Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 393 Discussing Countermeasures

Chapter 393 Discussing Countermeasures
"Based on the fight between me and Qianhuan Company in the past few days."

"I have a rough estimate of the strength of Qianhuan Company."

"There are not many masters in charge of some scattered forces in those ports."

"Generally speaking, there are five late C-level masters."

"It's easy to deal with."

"For the time being, even if Qianhuan Company has ten such forces, that means fifty late C-level masters."

Lin Xuan stretched out a hand and made a five sign.

"As for Qianhuan Company, there are two subsidiaries."

"The family I wiped out has about fifty C-level masters."

"I guess the strength of another subsidiary should be similar to this one."

"As for the masters of Qianhuan Company's head office, for the time being, they will be counted as twice as much as the subsidiaries."

"Excluding those I killed, there are about 200 C-level masters in Qianhuan Company now."

"Among them, there should be seventy or eighty late C-level masters."

Lin Xuan summed it up and said to the three Patriarchs in front of him.

"This, the strength of Qianhuan Company is a bit scary."

Yu Chengjie gasped and said with a frown.

"At least two hundred C-level masters, this force is almost invincible in Hangzhou."

Fang Qingtian pondered.

"By the way, the Su family should have taken refuge in Qianhuan Company."

"Whether it is coercion or temptation, it is standing on the opposite side of us anyway."

Bai Zhanyi thought for a while and said.

"In other words, the number of C-level masters in Qianhuan Company needs to be increased by more than [-] people."

"Then what we need to face is 240 or even 250 C-level masters."

Yu Chengjie estimated again and said a number.

"Uncle Yu, the two Patriarchs, there's no need to worry."

Seeing that the three Patriarchs were frowning, Lin Xuan spoke immediately.

"Currently, there are about twenty C-level masters in the Yu family."

"And if the Fang family and the Bai family are combined, they should be able to gather eighty C-level masters."

"In other words, we have a hundred C-level masters."

"Although there is more than double the gap in strength compared with the opponent, Qianhuan Company is against us."

"It must be impossible to come out in full force, and there will definitely be some strength left behind."

"For the operation of the company and the protection of all walks of life."

"Otherwise, we are not the only enemies of Qianhuan Company, and we will definitely be attacked."

Lin Xuan analyzed.

"So, although Qianhuan Company has a total of 230 C-level masters."

"But those who can participate in the battle should be between 160 and 180."

"The gap is not as huge as imagined."

"What's more, even if it's a real war."

"It is also impossible for us to directly pull all the people out for melee, that would be an unwise choice."

Lin Xuan said to the three Patriarchs.

"Actually, the ones who should be most worried are the half-step B-level masters of Qianhuan Company.

"When I went to the subsidiary company of Qianhuan Company, I fought against a half-step B-level master."

"He was not my opponent, but he ran too fast and I couldn't keep it."

"So, facing half-step B-level masters."

"I can face two at the same time by myself. This is my limit."

"If there is more, I will definitely not be able to support it."

"However, Qianhuan Company should have at least three half-step B-level masters."

"What we need to consider is how we should deal with the remaining half-step B-level master."

"As long as there is a way to contain him."

"I think we can at least draw a tie with Qianhuan Company in this battle."

Lin Xuan raised the key points.

"My God!"

"Three half-step B-level masters, does Qianhuan Company have such terrifying strength?"

Yu Chengjie was very worried about the strength comparison between the two sides before.

Now that I heard that Qianhuan Company still has three half-step B-level masters, I was quite surprised.

Although he had analyzed it with Lin Xuan before, there should be more than one half-step B-level master in Qianhuan Company.

But that was analysis after all, what Lin Xuan said at the moment was real news.

"Just those three half-step B-level masters, if they make a move together."

"I'm afraid it can kill most of us."

Bai Zhanyi said something.

"Lin Xuan said he could block two, but he only blocked them."

"If it's one-on-one, Lin Xuan can kill a half-step B-level master."

"Then one-on-two, it is very difficult to kill."

"Excluding these two for the time being, there is still a half-step B-level master, how should we deal with it?"

"That's what we have to think about."

Fang Qingtian opened his mouth, but seeing his appearance, there was nothing he could do.

Although Fang's family and Bai's family belonged to the big families in Hangzhou, neither of them had half-step B-level masters.

A half-step B-level master, if you face a C-level master.

Even if they are all late C-level players, it would be effortless to hit ten of them.

If it is a real B-level master, face ten late C-level masters.

It can be done in seconds!

"If you simply want to rely on manpower to compete against a half-step B-level master, it is now unrealistic."

"Is there any way to temporarily control a half-step B-level master?"

"In other words, it is also possible to make him unable to participate in the battle for a short period of time."

Lin Xuan thought for a while and said.

Hearing what Lin Xuan said, the three Patriarchs bowed their heads and thought.

"If you want to trap a half-step B-level master in a short time, it's not impossible."

Yu Chengjie pondered for a moment and said something.

At the same time, Yu Chengjie looked at Fang Qingtian and Bai Zhanyi, the two patriarchs.

These two patriarchs are also the best among the people, and they can know the elegance when they hear the string songs.

Immediately understood what Yu Chengjie meant.

"You mean, the treasure of your Yu family, the Seven Jade Cosmic Cover?"

Fang Qingtian asked Xiang Yuchengjie.

"No, just relying on the Yu Family's Seven Jade Cosmic Shield, it is more than enough to trap any late C-level masters."

"However, I'm afraid it will be difficult to trap a half-step B-level master."

Bai Zhanyi spoke.

"If you add my Bai family's white light five dragon bracelet, the hope will be greatly increased."

Bai Zhanyi said.

"If that's the case, let's count our Fang family's Sifang glazed bowl."

"It should be safe, right?"

Fang Qingtian suddenly realized, and immediately continued.

"What is the situation of the town's treasure that the three mentioned?"

Lin Xuan didn't know why, so he asked immediately.

"Big families like ours have treasures that have been passed down from generation to generation."

"It can be said that it is a kind of magical treasure."

"It can be used to assist in cultivation, or it can be used to kill enemies."

"Of course, you can also choose to use it to trap enemies."

Yu Chengjie explained to Lin Xuan.

"It's just that it's impossible to easily use this kind of town treasure."

"Because, although they have strong power, they are consumables for us."

"Because the charging method has long been lost."

Yu Chengjie continued, Fang Qingtian and Bai Zhanyi, the two patriarchs, also nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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