Chapter 388
It can be heard from his attitude how confident he is in his own strength.

After all, in today's mainland, except for two B-level masters.

Half-step B rank is basically invincible.

The reason why he didn't attack Lin Xuan earlier was to allow his subordinates to do so.

It was because the strong man felt that there was no need for him to make a move.

Moreover, Lin Xuan did not have the qualifications to let himself make a move.

Even if he defeated Deacon Han.

But now it's different, so many of my subordinates can't take Lin Xuan down.

Instead, he killed many people with ease.

If it continues to drag on, there will definitely be more casualties.

Such a result was unacceptable to the strong man, so he made a move.

"Hey, I didn't mean you."

"You are too confident in your own strength, aren't you?"

"Half-step B rank is indeed powerful, but it does not mean invincible."

"Why do you think that I must not be your opponent?"

Seeing the strong man's tone, Lin Xuan immediately laughed.

"Hahaha, the difference in strength is here, and it is useless to refute."

"No matter how strong you are in C-level, you are not my opponent."

Seeing what Lin Xuan said, the strong man shook his head.

"Hahaha, although you have a half-step B-level cultivation, your vision is not high."

"Whether it is an opponent or not, you have to fight to know."

Lin Xuan laughed loudly and said to the strong man.

Seeing what Lin Xuan said, the strong man frowned.

Lin Xuan's one-handed [-] avatar technique had already exceeded his cognition.

He naturally knows the avatar technique, and even he can create a avatar through some method.

However, it is unheard of to have more than a dozen avatars at once.

After seeing Lin Xuan's avatar technique, if he had some other means beyond imagination.

It's not incomprehensible.

After all, he dared to call the branch of Qianhuan Company by himself, and even singled out a group of C-level experts.

This is already at the level of monsters.

"Come on boy, let me see what you have."

The strong man stared at Lin Xuan closely, clenching his fists tightly.

"The boss is about to make a move, this kid is dead."

"Hmph, let me see how arrogant you can be this time."

Seeing that the strong man was about to make a move, the thin man looked at Lin Xuan with pity.

He sat on a chair, poured a glass of wine, and prepared to watch a good show.

"Kid, die!"

The strong man shouted violently, and he rushed towards Lin Xuan like lightning.

【Ding! 】

[It is detected that the host is in danger, and the automatic activation skills are always a little stronger than you. 】

As soon as the strong man made a move, the system sounded an alarm.

If Lin Xuan faced this punch with his own strength, even if his physical fitness is very strong.

I'm afraid I will be seriously injured.

But now that he was boosted, Lin Xuan hit back with a punch.

Lin Xuan's right fist collided with the strong man's fist, and there was a sudden wave of fluctuations.

Surprisingly, Lin Xuan only took a few steps back.

The strong man's body was blown away.

This result immediately stunned everyone present, including the strong man himself.

"how can that be?"

The strong man looked at his fist in surprise, and said something suspicious.

He knew very well how powerful his punch was.

Even if there is a wall in front of you, it can directly blow up.

But why didn't he respond when he hit this kid's fist?
Moreover, this kid's fist is extremely hard.

At this moment, the strong man only felt a slight pain in his fist!
Even if his fist hit the granite, he wouldn't feel anything.

The sudden change in Lin Xuan's strength is still such a big change.

Let the strong man have an unreal feeling.

"Didn't I say it before, don't talk too much."

Lin Xuan was not surprised to see such a result, and said to the strong man.

"How much are you hiding?"

The strong man asked Lin Xuan in surprise.

He thought Lin Xuan had been hiding his strength, and his expression gradually became serious.

"There's more you don't know."

"Aren't you crazy just now?"

"Try again now and see if you can kill me."

Lin Xuan raised the corner of his mouth and said to the strong man.

Afterwards, Lin Xuan took the initiative and took the lead.

The strong man didn't dare to be careless, and hurried to fight.

The two fought back and forth here, but Lin Xuan kept suppressing the strong man.

What surprised Lin Xuan was that this strong man was very strong both in attack and defense.

Even if Lin Xuan is stronger than the strong man because of his skills at the moment.

After fighting for so long, they still couldn't break through the strong man's defense.

It seems that this strong man can be regarded as one of the best in the half-step B-level realm.

The average half-step B-level might not be his opponent.

What's more, Lin Xuan didn't think he knew that kind of secret technique.

Many of the C-level late-stage masters of Qianhuan Company have mastered the secret technique, and the strong man is the boss of the subsidiary.

Definitely more proficient.

The two collided again and retreated at the same time.

"Good boy, it's a bit powerful!"

The strong man shook his fist and said to Lin Xuan angrily.

At this time, all the C-level masters of Qianhuan Company were dumbfounded.

This young man actually fought to a tie with the half-step B-level boss?
Even gained the upper hand!
No wonder he was so relaxed facing so many of us alone before.

It turns out that I have a plan in mind!

At this moment, the skinny man's face was flushed and he couldn't say a word.

Lin Xuan's strength far exceeded his expectations.

All the people who laughed at Lin Xuan just now, including the strong man, couldn't laugh anymore.

At this moment, they feel that they are very foolish.

Who knows that Qianhuan Company has such a great reputation?
Since people dare to come, they must be prepared.

In other words, he didn't take people like himself seriously.

It's ridiculous that people like myself still think that they can deal with him only by their subordinates.

I really took it for granted.

"Hahaha, the greatness is yet to come."

"Master won't play with you anymore, it's time to be serious."

Lin Xuan couldn't help smiling when he heard what the strong man said, and said to him.

If I can kill this half-step B-level strong man today.

Then it is undoubtedly a break in the arm of Qianhuan Company!
After seeing the real strength of the strong man, Lin Xuan speculated that Qianhuan Company also had at least three half-step B-level masters.

It is an inevitable event that there are two of the two subsidiaries and at least one of the head office.

As for whether there will be a fourth place, Lin Xuan is not sure.

Good guy.

These three half-step B-level masters from Qianhuan Company alone are enough to wipe out Hangzhou.

It's really rare that they have been able to swallow their anger, presumably because they are concerned about the authorities.

But Qianhuan Company is just a force cultivated by Blood Shadow, and it already has three half-step B-level super masters.

So what kind of strength should the blood shadow be?
(End of this chapter)

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