Chapter 417 Lin Xuan's Doubt

"Okay, okay, I promise, I promise."

Seeing Xiao Qingyao's appearance, Lin Xuan had no choice but to agree.

It's just that in this way, Hangcheng will definitely not be able to go back in a short time.

My Xiangxiang!
Lin Xuan thought to himself.

"You seem a little reluctant."

"What are you thinking?"

"You seem to have something on your mind?"

Xiao Qingyao glanced at Lin Xuan and asked suspiciously.


"What's on my mind?"

"I'm just thinking about what I should do during this time in Zongmen."

"There is still this time, wife, you have worked really hard."

Lin Xuan hurriedly explained.

Fortunately, he was quick to adapt, so Xiao Qingyao didn't become suspicious at all.


Xiao Qingyao nodded.

"By the way, these days."

"There have always been unidentified bastards coming to the sect to make trouble."

"They come irregularly and it's not sure when exactly."

"It could be in the morning, it could be in the afternoon, it could be in the evening."

"Come once today, and again tomorrow."

"It really pissed me off."

Xiao Qingyao seemed to remember something, and said to Lin Xuan.

"Those people who came before, although their strength is not high."

"But it's really disgusting to go left and right again."

"Another time, a half-step B-level came."

"It was directly destroyed by me."

"These oddballs have made my work and rest time seriously disordered."

Xiao Qingyao said angrily.

"Just now that you're back, I'll leave these things to you."

Xiao Qingyao glanced at Lin Xuan and said to him.



Lin Xuan's eyes widened suddenly.

"Yes, it's you."

"Any questions?"

Xiao Qingyao nodded.

"I heard what you said just now. Didn't you win against half-step B-level masters?"

"What else are you afraid of?"

"Besides, when I faced that shemale Mito Shunpei."

"Let's shoot together, I also know your strength."

"Dealing with these people is certainly not a problem."

"Except for me, no one in the sect can handle half-step B-level masters."

"So this task can only be entrusted to you with honor."

Xiao Qingyao said it as a matter of course.

"Why, you don't want to?"

Seeing that Lin Xuan didn't respond, Xiao Qingyao's tone suddenly became dangerous.

"Ah, I would like to."

"Why don't you want to?"

"It is my honor to serve my wife and share her worries."

Lin Xuan hastily expressed his opinion.

"Well, that's about the same."

Xiao Qingyao nodded.

"Those people should be killed, so you don't have to show mercy."

"As long as you find someone sneaking around, come and take a stroll nearby."

"Kill them all!"

Xiao Qingyao said coldly.

Lin Xuan nodded.

But I was thinking in my heart, you don't know what to do!

What are you swaying in the future?
It's all right now, the female devil who has already restrained a lot.

Your nature has been inspired by you again!

The problem is, in the end, it was me who felt uncomfortable!
Lin Xuan made up his mind to meet the people Xiao Qingyao was talking about.

They must be taught a hard lesson.

Just let them die happily, isn't that too cheap for them!

"Recently, I've been exhausted to death. It's just right that you're back now."

"I'll go take a beauty sleep first, and come to you when I wake up."

Xiao Qingyao stood up and said to Lin Xuan.

As he spoke, he stretched his waist, revealing his perfect body curve.

Lin Xuan stared straight.

After not seeing each other for so long, Xiao Qingyao's figure seemed to have gotten better.

"See you."

Xiao Qingyao walked to the door, said something, and left.

Lin Xuan stayed where he was, digesting the information he got.

During such a period of time, Tian Yizong often encounters people coming to make trouble?

Although Xiao Qingyao has the title of female devil, it is not unreasonable.

Even if someone really breaks into Tianyi School, as long as it is not intentional.

She won't make a move either.

What Xiao Qingyao said was that she killed everyone who came.

Among them, there are even half-step B-level masters.

This is intriguing.

Moreover, listen to Xiao Qingyao's meaning.

Knowing that she is a half-step B-level cultivation base, and mercilessly killing those people who caused trouble in the next day.

Those people dared to come over!
This is not common sense.

Therefore, Lin Xuan reckoned that this matter would most likely be related to the mysterious mission that Xiao Qingyao refused to disclose to him.

Do you want to ask Hua Jieyu?
Lin Xuan was thinking about it.


At this moment, a voice came in from outside the door, disrupting Lin Xuan's thoughts.

Lin Xuan turned his head to look, only to see a person hastily pushing the door open.

It was Aunt Lan.

The entire Tianyi sect, except for Lin Xuan.

Probably only this Aunt Lan would dare to enter and leave Xiao Qingyao's office so casually.

"Aunt Lan, long time no see."

Lin Xuan greeted Aunt Lan.


"Lin Xuan, is that you?"

The moment Aunt Lan saw Lin Xuan, she was surprised.

"You are finally back, the head has been whispering about you all this time."

Aunt Lan said something to Lin Xuan.

whisper me?

It seems that Xiao Qingyao doesn't care about herself as much as she seems, hahaha.

Thinking of this in Lin Xuan's heart, he was very happy.

"Hey, where's the master?"

"I have something to report!"

Aunt Lan didn't see Xiao Qingyao's shadow in the room, so she was very anxious.

"Oh, the master is going to sleep."

"She said that she was very tired during this period, and she wanted to catch up on a beauty sleep."

Lin Xuan explained to Aunt Lan.


"Beauty sleep?"

"What time is it, are you still going to bed?"

Aunt Lan said in surprise.

"What's the matter, Aunt Lan, tell me in advance if you need anything."

Lin Xuan said to Aunt Lan.

"By the way, the head told me about a recent incident where someone came to make trouble."

"When the leader is resting, I have full power to resolve these matters."

Lin Xuan seemed to have guessed why Aunt Lan was looking for Xiao Qingyao, and said to Aunt Lan.


"The master handed this matter over to you?"

Aunt Lan asked in disbelief.

"What, is there a problem?"

Lin Xuan said with a smile.

"Ah, no problem, no problem, it's the same for you."

Only then did Aunt Lan remember that when she was dealing with Mito Shunpei.

Lin Xuan in front of him also made great efforts.

Lin Xuan is not like an ordinary Tianyi Sect disciple, his strength is enough to solve these matters.

Otherwise, Xiao Qingyao would not just hand over such an important matter to Lin Xuan.

After all, she is the head of Tianyi Sect, so she can't act according to her own will.

It is to take the overall situation into consideration.

"Lin Xuan, come with me."

Aunt Lan said something to Lin Xuan, and then walked outside.

"it is good."

Lin Xuan nodded and followed behind Aunt Lan.

(End of this chapter)

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