Chapter 408 How to deal with it
"Lin Xuan, I think it's better to ask for your opinion on this matter."

The three patriarchs were silent for a while, but Yu Chengjie was the first to break the silence.

The three Patriarchs walked to Lin Xuan together and asked for his opinion.

Immediately, Yu Chengjie expressed their concerns.

After hearing this, Lin Xuan expressed his understanding.

"Uncle Yu, do you have any means to control these people?"

Lin Xuan thought for a while and asked Yu Chengjie.

"Well, you mean..."

Yu Chengjie glanced at Lin Xuan and understood what he meant.

Lin Xuan said that it is natural to use certain drugs to control these people.

Or have some handle on these people.

Knowing that Yu Chengjie understood what he meant, Lin Xuan nodded.

"This one……"

"My Yu family has always treated people kindly, but this kind of thing has never happened before."

Yu Chengjie shook his head slowly.

"My Fang family never had one."

Fang Qingtian also shook his head.

"This kind of thing, our major families in Hangzhou generally don't have it."

"If there is any possibility, it is only the blood shadow."

Bai Zhanyi mentioned Blood Shadow contemptuously.

"That said, these people are really difficult to control."

Lin Xuan said in a deep voice.

"I remember that the Su family was coerced by Qianhuan Company, so they also participated in this battle?"

Lin Xuan asked a question.

"indeed so."

Yu Chengjie nodded.

"Except this time the Su family has no choice but to be our enemy."

"Did the Su family have a holiday with the three of you before?"

Lin Xuan asked the three masters.

"My Yu family does not interfere with the Su family's well water."

Yu Chengjie said.

"My Fang family and Yu's family had some conflicts in the business field before."

"But that's normal and nothing."

Fang Qingtian mentioned the relationship between the Fang family and the Su family.

"My Bai family used to have a little awkwardness with the Su family because of the dog."

"But this is already a long time ago, and it is not a deep hatred."

Bai Zhanyi said.

"it is good."

After hearing what the three Patriarchs had said, Lin Xuan spoke up.

Afterwards, Lin Xuan walked over to a group of C-level masters from Qianhuan Company.

Seeing Lin Xuan walking towards them, these people were frightened and backed away.

In their hearts at this moment, Lin Xuan is already like a demon god.

"Which of you belong to the Su family?"

"Stand up now!"

Lin Xuan said to the more than 100 people.

"I, I, I am."

"Me too!"

A small group of people in this group spoke up immediately and stood up quickly.

Lin Xuan took a rough look, and there were about twenty people.

"How many people did the Su family send to join the battle this time?"

Lin Xuan asked.

"A total of 25 people from our Su family came out."

"Now there are 22 left."

A C-level late master from the Su family said respectfully to Lin Xuan.


Lin Xuan nodded expressionlessly.

It seems that the three who disappeared were just after Qian Xuantian ordered the entire attack.

Died in the melee.

"I know that this time your Su family has no choice but to send you to be our enemy."

"But, for whatever reason, it has been done."

"So there has to be a price to pay."

Lin Xuan said coldly.

"Well, I don't want to kill them all."

"After all, neither your Su family nor the Yu family, Fang family, and Bai family have any serious grievances."

"I give you two options."

"First, I'll kill you all here."

"After you die, this matter will be written off."

"In the future, I will not trouble your Su family again."

Lin Xuan gave the first option.

But those members of the Su family trembled when they heard this.

What is the choice?

After killing the 22nd C extremely high of the Su family here, the strength of the Su family is equivalent to being destroyed by 80.00%.

Even if Lin Xuan doesn't trouble the Su family in the future.

The Su family will also completely fall out of the first echelon of the Hangcheng family because of the sharp decline in strength.

Since then, it has been reduced to a small family.

It seems that we can only choose the second condition given by Lin Xuan.

"Second, your Su family will give us corresponding compensation."

"For the time being, it will be half of your Su family's property."

"Of course, you can also understand that Su uses half of his property in exchange for your lives."

"Two options, you choose."

Lin Xuan gave the second option.

Is this still an option?

But anyone with a little brain knows to choose the second one, right?
Everyone knew that Lin Xuan's first condition was actually to pave the way for the second condition.

"This, this..."

"We naturally don't want to choose the first point."

The C-level late master of the Su family said to Lin Xuan tremblingly.

"When you can live, no one wants to die."


"So, you chose the second option, right?"

Lin Xuan said lightly.

"But, but this second condition."

"Here, the ratio you proposed."

"We still can't make the decisions ourselves."

"Can you give us some time and ask the Patriarch for instructions?"

The C-level late master of the Su family hesitated for a moment and asked Lin Xuan.

"It's natural to be human."

Lin Xuan nodded.

So, the C-level late master of the Su family took out his mobile phone.

He found a number and dialed it, waiting anxiously.

After a while, the phone was connected.

A middle-aged man's voice came from the other side, but it sounded very tired.

The master of the Su family didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately reported everything that happened here to the person on the phone.


"Are you serious?"

When the master of the Su family mentioned the news that Qianhuan Company had lost to the Yu Family Alliance.

There was an exclamation of disbelief on the phone.

Afterwards, the expert continued to make important reports.

Finally, the two options mentioned by Lin Xuan were proposed.

After a while, the C-level late master of the Su family hung up the phone carefully.

"Mr. Lin, the Patriarch chose the second option you gave."

The expert walked up to Lin Xuan, bowed his head cautiously and said.

"The Patriarch asked me to bring you a message. I'm really sorry about this incident."

"Wait tomorrow, he will personally come to the door to make amends."

The master's voice became more and more respectful, and there was a sense of relaxation in his tone, as if he had survived a catastrophe.

"okay, I get it."

"You take the Su family back first."

"Tell your patriarch that you can come to Yu's house."

Lin Xuan nodded and waved his hands to the master.


The master responded, and then quickly left with all the C-level masters of the Su family.

It seemed that he didn't want to stay here any longer.

Seeing this way of handling, the three Patriarchs nodded.

Since the Su family is willing to bow their heads, there is nothing wrong with letting them go.

(End of this chapter)

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