Chapter 362 Crack Method
However, judging from the recent understanding of Lin Xuan.

With Lin Xuan's personality, if he knew that so many people were targeting the Yu family.

Divide up the benefits that he deserves after doing it, I'm afraid he won't let it go.

He himself doesn't care about the assets of the Shi family, it's one thing to give them all to the Yu family.

But it is another matter for others to snatch these assets from the Yu family.

Yu Chengjie seems to have seen that Hangzhou will be full of wars in a few days.

Just as Yu Chengjie was thinking about this, Lin Xuan came.

After Lin Xuan and Yu Shengxiang had a good time, now Yu Shengxiang has fallen asleep.

Lin Xuan had nothing to do, so he went out for a walk.

It doesn't matter if you leave this time, Lin Xuan heard the Yu family's report to Yu Chengjie
When the Yu family left and only Yu Chengjie was left in the room, Lin Xuan came in.

"Ah, Lin Xuan, you are here."

Seeing Lin Xuan coming in, Yu Chengjie hurriedly changed his expression.

But his sadness is still lingering, even if Lin Xuan didn't hear those words.

It can also be seen that something is wrong with Yu Chengjie.

"Uncle Yu, tell me carefully what happened."

Lin Xuan sat down and said to Yu Chengjie.

"Ah, this..."

Yu Chengjie was a little embarrassed and rubbed his hands together.

"You don't have to hide it from me, uncle, I've heard some of it."

Seeing that Yu Chengjie hesitated to speak, Lin Xuan spoke.

"Lin Xuan, this, the current situation is indeed troublesome."

"I went to the Fang family to discuss with the head of the Fang family. The Fang family is concerned about this matter."

"Take a neutral approach."

"Neither help others deal with my Yu family, nor help my Yu family."

Yu Chengjie said to Lin Xuan.


"Didn't Uncle Yu say before that he is sure to persuade the Fang family to join the Yu family's camp?"

"Now, why is there a problem?"

"Could it be that the Fang family has neglected righteousness when they see profit, and feel that the assets they have been allocated are too small?"

Lin Xuan raised his eyebrows and asked Yu Chengjie.

"Ah, no, no, it's not what you think."


Yu Chengjie looked slightly embarrassed, but there was nothing he could do.

And now Lin Xuan is not considered an outsider, Yu Chengjie thought it would be alright to tell him.

Therefore, Yu Chengjie talked about the conversation between himself and the head of the Fang family.

He also told Lin Xuan about what happened when the Yu family went to take over the property of the Shi family.

After hearing this, Lin Xuan fell silent.

"Uncle Yu, what do you mean?"

"The young Patriarch of the Bai family fell in love with Xiangxiang, and then his plan was destroyed because of my appearance."

"So, now his Bai family wants to fight the Yu family to the end."


Lin Xuan's tone was already somewhat dangerous.

"Uh, that's it."

"However, this matter, this matter is actually my fault."

Yu Chengjie didn't hide it, and admitted his mistake to Lin Xuan.

"Although Uncle Yu did some wrong things at the beginning, it was a helpless act."

"Because if you are in your position, look at it from your perspective."

"Compared to the family, sacrificing one person is indeed insignificant."

"And I can see that you love Xiangxiang very much."

"So don't mention this matter in the future."

Lin Xuan thought for a while and said to Yu Chengjie.

Before Lin Xuan thought about what would happen if such a thing happened to him.

What Lin Xuan thought at that time was that he would never sacrifice his own flesh and blood for the family.

But after going through a big battle with the Shi family, he also witnessed the scene where the elder of the Shi family committed suicide.

Lin Xuan has become a lot more mature.

He has been able to gradually understand what Yu Chengjie did back then.

After all, Yu Chengjie is Yu Shengxiang's father, and he sent his daughter to the tiger's mouth, doesn't he feel bad?

So he chose to expose this matter.

"Well, Lin Xuan, if you can understand me, I will be content."

Yu Chengjie said something slowly, his eyes were moist.

"So, what is that Bai family, and now the Yu family is going to die?"

"When the Shi family's property was taken over just now, the C-level late master of the Yu family died."

"It's also the work of the Bai family?"

Lin Xuan asked.

"This... I'm not sure."

"It's just that the Bai family is the most likely."

Yu Chengjie hesitated for a moment, and said to Lin Xuan.

"Very well, I can announce that this Bai family is about to disappear."

"I can destroy the Shi family, but can he turn the Bai family upside down?"

Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes and his voice was cold.

"Lin Xuan, you, do you want to destroy the Bai family?"

"No, that's not the case, is it?"

"If you take action to destroy the Bai family, the situation will only get worse."

Yu Chengjie looked at Lin Xuan in disbelief, and said slowly.

"Uncle Yu, I know your previous analysis is indeed very reasonable."

"However, the situation now is different from before."

"Even if I don't take action to destroy the Bai family, then you are facing all the families or forces except the Fang family."

"am I right?"

Lin Xuan asked back.

This time, Yu Chengjie stopped asking and nodded.

"Fragrant and beautiful, it's not surprising that a man likes her."

"My temperament is not so small. Is it possible that I have to deal with everyone who likes Xiangxiang?"

"Not only do I not have the time, but I also don't have the energy."

"Liking others is a person's freedom, as long as it doesn't affect others, it doesn't matter."

"However, if hate arises out of love, it will also hurt other people's lives."

"That would be really unforgivable."

Lin Xuan said to Yu Chengjie.

"First of all, I destroyed the Bai family, and I was able to eliminate a time bomb that would target Xiangxiang at any time."

"Secondly, I killed the Bai family, which will reduce the pressure on the Yu family when facing the forces in Hangzhou."

"Since the strength of the Bai family is similar to that of the Fang family, and the Fang family is weaker than the Shi family."

"Then I believe it won't be difficult for me to deal with it."

"Moreover, the reason why the Fang family chose to be neutral instead of helping the Yu family."

"According to what you said, it is largely because of the concern for the face of the Bai family."

"Then, if I destroy the Bai family, his scruples will disappear."

"In this way, the Yu family not only lost an opponent, but also gained an ally."

"Facing the current situation in Hangzhou, it will definitely be a lot easier."

"Uncle Yu, are you right?"

Lin Xuan pondered for a moment, and said to Yu Chengjie.

" is true!"

After Lin Xuan finished speaking, Yu Chengjie seemed to be enlightened.

At the same time, he admired Lin Xuan more and more.

I couldn't help being extremely grateful for Lin Xuan being able to be my son-in-law!

What Lin Xuan said is indeed true.

It seems that I am really old.

Think conservative in everything you do, and lose your aggressiveness.

And a young man like Lin Xuan is full of vigor.

I think back then, I was like this too.

Now is the world of young people.

(End of this chapter)

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