Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 369 Winning the Trust of the Fang Family

Chapter 369 Winning the Trust of the Fang Family
Lin Xuan watched Yu Shengxiang run back to the house shyly, and smiled slightly.

After greeting Yu Chengjie, Lin Xuan set off for Fang's house.

The distance between Fang's house and Yu's house is not far, but within 10 minutes, Lin Xuan has arrived at Fang's house.

Fang Qingtian had already known that Lin Xuan was coming, and had already brought someone to wait at the door.

"Lin Xuan, welcome from afar."

Fang Qingtian bowed his hands to Lin Xuan.

And the members of the Fang family couldn't help being a little surprised when they saw that the head of the family was so polite to a young man.

The Fang family is also one of the most famous families in Hangzhou.

As the head of the family, has Fang Qingtian ever been so polite to others?
Even if it's the patriarch of another family, it's nothing more than that, right?
What is the origin of this young man?
"Patriarch Fang, you don't have to be polite."

Lin Xuan returned a salute.

"Come on, come in, please."

Fang Qingtian led the way, and Lin Xuan followed closely.

Walking into the lobby of Fang's house, Lin Xuan looked around.

The size of the Fang family is slightly larger than that of the Yu family.

I just don't know what it was like when the Yu family was ranked first in Hangzhou.

Fang Qingtian waved his hand to the attendants of the other party's family, and it didn't take long for the good tea to be served.

Fang Qingtian picked up the teacup and respected Lin Xuan from a distance.

Lin Xuan also picked up the teacup in return and sipped it slowly.

Not long after, almost all the senior members of the Fang family were present.

"Come on, let me introduce you to you."

Fang Qingtian put down his teacup and looked at the Fang family.

"This little brother is called Lin Xuan, and he is the son-in-law of Yu Chengjie, the head of the Yu family."

Fang Qingtian compared to Lin Xuan, and Fang's family all looked at him.

"The young man is really handsome, and he is a perfect match with the eldest lady of the Yu family."

"But it looks a little young, and I don't know what it is."

The high-level members of the Fang family talked a lot, but most of them praised.

Those who did not praise Lin Xuan did not have any malice in their tone.

"Everyone must be wondering why Lin Xuan came to my Fang's house, right?"

"Because tomorrow's action will be led by him."

Fang Qingtian let the Fang family discuss for a while, and then spoke.


"Master, are you joking?"

"How can this be, isn't this nonsense?"

The Fang family immediately exploded, with a dark expression of surprise.

"Patriarch, this old man thinks this is absolutely impossible!"

"Although in terms of strength, our Fang family is not afraid of the Bai family."

"If you add the Yu family, you can completely suppress the Bai family."

"But being led by such a young man, I absolutely cannot accept it!"

An older person stood up from the Fang family, Fang Qingtian said.

"My little friend, what the old man said is just a matter of fact."

"The old man definitely didn't mean to insult you or anything else, so don't get me wrong."

"It's just that the matter is of great importance at this time, and three families are involved."

"The old man thinks, even if Yu Chengjie doesn't come in person, he should send a dozen C-level experts to come, right?"

"Otherwise, wouldn't it be very dishonest?"

"Could it be that our Fang family should be the main force to deal with the Bai family?"

The old man first turned his head and said a few words to Lin Xuan, then turned his head and said to Qingtian.

Lin Xuan thought it was a bit funny, this old man is quite cute.

And Lin Xuan knew that the old man really had no other intentions.

Just thinking about the family.

It's just that I have seen a little less of the world.

"Great Elder, Lin Xuan alone is enough to be used as a dozen C-level masters, or even more."

Fang Qingtian waved his hand and said to the old man.


"What does the head of the house mean?"

The Great Elder didn't seem to understand what Fang Qingtian meant, or he didn't dare to think about it at all.

"Lin Xuan, it's time for you to perform."

Fang Qingtian made a gesture of invitation to Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan understood and stood up.

The Fang family is also a big family, and if they want to convince all the masters in the family, they will definitely not be able to rely on words alone.

Therefore, Lin Xuan must show some strength.

"Senior, let's do this."

"I know what you are worried about, and I will dispel your scruples in a moment."

Lin Xuan smiled slightly at the old man.

"Patriarch Fang, is there a martial arts arena here?"

Lin Xuan asked Fang Qingtian.

"Yes, come with me."

Fang Qingtian responded, then turned and left.

Although everyone in the Fang family felt puzzled, they all followed without saying anything.

In just a few minutes, they arrived at the Fang family's martial arts arena.

"Senior, since you don't agree with me, please practice with me."

Lin Xuan said to the elder of Fang's family.

"You mean, you want to compete with the old man?"

The Great Elder widened his eyes.


Lin Xuan said confidently.

"This... is also good!"

"The old man will discuss with you."

The elder of the Fang family hesitated for a moment, but agreed.

Although Lin Xuan looked like a young man, since he dared to say that.

Must have a certain ability.

So he agreed.

The great elder of the Fang family came down to the arena and stood face to face with Lin Xuan.

Just when he wanted to make a move, Lin Xuan stopped him.

"Senior, wait a moment."

Lin Xuan made a stop gesture.

"what happened?"

The elder of the Fang family asked.

"It's not a skill to compete with you alone."

"Patriarch Fang, please send down nine more late C-level masters."

Lin Xuan said to Fang Qingtian.


"Boy, are you... a little crazy?"

The Great Elder frowned and hesitated for a moment.

"Senior, don't worry, if I didn't have that ability, I wouldn't say that."

Lin Xuan smiled and said arrogantly.

"Okay, as you wish."

Fang Qingtian nodded, and then began to name people from the Fang family to go down to compete with Lin Xuan.

In fact, Fang Qingtian agreed so quickly.

One is because if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be hard to believe what Lin Xuan had told him before.

Another reason is that he also wants to take a look.

How did Lin Xuan destroy the Shi family by himself.

Doesn't that mean that one person has to face dozens of C-level masters at the same time?
Is this possible?

Fang Qingtian himself is also a late C-level master.

He asked himself that if he fought alone, not many people could beat him in this realm.

If it is one hit two, it will definitely be suppressed to death.

If it is a one-on-three, then you can only barely protect yourself.

In such a situation, you must find an opportunity to run away.

Otherwise, you will definitely die after a long time!
So he wants to open his eyes, what kind of level can he perform in the realm of C-level.

So, he happily followed Lin Xuan's request.

However, he knew it in his heart, but the rest of the Fang family didn't.

Just a brat who wanted to challenge the Great Elder the moment he arrived?
The Great Elder agreed, and it was all for his sake.

Do you still want to beat so many of us alone?
Isn't this looking for death?

But the Patriarch's order cannot be disobeyed.

So, the nine people left the stage one after another with doubts and disdain.

(End of this chapter)

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