Chapter 392 Strong Return
What Lin Xuan did in the past two days not only shocked Qianhuan Company.

It even shocked half of Hangzhou City!

Originally, because Lin Xuan hadn't contacted them, the three Patriarchs were still worried.

It wasn't until the news of what Lin Xuan had done that the stone in their hearts fell to the ground.

Now that they learned that Lin Xuan had returned, they were extremely excited!
"Lin Xuan, you are finally back!"

"Well done, well done!"

"As expected of someone who singled out the Shi family!"

"Your arrangements are really thorough. Qianhuan Company went to our property and went straight to nothing."

"Hahaha, what a brilliant plan!"

The three Patriarchs praised Lin Xuan word by word, each of them beamed with joy.

Yu Shengxiang ran out of her room excitedly when she learned about Lin Xuan's return.

As soon as he saw Lin Xuan, he ran over from a distance.

Just when he was about to reach Lin Xuan, Yu Shengxiang ignored the three Patriarchs who were still here.

It's just a jump.

The whole person hung directly on Lin Xuan's body, and stuffed his little head into Lin Xuan's arms.

He hugged Lin Xuan tightly and refused to let go no matter what.

Seeing this scene, the three Patriarchs burst out laughing, and Lin Xuan also laughed.

Then, amidst laughter and laughter, they walked inside.

The news of Lin Xuan's return to the Yujia Alliance seems to have grown wings.

At a lightning-fast speed, it spread throughout the three major families in just a few minutes.

All of a sudden, the Yu Family Alliance was cheering everywhere.

And Lin Xuan's prestige among the three major families at this moment even faintly surpassed the three patriarchs.

Reached a whole new level!

During this week, the battle between the Yujia Alliance and Qianhuan Company was very hot.

Everything starts with what Lin Xuan did.

At first, Qianhuan Company didn't take Lin Xuan seriously.

Even if Lin Xuan ruined the Qianhuan Company's port deal, he turned a blind eye.

But later, when Lin Xuan broke into the subsidiary of Qianhuan Company by himself.

After beating off the person in charge of the B-level subsidiary for half a step, and killing all the C-level masters among them.

Qianhuan Company finally couldn't bear it anymore.

They were shocked that Lin Xuan could be so strong by himself.

The plan to suppress the Yujia Alliance with financial resources is also self-defeating.

Everyone has called to their hometown, so why not watch the fire from the other side leisurely?
As a result, Qianhuan Company launched a fierce attack on the Yu Family Alliance.

However, Lin Xuan had already expected their move.

The Qianhuan company sent to the industry controlled by the Yujia Alliance to kill people to vent their anger, but it was all in vain.

Not to mention people, I didn't even see a mouse.

This made the people of Qianhuan Company very angry.

So Qianhuan Company directly sent fifty late C-level masters to storm the Yu Family Alliance.

These are all late C-level masters!
As for why only fifty masters were sent out, it was not because there was no one in Qianhuan Company.

It was because more masters were restrained by Lin Xuan alone.

Some people are inquiring about Lin Xuan's whereabouts, while others are arresting Lin Xuan.

Some people went to investigate all the information about Lin Xuan.

There are at least forty or fifty masters who have devoted themselves to Lin Xuan alone.

And the Yu Family Alliance side.

At the beginning of yesterday, the Yujia Alliance's attack on Qianhuan Company seemed a bit submissive.

Just trying to defend instead of choosing to counterattack.

However, when the members of the Yu Family Alliance heard about what Lin Xuan had done.

The morale of the Yu Family Alliance rose wildly in an instant!
Immediately, he fought fiercely with the people from Qianhuan Company who came to provoke trouble!
The people of Qianhuan Company did not expect that the masters of the Yu Family Alliance who were still listlessly defending just now.

How could it be that they fought back crazily as if they had been beaten one by one in an instant.

He was caught off guard immediately.

In desperation, he could only choose to retreat temporarily.

Even if the masters of Qianhuan Company withdrew in time, there would still be seven or eight late stage C-level masters here.

This is no small loss.

Of course, several C-level masters of the Yu Family Alliance also died.

But relatively speaking, it is always profitable.

Everyone in the Yu Family Alliance has seen Lin Xuan's strength with their own eyes.

What Lin Xuan did outside made them feel extremely honored.

At the same time, Lin Xuan's status in everyone's heart also increased accordingly.

It gradually penetrated into the depths of everyone's heart and became the spiritual pillar of the entire Yu Family Alliance!
However, even though Lin Xuan did such a powerful thing outside.

The Yu family alliance can still feel that there is no Lin Xuan sitting in the Yu family alliance.

There is always an inexplicable sense of loss.

It's like a sword without its edge, and a knife without its edge.

Although there was news about the major events Lin Xuan had done, Lin Xuan himself was not there.

Whether it's people's inquiries about Lin Xuan's news, or wanting to go out to respond to Lin Xuan's words.

In short, there are some headaches.

Now that Lin Xuan has returned with a distinguished record, this feeling is naturally gone.

The headaches that caused the three Patriarchs disappeared with Lin Xuan's return.

At this moment, the Yujia Alliance has a backbone, and under the leadership of Lin Xuan, it has been twisted into a rope.

It is conceivable that the Yu Family Alliance in this state.

A stronger force will erupt.

At the same time, the people of Qianhuan Company also learned the news of Lin Xuan's return to the Yu Family Alliance.

However, for Lin Xuan's return.

Qianhuan Company did not go to denounce, but remained silent.

Even some matters against the Yu Family Alliance were let go.

For a while, all the children of the Yu Family Alliance were extremely excited.

From their point of view, it was obvious that Qianhuan Company was afraid of the Yu Family Alliance.

Therefore, the admiration for Lin Xuan is even greater than before.

However, Lin Xuan himself and the three Patriarchs didn't think so.

The reason why Qianhuan Company temporarily stopped its offensive was mostly because it was planning the next fierce attack.

On the surface, the well water does not interfere with the river water, but it is actually the calm before the storm.

"Everyone has also seen that Qianhuan Company has stopped oppressing us financially."

"This is naturally due to Lin Xuan."

In the room, Yu Chengjie said to the two masters and Lin Xuan.

"However, the abnormal behavior of Qianhuan Company now."

"I'm sure they must be preparing to kill us with one blow."

"Maybe it's really what Lin Xuan said."

"Qianhuan Company is going to use force to attack us in one fell swoop."

Yu Chengjie paused and continued.


"Thousand Huan Company has suffered heavy losses this time, and it is impossible to swallow this breath no matter what."

"In the last few days, we have to be on our guard."

Bai Zhanyi also nodded.

"Uncle Yu, the two Patriarchs, you don't need to worry."

"Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover it."

Unlike the anxiety of the three Patriarchs, Lin Xuan said it very flatly.

(End of this chapter)

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