If the Shi family is the number one family in Hangcheng, then Blood Shadow is the number one force in Hangcheng."

"You have to know that this family is a family, and power is power."

"And according to my estimation, the master of Blood Shadow is at least 50.00% better than Shi Jiachao."

Yu Chengjie said to Lin Xuan.

"Also, although Hangcheng said on the surface that there are no B-level masters, I'm not sure."

Yu Chengjie said again.

"By the way, uncle, there is something I didn't tell you."

"The Shi Family Grand Elder I mentioned to you before, he is a half-step B-level cultivation base."

When Lin Xuan heard this, he remembered that he didn't talk to Yu Chengjie about the strength comparison between the two sides in that battle.


"The Shi family has a half-step B-level master?!"

After hearing this, Yu Chengjie stood up directly.

"Yes, and that old man can even display a strength that is infinitely close to B-level in a short period of time."

Lin Xuan added another sentence.

"Then, then how do you..."

Yu Chengjie looked at Lin Xuan in shock.

Before Lin Xuan single-handedly destroyed the Shi family, Yu Chengjie was inexplicably shocked.

At this moment, I heard that there was a half-step B-level master in the Shi family, and he was killed by Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan couldn't help being shocked even more!
"Uncle Yu, this matter is over, so don't mention it again."

"Let's talk about what's in front of us."

Lin Xuan interrupted Yu Chengjie, motioning him not to change the subject.

"Well, that's fine."

"Since this is the case, then my guess is not wrong."

"Even the Shi family has a hidden half-level B, so the Blood Shadow organization will have at least two half-level Bs."

"If Blood Shadow didn't exist, then the Shi family should have overthrown Blood Shadow long ago."

Yu Chengjie speculated that Lin Xuan also agreed.

He didn't think about it before, but after Yu Chengjie said this, he immediately saw the light of day.

"Except for the Shi family, there are three big families in Hangzhou."

"Except for the blood shadow. There are two other great forces in Hangcheng."

"Although the strength of these families and forces is not as good as that of Shi Family and Blood Shadow, they are not far behind."

"As long as the two families or forces join forces, the Shi family can be slightly suppressed."

"The reason why they didn't resist the Shi family before was because the Shi family and the blood shadow had a faint tendency to join forces."

"Facing a Shi family, it may still be possible to win, but the Shi family and the blood shadow teaming up represent invincibility in Hangzhou!"

Yu Chengjie said to Lin Xuan.

(End of this chapter)

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