Chapter 409
What's more, the Yu Family Alliance can get a lot of compensation.

Although the Su family lost part of their property, the vitality of the family remained.

This is something that is good for both parties.

After Lin Xuan dealt with all the C-level masters of the Su family, he walked in front of the remaining C-level masters.

Now the remaining 130 people are all subordinates of Qianhuan Company.

Just now when they saw that Lin Xuan had easily let go of the C-level masters of the Su family, they couldn't help feeling a little lucky.

But then it occurred to him that people like himself were subordinates of Qianhuan Company.

Unlike the Su family, they were forced to get involved in this war.

So, can Lin Xuan let people like himself go?

The Yu family, the Fang family and the Bai family, can they let people like themselves go?
they do not know.

"If you guys are all killed, it doesn't seem too good."

Lin Xuan stood in front of the C-level masters of Qianhuan Company, muttering to himself.

It seems to be talking to himself, and it seems to be speaking to the masters of Qianhuan Company.

"You, if you feel bad."

"You can let us go!"

"We will never forget your great kindness!"

After hearing this, the masters of Qianhuan Company immediately talked in a hurry.

I'm afraid that Lin Xuan will change his mind later and kill them all.

At this time, no one was concerned about their own face.

All put the attitude down to the lowest.

This is a critical moment of life and death, who cares about face?
"It's all quiet."

Seeing Lin Xuan, he just said three words lightly.

A needle drop could be heard in an instant, and the silence was eerily strange.

Only the tense breathing of these people remained, which seemed extremely funny.

"I'll ask you a few questions and answer them truthfully."

Lin Xuan spoke.

These masters of Qianhuan Company immediately nodded their heads like chickens pecking rice.

"Did Qianhuan Company impose any restrictions on you?"

"Or, is there any means to control your freedom or life?"

Lin Xuan asked a question.

In fact, Lin Xuan has always had doubts about the strength of Qianhuan Company.

Although Qianhuan Company is a new force fostered by Blood Shadow.

However, his strength is too huge.

If Blood Shadow wants to make a puppet force to block the gun for himself in front or do some inconvenient things.

There is really no need to come up with so many masters.

Moreover, these masters of Qianhuan Company.

It is absolutely impossible that they are all sent by the blood shadow.

Lin Xuan knew that the strength of Qianhuan Company must be inferior to that of Blood Shadow.

At the peak of Qianhuan Company, there were about [-] C-level masters!

In other words, Blood Shadow would have at least this many masters.

But if these two forces are added together, there are at least [-] C-level masters!

What is this concept?
You can definitely do whatever you want in Hangcheng, call the wind and call the rain!
Even the official of Hangcheng has nothing to do with so many masters.

If these masters are all from Blood Shadow, there is absolutely no need for Blood Shadow to do anything extra.

Create a puppet like Qianhuan Company.

That's why Lin Xuan asked this question.

He wondered if these masters had some tricks in the hands of Qianhuan Company.

In other words, he was controlled by Blood Shadow, so he had to work for Qianhuan Company.

As soon as Lin Xuan said this, these people immediately looked at each other in blank dismay.

After a while, someone twitched and spoke.

"Mr. Lin, it is like this."

“We all come from different backgrounds.”

Among the masters of Qianhuan Company, a late C-level master stood out.

"In the early days of the establishment of Qianhuan Company, most of the masters in it were sent by Blood Shadow."

"There are also some masters among them, who were not C-level cultivation at that time."

"However, they have been cultivated by the blood shadow since they were young, so that they can be used in the future."

"After Qianhuan Company established a firm foothold in Hangzhou, its development has become more and more rapid."

"As for Qianhuan Company's financial strength, it didn't take long for it to reach a terrifying figure."

"At this time, Qianhuan Company began to secretly recruit troops."

"I promise great profits to the masters who are willing to join Qianhuan Company."

"As a result, Qianhuan Company has attracted many C-level experts who value profit."

"I'm not afraid of your jokes, I'm one of them."

The late C-level master said with a look of embarrassment on his face.

"It's common for people to make money and birds to die for food. It's common to chase fame and fortune, which is understandable."

"You keep talking."

Lin Xuan nodded, motioning for him to continue talking.

"Of course, among all the masters of Qianhuan Company."

"There are also a small number of masters who were caught by Qianhuan Company."

"Or he offended Qianhuan Company and was forced to join Qianhuan Company when he was desperate."

"As far as I know, there are about 30 to [-] such masters."

"That's how it should be."

After hearing this, Lin Xuan understood, and the three owners also understood why Qianhuan Company had developed so rapidly.

With this three-pronged approach, the speed of winning over masters is naturally much faster than families like the Yu family, Fang family, and Bai family.

Because most of the C-level masters in the family are members of their own clan.

Although there are also a small number of C-level masters who are recruited from outside and given their family names.

But such people are a minority after all.

"You are all subordinates of Qianhuan Company, you should know which people were sent by Blood Shadow."

"Do you know who entered Qianhuan Company for profit and who entered under coercion?"

Lin Xuan asked the C-level late master.

"This, although I can't guarantee it absolutely."

"But most of them know."

The C-level late master thought for a while and said to Lin Xuan.

And the wording is very careful.

"Okay, now that I know."

"Then, except for the C-level masters sent by Blood Shadow."

"The rest stand up and form a few teams."

Lin Xuan nodded and said to the masters of Qianhuan Company.

"You are here to keep an eye on me, which one was sent by the blood shadow to get away with it."

"Just point it out to me."

Lin Xuan said to the late C-level master.


The late C-level expert responded.

Immediately, people stood up one after another.

And some of them who wanted to get away with it were also picked out by him.

Not long after, the masters of Qianhuan Company had divided into two queues.

There are about 70 more masters assigned by Xueying to Qianhuan Company.

And the rest, of course, because of profit or forced to join Qianhuan Company.

"Uncle Yu, the two Patriarchs."

"I think these people all joined Qianhuan Company for some reason."

"There's no need to kill them all."

Lin Xuan pointed to those masters who entered Qianhuan Company for fame and fortune or were coerced.

"And the rest are C-level masters assigned by Blood Shadow."

"There is no need to stay."

"How do you feel?"

Lin Xuan asked the three Patriarchs.

(End of this chapter)

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