Chapter 361
"Until your Yu family has a firm foothold, our Fang family can only remain neutral on the surface."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid we will become enemies with the Bai family."

"So, only if your Yu family can survive this test, can you think about the follow-up."

"Hope you make it through."

The above are the original words of the head of the Fang family.

After hearing this passage, Yu Chengjie naturally knew that the Patriarch of the Fang family was not to blame, it was his own fault.

However, the current situation is.

A balance cannot be maintained between the three major families and the two major forces.

The Bai family is bound to confront the Yu family, and the Fang family will remain neutral.

Two of the three major families went at once.

And the remaining Su family, on the surface, has no relationship with other families.

In fact, Yu Chengjie knew that they had a secret connection with the Shi family.

Even if the relationship is not that close, if Yu Chengjie wants to lure him with money, he will definitely have to pay a lot.

Most importantly, those two major forces!

According to Yu Chengjie's knowledge, one of the forces seems to be closely related to Blood Shadow.

As for the other faction, there had been some conflicts as early as when his Yu family was still in its heyday.

If the forces that are closely related to the blood shadow exert pressure, these family forces are likely to stand on the opposite side of the Yu family!

That is, the worst possible outcome.

That is, the Yu family has to face all the top forces in Hangzhou except the Fang family at the same time!

In such a situation, let alone a Yu family can't support it.

Even if the Fang family and the Yu family were on the same front, they would absolutely be unstoppable.

What's more, now that the Fang family is out of business, even if they can provide a little assistance to the Yu family, it will be a drop in the bucket.

With the current strength of the Yu family, they want to overcome this difficulty.

The greatest hope is Lin Xuan!

However, Yu Chengjie didn't think about how to talk to Lin Xuan at all.

After all, that incident at the beginning was really hard to talk about.

If it is mentioned, in case Lin Xuan gets angry, there is nothing he can do.

He didn't expect that after the Shi family was wiped out, there would be such a thing that made him burnt out.

And what made him even more angry was yet to come.

Not long after, news came back.

They were sent to take over four large assets of the Shi family, and they encountered different bad situations.

Those small assets are not all smooth sailing.

Four large assets, one of which was closed by the official investigation, could not complete the handover.

That is the area where Lin Xuan made trouble before.

When the Shi family was still there before, the government unsealed it to save face for the Shi family.

But now that the Shi family is gone, the officials naturally don't need to save any face for the Shi family.

Directly and forcibly requisitioned there, in the euphemistic name of investigation.

When the officials intervened, the Yu family naturally did not dare to resist, and silently retreated.

The official people did not embarrass the Yu family, but persuaded them with kind words.

In the second place, when the masters of the Yu family went to receive it, they found that most of the assets had been hacked.

The person in charge told the Yu family that the assets here had already been transferred when the Shi family was still there.

As for where it was transferred, they don't know.

Yu Chengjie cursed when he received the news.

This is simply fart!

The Shi family is not a prophet, how could they transfer assets at will for no reason?

Someone must be secretly manipulating and transferring the assets away in advance.

As for who did it, Yu Chengjie seriously suspected that it was the blood shadow.

After all, except for Blood Shadow, even if other families or forces have that idea, they don't have the ability.

There will never be such a fast speed.

What can make Yu Chengjie a little relieved is that although most of the assets here have been transferred.

But it hasn't been completely transferred away.

The agreement that the Yu family took in the past was protected by the Hangzhou government, so the person in charge naturally dared not refuse to follow through.

Therefore, the remaining assets were successfully taken over by the Yu family.

But a rough estimate, only less than 20.00% of the original assets.

In the third place, the master of the Yu family encountered a surprise attack halfway before reaching the destination.

Fortunately, the members of the Yu family were all late C-level masters, and they hugged tightly when they found out that someone was making a move secretly.

In a fierce fight, they retreated while fighting.

In the end everyone returned to Yu's house.

Although all suffered some injuries, they were all minor injuries and there were no serious injuries or deaths.

As for the fourth place, the Yu family was assassinated by many masters!

There was a C-level late-stage master of the Yu family who didn't investigate for a while, and among those who assassinated them, the C-level late-stage masters joined forces and stabbed to death under the sword!
Seeing this, the rest of the Yu family snatched the corpse and fled frantically.

Seeing Yu's family fleeing, the assassins pursued them hotly.

He didn't give up until he was about to enter the territory of the Yu family.

Yu Chengjie was so angry that he gritted his steel teeth.

Needless to say, he is sure that this must be a good thing done by the Bai family.

As for the rest of the Shi family's small forces, it is estimated that other families or forces did not like it.

Half of them accepted it smoothly.

As for the other half, the person in charge found various reasons to evade it.

They admit that the agreement made by the Yu family is valid, but I just won't pass it on to you.

What can you do to me?
Moreover, their attitude is very good, and they are very respectful to the Yu family.

"Misters of the Yu family, this is the case."

"The agreement you are holding is real and effective, but something has happened to us."

"I cannot go through the handover procedures at present, and I am very sorry for the trouble caused to you."

"We are just the staff here, and we can't make decisions about these things."

"Why do you embarrass us?"

"If you think there is a problem, please call the official number to deal with it."

The above are the original words of the responsibility of those small forces.

When Yu Chengjie found out, his hands were shaking with anger.

It was obvious that someone above had spoken to prevent them from going through the formalities.

This really cannot be blamed on the person in charge there, they are just following orders.

The problem is that this happens.

It has already been explained that there are many forces targeting the Yu family.

The half of the small assets that can be released are probably the most benefits they allow the Yu family to get from the destruction of the Shi family.

Yu Chengjie understands this truth.

However, if the total assets of the Shi family are compared to one hundred.

Now what his Yu family got is probably just over ten.

This is still the case when there is a large asset that has not been transferred and a part is left.

In this way, the Shi family was destroyed.

His Yu family didn't get anything at all, instead he made a wedding dress for someone else!
This made Yu Chengjie extremely uncomfortable.

However, he himself said it better.

The problem is Lin Xuan.

The Shi family was destroyed by Lin Xuan, although he himself was not interested in these assets.

But he said that he wanted to put half of the Shi family's assets under Yu Shengxiang's name.

If Lin Xuan knew about this, he still didn't know how he would react.

(End of this chapter)

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