Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 387 Another half-step B-level

Chapter 387 Another half-step B-level

The encirclement circle of five people has been broken by Lin Xuan, and Lin Xuan suddenly feels the pressure is greatly relieved.

"You have a leg!"

Lin Xuan dodged the attack of the two, and then shouted loudly.

Lin Xuan flew up, facing the attack of a C-level late master and kicked it out.

The unlucky C-level late-game master had no time to react before he was kicked in the head by Lin Xuan.

I saw his body flying high, and at the same time a brick flew towards him.

It is Qiankun Brick.

How could he, who was already in a dizzy state, have the energy to resist?
Besides, even if he was awake, he couldn't resist.

The Qiankun Brick hit his head, and this late C-level expert was still in the air.

Already completely passed out.

Lin Xuan seized the opportunity and used his right fist with sufficient strength.

Flying up, hit this late C-level master.

This punch also hit his head accurately.

Three consecutive heavy blows to important parts immediately took the life of this C-level late master.

When he fell to the ground, his cervical spine was broken under the tremendous force.

His head was tilted to one side, and he seemed to be dead.

Everyone saw that Lin Xuan hit five with no effort, and even killed a late C-level master in just a short while.

Immediately shocked.

The thin man over there also frowned and couldn't say a word.

On the other hand, the strong man didn't show any fluctuations in expression.

They were surprised because they were surprised, but Lin Xuan didn't stop attacking.

During the blank time when everyone was surprised just now, Lin Xuan once again used the blessing from God on the thirty or so C-level masters.

Save them rushing to sabotage their good deeds.

After Lin Xuan killed a C-level late-stage master and knocked out a C-level late-stage master.

The remaining three C-level late masters who were fighting with Lin Xuan suddenly didn't dare to step forward.

How can this person's individual combat ability be so terrifying?
"What are you afraid of?"

"Give it to me!"

Just when the three were hesitating, the strong man suddenly shouted.

"And you, thanks to the fact that you are still from Qianhuan Company."

"This is like being on the battlefield, can't you bear this little pain?"

The strong man turned his head to the thirty or so C-level masters who were still holding their legs.

An accusation.

"Except for this kid, everyone present is my brother."

"As long as he is dead, will anyone else know about it?"

"Why are you so embarrassed over there?"

"You all fell into this kid's trick, are you still afraid of laughing at each other in the future?"

"Get rid of him quickly!"

The strong man saw that the thirty or so C-level masters showed embarrassment, and spoke again.

When the thirty or so C-level masters heard this, they immediately reacted.


Other than this kid, everyone present was his own brother, or his boss.

Although this matter is disgraceful, there is nothing to be ashamed of when you think about it carefully.

After all, it's not just one person, but a group attack.


I don't know who yelled first, and more than 30 C-level masters immediately rushed towards Lin Xuan vigorously.

Seeing this, the three C-level late-stage masters who had just fought with Lin Xuan launched an offensive again.

Go to Lin Xuan first.

"Want to use the crowd tactics to drag down the young master?"

"Idiot talking about a dream!"

Lin Xuan gave a disdainful laugh, and performed the Hundred Thousand Clone Technique!
Immediately, the masters of Qianhuan Company felt a blur in front of them.

In an instant, more than a dozen Lin Xuan appeared, dazzled their eyes!
"what's the situation?!"

"I'm hallucinating?"


A chaotic sound sounded, and these people stopped immediately.


"This is... a clone technique?!"

The strong man was not calm this time, and his body that was leaning on the sofa had already sat up.

Even his eyes widened.

"how is this possible?"

"Why are there so many avatars?"

The strong man muttered to himself, speaking in disbelief.

"If you want to rely on the number of people to bully the few, you may not be able to do so!"

Lin Xuan said something, and then took advantage of the shock of these people to make a quick move.

Lin Xuan chose the weaker ones among the C-level masters present at Qianhuan Company.

Because these people's cultivation is relatively weak, it is relatively easy to kill them.

Lin Xuan's avatar entangled those with relatively high cultivation, while his main body shuttled back and forth among the rest of the C-level master team.

Every time he shuttled back and forth, he relied on the Qiankun Brick and his extremely hard right hand.

They will take away the life of a C-rank expert.

Those with higher cultivation levels wanted to rescue them, but were hindered by Lin Xuan's avatar.

There is no way to get away.

At this moment, it seems that Lin Xuan is chasing and killing many masters of Qianhuan Company by himself.

The scene was very strange.

"What kind of sorcery is this?"

"How come I've never seen it?"

The strong man was still muttering to himself.

When he came back to his senses and saw that Lin Xuan was already killing people, his eyes immediately burst into flames.

At this time, Lin Xuan had already killed more than a dozen C-level masters!


The strong man yelled loudly, and punched Lin Xuan across the air.

Lin Xuan was still looking for an opportunity to kill in the crowd, and when he heard the loud shouting, he immediately felt bad.

The next moment, there seemed to be an extremely terrifying attack.

Lin Xuan suddenly jumped up high, and even let go of a C-level expert who could be killed easily.

Where Lin Xuan was originally, there was a fist mark half a meter deep on the extremely hard ground!

The other C-level masters nearby were all thrown backwards by the force of this punch.

One by one in a panic!

"This, this is a half-step B-level level!"

Lin Xuan exclaimed in surprise.

"You are actually a half-step B-level master, you really hide it!"

Lin Xuan looked at the strong man, narrowed his eyes and said.

Lin Xuan felt something was wrong before.

Qianhuan Company has a great reputation, how could the leader be a bunch of drunks?

That's it!

No wonder, no wonder when I just came in earlier.

They deliberately revealed that the masters stationed in Qianhuan Company were not there.

It turned out that he wanted to lure himself to attack them directly.

There is a half-step B-level master sitting here, in their view, it is naturally foolproof.

The reason why they were not afraid when they learned that Lin Xuan had killed Deacon Han.

That's because Deacon Han is considered a very strong master in the late C-level.

But if you want to compare with the half-step B-level, it's no different from cloud and mud!

These people plan carefully, just want to send themselves to the door.

It was a good calculation.

Lin Xuan figured everything out, stood where he was and looked at the strong man.

"Since your Excellency is a half-step B-level master, you must be the president of this branch."

Lin Xuan asked a question.

"Yes, it is this seat."

"Little brat, you have some skills."

"But now that I have made a move, you are destined to die here."

"I'll give you some time to write a last statement."

The strong man looked down at Lin Xuan and said, his voice was emotionless.

(End of this chapter)

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