Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 370 1 Force Fighting Strong

Chapter 370 Fighting against the top ten with one force
"Everyone, in order to prove it to you, so you go up together."

Lin Xuan said to the ten people in front of him.


"You kid want to challenge ten of us at the same time?"

Before the Great Elder could speak, a late C-level expert rushed to speak.

"What, is there a problem?"

Lin Xuan looked at the master and asked lightly.

"Oh, no problem."

"Since you are so crazy, just don't regret it after being on your body."

The late C-level expert smiled disdainfully, and fixed his eyes on Lin Xuan.

"it is good."

"But it's not certain who it will be on."

"Just say this to you, I will take care of you in a while."

Lin Xuan shook his head and said to him.

"A madman!"

"I, Fang Yunfei, will teach you a lesson!"

As soon as Fang Yunfei finished speaking, he rushed towards Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan's communication system, activated skills are always better than you.

Then facing Fang Yunfei's attack, he lightly raised his right hand.


Fang Yunfei thought to himself, put more strength into his hands, and punched Lin Xuan fiercely!

However, his powerful punch.

Just when he was about to hit the top of Lin Xuan's head, he was easily held by Lin Xuan.

I saw Fang Yunfei's whole body was frozen in mid-air by Lin Xuan's fist, unable to move.


Fang Yunfei didn't believe in evil, and struggled hard.

However, Lin Xuan was unmoved.

"Your strength doesn't match the arrogance with which you speak."

Lin Xuan said lightly.

Then with a strong shake, Fang Yunfei's body was thrown out uncontrollably.

After falling to the ground, he took several steps back, but still couldn't stand firmly.

All of a sudden sat on the ground.

There was a sound of gasping for air all around.

Just this move made no one dare to underestimate Lin Xuan!
Although Fang Yunfei is arrogant, he is the strongest in the Fang family except for a few elders.

Even for those few elders who were behind, he was able to draw a tie.

So in the Fang family, he has the confidence to be arrogant.

However, Fang Yunfei was easily repelled with one move.

The elders of the Fang family didn't have this ability!

That is to say, if Lin Xuan talked about fighting alone, each of the Fang family members would be opponents!

Fang Yunfei roared.

In front of so many people, he couldn't lose face.

He turned over and rushed towards Lin Xuan again.

This word, whether it is the strength or speed of the attack, is much stronger than last time.

Fang Yunfei was so ashamed that he attacked Lin Xuan with all his might!

However, would Lin Xuan be afraid of him?
Lin Xuan only defended but not attacked, resisting Fang Yunfei's attack.

As the saying goes, experts watch the doorway, and laymen watch the excitement.

All the people present were C-level masters, so it was obvious that Lin Xuan wasn't serious at all.

It seems like an adult teasing a child with ease!
Every time Fang Yunfei made a shot, Lin Xuan would block it just right.

No matter how fast Fang Yunfei was, he still couldn't break through Lin Xuan's resistance.

"Blocking for such a long time, is it enough to give you face?"

Lin Xuan suddenly you said something.

Afterwards, Lin Xuan punched out.

Extremely fast!

Fang Yunfei saw it and immediately wanted to resist.

But it's too late!
This punch hit Fang Yunfei's right chest fiercely.

In an instant, Fang Yunfei's body was swept up like a piece of paper by the wind.

Was directly hit by Lin Xuan!
Until Fang Yunfei landed, he still couldn't relieve Lin Xuan's strength.

Rolled uncontrollably on the ground several times before stopping.

This is still the situation where Lin Xuan didn't make a full shot, and spread all his strength outside.

It didn't hit Fang Yunfei's body.

If Lin Xuan goes all out, hit with his right fist.

This punch was enough to pierce Fang Yunfei's chest!
So that he completely loses his fighting power!

Fang Yunfei, who was sitting up, looked at Lin Xuan now with no contempt before.

Instead, there is a sense of fear and powerlessness.

He is so strong? !
Not only Fang Yunfei, this result shocked the entire Fang family!
"Everyone, let's go together."

Lin Xuan turned around and looked at the nine people including the elder of the Fang family.

Now, the nine people lost their previous incomprehension and disdain.

Instead, he used his strongest strength, even so, he was still a little nervous.

How strong is it that he can defeat Fang Yunfei so cleanly even though his subordinates are merciful?

Among them, the most experienced is the elder of the Fang family.

Among these people, his cultivation base is the strongest, and he sees more things naturally.

At this moment, he finally understood what Fang Qingtian said to him before.

Lin Xuan alone can stand up to a dozen or more C-level masters!
"Little friend, offended!"

The elder of the Fang family said something to Lin Xuan, and surrounded Lin Xuan with eight other people.

At this moment, his curiosity was also aroused.

He wanted to see if this young man could defeat the nine of them together.

If he can, he will strongly support Lin Xuan to lead the Fang family to the Bai family.

Even in his heart, he hoped that Lin Xuan could win!
But that's what he thought, and his subordinates wouldn't let him down in the slightest.

With the presidency of the elder of the Fang family, the nine Fang family members present seemed to form something similar to a formation.

Lin Xuan let them make full preparations.

"Come on, senior."

Lin Xuan said something.


The elder of the Fang family shouted loudly, and he and the remaining eight Fang family members shot at the same time!

Lin Xuan was not afraid at all, with a relaxed expression on his face.

Just when the Fang family's attack plane was about to hit Lin Xuan, Lin Xuan suddenly disappeared from the spot.

The next moment, Lin Xuan appeared behind a Fang family member.

He stretched out his right palm and tapped him lightly on the neck.

The Fang family member immediately fell to the ground.

But Lin Xuan didn't use much strength, so he didn't lose consciousness.

But it can't raise strength in a short time.

Afterwards, Lin Xuan began to deal with these people.

From time to time, I punched this person a few times, and from time to time I faced that person with two palms.

The current situation is that Lin Xuan can fight if he wants to, and he can't fight if he doesn't want to.

The Fang family had nothing to do with Lin Xuan.

"It's nothing for you to keep avoiding, you have the ability to defeat them head-on!"

Fang Yunfei at the side couldn't stand it any longer, and shouted loudly.

Although he was defeated by Lin Xuan, he was still somewhat dissatisfied.

Although you can defeat me, can you still defeat their combination?



"I wanted to play for a while, since you said so."

"Then do as you wish."

Lin Xuan turned his head to look at Fang Yunfei, and said something to him.

Originally, Lin Xuan didn't expect to end the battle so quickly.

After all, this is the Fang family, considered an ally family.

Originally, Lin Xuan thought that he would not use his full strength to fight for a while, so he should save some face or save some face.

It's not too late to let go of your hands and feet when you go to Bai's house.

(End of this chapter)

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